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Created September 10, 2018 19:22
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Category theory in Agda!
module Cat where
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Level
record Category (o a ℓ : Level) : Set (suc (o ⊔ a ⊔ ℓ)) where
infix 4 _≈_
infixr 9 _∘_
Ob : Set o
Mor′ : Ob → Ob → Setoid a ℓ
Mor : Ob → Ob → Set a
Mor α β = Setoid.Carrier (Mor′ α β)
_≈_ : {α β : Ob} → Rel (Mor α β) ℓ
_≈_ {α} {β} = Setoid._≈_ (Mor′ α β)
ι : (α : Ob) → Mor α α
_∘_ : {α β γ : Ob} (f : Mor β γ) (g : Mor α β) → Mor α γ
∘-ι : ∀ {α β : Ob} → (f : Mor α β) → f ∘ ι α ≈ f
ι-∘ : ∀ {α β : Ob} → (f : Mor α β) → ι β ∘ f ≈ f
∘-∘ : ∀ {α β γ δ} (f : Mor γ δ) (g : Mor β γ) (h : Mor α β) → f ∘ (g ∘ h) ≈ (f ∘ g) ∘ h
∘-cong : {α β γ : Ob} {f f′ : Mor β γ} {g g′ : Mor α β} → f ≈ f′ → g ≈ g′ → f ∘ g ≈ f′ ∘ g′
Set′ : (ℓ : Level) → Category (suc ℓ) _ _
Set′ ℓ = record {
Ob = Set ℓ;
Mor′ = _→-setoid_;
ι = λ _ x → x;
_∘_ = λ f g x → f (g x);
∘-ι = λ f x → refl;
ι-∘ = λ f x → refl;
∘-∘ = λ f g h x → refl;
∘-cong = λ {_} {_} {_} {_} {f′} {g} {_} p q x → Setoid.trans (setoid _) (p (g x)) (cong f′ (q x))
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open Category using (Ob; Mor; ι)
record IsProduct {o a ℓ : Level} (𝒞 : Category o a ℓ) (α β α×β : Ob 𝒞) : Set (o ⊔ a ⊔ ℓ) where
open Category 𝒞 using (_∘_; _≈_)
π₁ : Mor 𝒞 α×β α
π₂ : Mor 𝒞 α×β β
<_,_> : {γ : Ob 𝒞} (f : Mor 𝒞 γ α) (g : Mor 𝒞 γ β) → Mor 𝒞 γ α×β
π₁-× : {γ : Ob 𝒞} (f : Mor 𝒞 γ α) (g : Mor 𝒞 γ β) → π₁ ∘ < f , g > ≈ f
π₂-× : {γ : Ob 𝒞} (f : Mor 𝒞 γ α) (g : Mor 𝒞 γ β) → π₂ ∘ < f , g > ≈ g
×-unique : {γ : Ob 𝒞} (g : Mor 𝒞 γ α×β) → < π₁ ∘ g , π₂ ∘ g > ≈ g
record HasProducts {o a ℓ : Level} (𝒞 : Category o a ℓ) : Set (o ⊔ a ⊔ ℓ) where
open Category 𝒞 using (_∘_; _≈_)
_×_ : Ob 𝒞 → Ob 𝒞 → Ob 𝒞
π₁ : {α β : Ob 𝒞} → Mor 𝒞 (α × β) α
π₂ : {α β : Ob 𝒞} → Mor 𝒞 (α × β) β
<_,_> : {α β γ : Ob 𝒞} (f : Mor 𝒞 α β) (g : Mor 𝒞 α γ) → Mor 𝒞 α (β × γ)
π₁-× : {α β γ : Ob 𝒞} (f : Mor 𝒞 α β) (g : Mor 𝒞 α γ) → π₁ ∘ < f , g > ≈ f
π₂-× : {α β γ : Ob 𝒞} (f : Mor 𝒞 α β) (g : Mor 𝒞 α γ) → π₂ ∘ < f , g > ≈ g
×-unique : {α β γ : Ob 𝒞} (g : Mor 𝒞 α (β × γ)) → < π₁ ∘ g , π₂ ∘ g > ≈ g
isProduct : ∀ α β → IsProduct 𝒞 α β (α × β)
isProduct α β = record {
π₁ = π₁;
π₂ = π₂;
<_,_> = <_,_>;
π₁-× = π₁-×;
π₂-× = π₂-×;
×-unique = ×-unique
_××_ : {α β γ δ : Ob 𝒞} (f : Mor 𝒞 α β) (g : Mor 𝒞 γ δ) → Mor 𝒞 (α × γ) (β × δ)
f ×× g = < f ∘ π₁ , g ∘ π₂ >
SetHasProducts : ∀ {ℓ} → HasProducts (Set′ ℓ)
SetHasProducts = record {
_×_ = _×_;
π₁ = proj₁;
π₂ = proj₂;
<_,_> = <_,_>;
π₁-× = λ f g x → refl;
π₂-× = λ f g x → refl;
×-unique = λ g x → refl
open import Data.Product
_ᵒᵖ : {o a ℓ : Level} → Category o a ℓ → Category o a ℓ
𝒞 ᵒᵖ = record {
Ob = Ob 𝒞;
Mor′ = λ α β → Mor′ β α;
ι = ι 𝒞;
_∘_ = λ f g → g ∘ f;
∘-ι = ι-∘;
ι-∘ = ∘-ι;
∘-∘ = λ f g h → Setoid.sym (Mor′ _ _) (∘-∘ h g f);
∘-cong = λ p q → ∘-cong q p
open Category 𝒞
HasCoproducts : {o a ℓ : Level} (𝒞 : Category o a ℓ) → Set (o ⊔ a ⊔ ℓ)
HasCoproducts 𝒞 = HasProducts (𝒞 ᵒᵖ)
SetHasCoproducts : ∀ {ℓ} → HasCoproducts (Set′ ℓ)
SetHasCoproducts = record {
_×_ = _⊎_;
π₁ = inj₁;
π₂ = inj₂;
<_,_> = [_,_];
π₁-× = λ f g x → refl;
π₂-× = λ f g x → refl;
×-unique = λ g → λ { (inj₁ x) → refl ; (inj₂ y) → refl}
open import Data.Sum
record HasTerminal {o a ℓ : Level} (𝒞 : Category o a ℓ) : Set (o ⊔ a ⊔ ℓ) where
open Category 𝒞 using (_≈_)
⊤ : Ob 𝒞
terminate : (α : Ob 𝒞) → Mor 𝒞 α ⊤
terminal : {α : Ob 𝒞} (f : Mor 𝒞 α ⊤) → f ≈ terminate α
SetHasTerminal : ∀ {ℓ} → HasTerminal (Set′ ℓ)
SetHasTerminal = record {
⊤ = Lift ⊤;
terminate = λ α x → lift tt;
terminal = λ f x → refl
open import Data.Unit
HasInitial : {o a ℓ : Level} (𝒞 : Category o a ℓ) → Set (o ⊔ a ⊔ ℓ)
HasInitial 𝒞 = HasTerminal (𝒞 ᵒᵖ)
SetHasinitial : ∀ {ℓ} → HasInitial (Set′ ℓ)
SetHasinitial = record {
⊤ = Lift ⊥;
terminate = λ α ();
terminal = λ f ()
open import Data.Empty
record HasExponential {o a ℓ : Level} {𝒞 : Category o a ℓ} (Π : HasProducts 𝒞) : Set (o ⊔ a ⊔ ℓ) where
open Category 𝒞 using (_∘_; _≈_)
open HasProducts Π using (_×_; _××_)
_^_ : Ob 𝒞 → Ob 𝒞 → Ob 𝒞
eval : {α β : Ob 𝒞} → Mor 𝒞 ((β ^ α) × α) β
transpose : {α β γ : Ob 𝒞} (g : Mor 𝒞 (α × β) γ) → Mor 𝒞 α (γ ^ β)
evaluates : {α β γ : Ob 𝒞} (g : Mor 𝒞 (α × β) γ) → eval ∘ (transpose g ×× ι 𝒞 _) ≈ g
transposes : {α β γ : Ob 𝒞} (h : Mor 𝒞 α (γ ^ β)) → transpose (eval ∘ (h ×× ι 𝒞 _)) ≈ h
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
SetHasExponential : ∀ {ℓ} → Extensionality ℓ ℓ → HasExponential (SetHasProducts)
SetHasExponential extensionality = record {
_^_ = λ α β → β → α;
eval = λ { (f , x) → f x};
transpose = λ g x y → g (x , y);
evaluates = λ g x → refl;
transposes = λ h x → extensionality λ y → refl
open import Data.Product
record Functor {oₛ aₛ ℓₛ oₜ aₜ ℓₜ} (𝒮 : Category oₛ aₛ ℓₛ) (𝒯 : Category oₜ aₜ ℓₜ) : Set (oₛ ⊔ aₛ ⊔ oₜ ⊔ aₜ ⊔ ℓₛ ⊔ ℓₜ) where
open Category 𝒮 using () renaming (_≈_ to _∼_; _∘_ to _∙_)
open Category 𝒯 using (_≈_; _∘_)
⟨_⟩ : Ob 𝒮 → Ob 𝒯
map : {α β : Ob 𝒮} → Mor 𝒮 α β → Mor 𝒯 ⟨ α ⟩ ⟨ β ⟩
map-ι : (α : Ob 𝒮) → map (ι 𝒮 α) ≈ ι 𝒯 ⟨ α ⟩
map-∘ : {α β γ : Ob 𝒮} (f : Mor 𝒮 β γ) (g : Mor 𝒮 α β) → map (f ∙ g) ≈ map f ∘ map g
map-≈ : {α β : Ob 𝒮} {f f′ : Mor 𝒮 α β} → f ∼ f′ → map f ≈ map f′
record NaturalTransformation {oₛ aₛ ℓₛ oₜ aₜ ℓₜ : Level} {𝒮 : Category oₛ aₛ ℓₛ} {𝒯 : Category oₜ aₜ ℓₜ} (F G : Functor 𝒮 𝒯) : Set (oₛ ⊔ aₛ ⊔ aₜ ⊔ ℓₜ) where
open Functor F using (⟨_⟩) renaming (map to Fmap)
open Functor G using () renaming (⟨_⟩ to ⟪_⟫; map to Gmap)
open Category 𝒯 using (_∘_; _≈_)
component : (α : Ob 𝒮) → Mor 𝒯 ⟨ α ⟩ ⟪ α ⟫
natural : {α β : Ob 𝒮} (f : Mor 𝒮 α β) → component β ∘ Fmap f ≈ Gmap f ∘ component α
record IsIsomorphism {o a ℓ : Level} (𝒞 : Category o a ℓ) {α β : Ob 𝒞} (f : Mor 𝒞 α β) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) where
open Category 𝒞 using (_∘_; _≈_)
inverse : Mor 𝒞 β α
retract : f ∘ inverse ≈ ι 𝒞 β
section : inverse ∘ f ≈ ι 𝒞 α
record Isomorphism {o a ℓ : Level} (𝒞 : Category o a ℓ) (α β : Ob 𝒞) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) where
iso : Mor 𝒞 α β
isIsomorphism : IsIsomorphism 𝒞 iso
open IsIsomorphism isIsomorphism public
IsomorphismSetoid : {o a ℓ : Level} (𝒞 : Category o a ℓ) → Setoid o (a ⊔ ℓ)
IsomorphismSetoid 𝒞 = record {
Carrier = Ob 𝒞;
_≈_ = Isomorphism 𝒞;
isEquivalence = record {
refl = record {
iso = ι 𝒞 _;
isIsomorphism = record {
inverse = ι 𝒞 _;
retract = ι-∘ _;
section = ∘-ι _
sym = λ p → record {
iso = Isomorphism.inverse p;
isIsomorphism = record {
inverse = Isomorphism.iso p;
retract = Isomorphism.section p;
section = Isomorphism.retract p
trans = λ p q → record {
iso = Isomorphism.iso q ∘ Isomorphism.iso p;
isIsomorphism = record {
inverse = Isomorphism.inverse p ∘ Isomorphism.inverse q;
retract = begin⟨ Mor′ _ _ ⟩
(Isomorphism.iso q ∘ Isomorphism.iso p) ∘ (Isomorphism.inverse p ∘ Isomorphism.inverse q)
≈⟨ Setoid.sym (Mor′ _ _) (∘-∘ _ _ _) ⟩
Isomorphism.iso q ∘ (Isomorphism.iso p ∘ (Isomorphism.inverse p ∘ Isomorphism.inverse q))
≈⟨ ∘-cong (Setoid.refl (Mor′ _ _)) (∘-∘ _ _ _) ⟩
Isomorphism.iso q ∘ ((Isomorphism.iso p ∘ Isomorphism.inverse p) ∘ Isomorphism.inverse q)
≈⟨ ∘-cong (Setoid.refl (Mor′ _ _)) (∘-cong (Isomorphism.retract p) (Setoid.refl (Mor′ _ _))) ⟩
Isomorphism.iso q ∘ (ι 𝒞 _ ∘ Isomorphism.inverse q)
≈⟨ ∘-cong (Setoid.refl (Mor′ _ _)) (ι-∘ _) ⟩
Isomorphism.iso q ∘ Isomorphism.inverse q
≈⟨ Isomorphism.retract q ⟩
ι 𝒞 _
section = begin⟨ Mor′ _ _ ⟩
(Isomorphism.inverse p ∘ Isomorphism.inverse q) ∘ (Isomorphism.iso q ∘ Isomorphism.iso p)
≈⟨ Setoid.sym (Mor′ _ _) (∘-∘ _ _ _) ⟩
Isomorphism.inverse p ∘ (Isomorphism.inverse q ∘ (Isomorphism.iso q ∘ Isomorphism.iso p))
≈⟨ ∘-cong (Setoid.refl (Mor′ _ _)) (∘-∘ _ _ _) ⟩
Isomorphism.inverse p ∘ ((Isomorphism.inverse q ∘ Isomorphism.iso q) ∘ Isomorphism.iso p)
≈⟨ ∘-cong (Setoid.refl (Mor′ _ _)) (∘-cong (Isomorphism.section q) (Setoid.refl (Mor′ _ _))) ⟩
Isomorphism.inverse p ∘ (ι 𝒞 _ ∘ Isomorphism.iso p)
≈⟨ ∘-cong (Setoid.refl (Mor′ _ _)) (ι-∘ _) ⟩
Isomorphism.inverse p ∘ Isomorphism.iso p
≈⟨ Isomorphism.section p ⟩
ι 𝒞 _
open Category 𝒞 using (Mor′; _∘_; ι-∘; ∘-ι; ∘-∘; ∘-cong)
open import Relation.Binary.SetoidReasoning
[_,_] : {oₛ aₛ ℓₛ oₜ aₜ ℓₜ : Level} (𝒮 : Category oₛ aₛ ℓₛ) (𝒯 : Category oₜ aₜ ℓₜ) → Category _ _ _
[ 𝒮 , 𝒯 ] = record {
Ob = Functor 𝒮 𝒯;
Mor′ = λ F G → record {
Carrier = NaturalTransformation F G;
_≈_ = λ ℵ ℶ → (α : Ob 𝒮) → NaturalTransformation.component ℵ α ≈ NaturalTransformation.component ℶ α;
isEquivalence = record {
refl = λ _ → Setoid.refl (Mor′ _ _);
sym = λ p α → Setoid.sym (Mor′ _ _) (p α);
trans = λ p q → λ α → Setoid.trans (Mor′ _ _) (p α) (q α)
_∘_ = λ {F} {G} {H} ℵ ℶ → record {
component = λ α → NaturalTransformation.component ℵ α ∘ NaturalTransformation.component ℶ α;
natural = λ f → begin⟨ Mor′ _ _ ⟩
(NaturalTransformation.component ℵ _ ∘ NaturalTransformation.component ℶ _) ∘ F f
≈⟨ Setoid.sym (Mor′ _ _) (∘-∘ _ _ _) ⟩
NaturalTransformation.component ℵ _ ∘ (NaturalTransformation.component ℶ _ ∘ F f)
≈⟨ ∘-cong (Setoid.refl (Mor′ _ _)) (NaturalTransformation.natural ℶ _) ⟩
NaturalTransformation.component ℵ _ ∘ ( G f ∘ NaturalTransformation.component ℶ _)
≈⟨ ∘-∘ _ _ _ ⟩
(NaturalTransformation.component ℵ _ ∘ G f) ∘ NaturalTransformation.component ℶ _
≈⟨ ∘-cong (NaturalTransformation.natural ℵ _) (Setoid.refl (Mor′ _ _)) ⟩
( H f ∘ NaturalTransformation.component ℵ _) ∘ NaturalTransformation.component ℶ _
≈⟨ Setoid.sym (Mor′ _ _) (∘-∘ _ _ _) ⟩ H f ∘ (NaturalTransformation.component ℵ _ ∘ NaturalTransformation.component ℶ _)
ι = λ F → record {
component = λ α → ι 𝒯 (Functor.⟨_⟩ F α);
natural = λ f → begin⟨ Mor′ _ _ ⟩
ι 𝒯 (Functor.⟨_⟩ F _) ∘ F f
≈⟨ ι-∘ _ ⟩ F f
≈⟨ Setoid.sym (Mor′ _ _) (∘-ι _) ⟩ F f ∘ ι 𝒯 (Functor.⟨_⟩ F _)
ι-∘ = λ ℵ α → ι-∘ _;
∘-ι = λ ℵ α → ∘-ι _;
∘-∘ = λ ℵ ℶ ℷ α → ∘-∘ _ _ _;
∘-cong = λ p q α → ∘-cong (p α) (q α)
open Category 𝒯 using (_∘_; _≈_; Mor′; ι-∘; ∘-ι; ∘-∘; ∘-cong)
open import Relation.Binary.SetoidReasoning
Cat : (o a ℓ : Level) → Category _ _ _
Cat o a ℓ = record {
Ob = Category o a ℓ;
Mor′ = λ 𝒞 𝒟 → IsomorphismSetoid [ 𝒞 , 𝒟 ];
_∘_ = λ {𝒞} {𝒟} {ℰ} F G → record {
⟨_⟩ = λ α → Functor.⟨_⟩ F (Functor.⟨_⟩ G α);
map = λ f → F ( G f);
map-ι = λ α → Setoid.trans (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _) (≈ F (ι G α)) (ι F _);
map-∘ = λ f g → Setoid.trans (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _) (≈ F (∘ G f g)) (∘ F _ _);
map-≈ = λ p →≈ F (≈ G p)
ι = λ 𝒞 → record {
⟨_⟩ = λ α → α;
map = λ f → f;
map-ι = λ α → Setoid.refl (Category.Mor′ 𝒞 _ _);
map-∘ = λ f g → Setoid.refl (Category.Mor′ 𝒞 _ _);
map-≈ = λ p → p
ι-∘ = λ {𝒞} {𝒟} F → let open Category 𝒟 using (_∘_) in record {
iso = record {
component = λ α → ι 𝒟 _;
natural = λ f → begin⟨ Category.Mor′ 𝒟 _ _ ⟩
ι 𝒟 _ ∘ F f
≈⟨ Category.ι-∘ 𝒟 _ ⟩ F f
≈⟨ Setoid.sym (Category.Mor′ 𝒟 _ _) (Category.∘-ι 𝒟 _) ⟩ F f ∘ ι 𝒟 _
isIsomorphism = record {
inverse = record {
component = λ α → ι 𝒟 _;
natural = λ f → begin⟨ Category.Mor′ 𝒟 _ _ ⟩
ι 𝒟 _ ∘ F f
≈⟨ Category.ι-∘ 𝒟 _ ⟩ F f
≈⟨ Setoid.sym (Category.Mor′ 𝒟 _ _) (Category.∘-ι 𝒟 _) ⟩ F f ∘ ι 𝒟 _
section = λ α → Category.ι-∘ 𝒟 _;
retract = λ α → Category.∘-ι 𝒟 _
∘-ι = λ {𝒞} {𝒟} F → let open Category 𝒟 using (_∘_) in record {
iso = record {
component = λ α → ι 𝒟 _;
natural = λ f → begin⟨ Category.Mor′ 𝒟 _ _ ⟩
ι 𝒟 _ ∘ F f
≈⟨ Category.ι-∘ 𝒟 _ ⟩ F f
≈⟨ Setoid.sym (Category.Mor′ 𝒟 _ _) (Category.∘-ι 𝒟 _) ⟩ F f ∘ ι 𝒟 _
isIsomorphism = record {
inverse = record {
component = λ α → ι 𝒟 _;
natural = λ f → begin⟨ Category.Mor′ 𝒟 _ _ ⟩
ι 𝒟 _ ∘ F f
≈⟨ Category.ι-∘ 𝒟 _ ⟩ F f
≈⟨ Setoid.sym (Category.Mor′ 𝒟 _ _) (Category.∘-ι 𝒟 _)⟩ F f ∘ ι 𝒟 _
section = λ α → Category.ι-∘ 𝒟 _;
retract = λ α → Category.∘-ι 𝒟 _
∘-∘ = λ {𝒞} {𝒟} {ℰ} {ℱ} F G H → let open Category ℱ using (_∘_) in record {
iso = record {
component = λ α → ι ℱ _;
natural = λ f → begin⟨ Category.Mor′ ℱ _ _ ⟩
ι ℱ _ ∘ F ( G ( H f))
≈⟨ Category.ι-∘ ℱ _ ⟩ F ( G ( H f))
≈⟨ Setoid.sym (Category.Mor′ ℱ _ _) (Category.∘-ι ℱ _) ⟩ F ( G ( H f)) ∘ ι ℱ _
isIsomorphism = record {
inverse = record {
component = λ α → ι ℱ _;
natural = λ f → begin⟨ Category.Mor′ ℱ _ _ ⟩
ι ℱ _ ∘ F ( G ( H f))
≈⟨ Category.ι-∘ ℱ _ ⟩ F ( G ( H f))
≈⟨ Setoid.sym (Category.Mor′ ℱ _ _) (Category.∘-ι ℱ _) ⟩ F ( G ( H f)) ∘ ι ℱ _
section = λ α → Category.ι-∘ ℱ _;
retract = λ α → Category.∘-ι ℱ _
∘-cong = λ {𝒞} {𝒟} {ℰ} {F} {F′} {G} {G′} p q →
open Category 𝒟 using () renaming (_∘_ to _∙_)
open Category ℰ using (_∘_)
in record {
iso = record {
component = λ α → F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso q) α) ∘ NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso p) _;
natural = λ f → begin⟨ Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _ ⟩
( F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso q) _) ∘ NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso p) _) ∘ F ( G f)
≈⟨ Setoid.sym (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _) (Category.∘-∘ ℰ _ _ _) ⟩ F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso q) _) ∘ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso p) _ ∘ F ( G f))
≈⟨ Category.∘-cong ℰ (Setoid.refl (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _)) (NaturalTransformation.natural (Isomorphism.iso p) _) ⟩ F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso q) _) ∘ ( F′ ( G f) ∘ NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso p) _)
≈⟨ Category.∘-∘ ℰ _ _ _ ⟩
( F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso q) _ ) ∘ F′ ( G f)) ∘ NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso p) _
≈⟨ Category.∘-cong ℰ (Setoid.sym (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _) (∘ F′ _ _)) (Setoid.refl (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _)) ⟩
( F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso q) _ ∙ G f)) ∘ NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso p) _
≈⟨ Category.∘-cong ℰ (≈ F′ (NaturalTransformation.natural (Isomorphism.iso q) _)) (Setoid.refl (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _)) ⟩
( F′ ( G′ f ∙ NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso q) _)) ∘ NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso p) _
≈⟨ Category.∘-cong ℰ (∘ F′ _ _) (Setoid.refl (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _)) ⟩
( F′ ( G′ f) ∘ F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso q) _)) ∘ NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso p) _
≈⟨ Setoid.sym (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _) (Category.∘-∘ ℰ _ _ _) ⟩ F′ ( G′ f) ∘ ( F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso q) _) ∘ NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso p) _)
isIsomorphism = record {
inverse = record {
component = λ α → NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse p) _ ∘ F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse q) _);
natural = λ f → begin⟨ Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _ ⟩
(NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse p) _ ∘ F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse q) _)) ∘ F′ ( G′ f)
≈⟨ Setoid.sym (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _) (Category.∘-∘ ℰ _ _ _) ⟩
NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse p) _ ∘ ( F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse q) _) ∘ F′ ( G′ f))
≈⟨ Category.∘-cong ℰ (Setoid.refl (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _)) (Setoid.sym (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _) (∘ F′ _ _)) ⟩
NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse p) _ ∘ F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse q) _ ∙ G′ f)
≈⟨ Category.∘-cong ℰ (Setoid.refl (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _)) (≈ F′ (NaturalTransformation.natural (Isomorphism.inverse q) _)) ⟩
NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse p) _ ∘ F′ ( G f ∙ NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse q) _)
≈⟨ Category.∘-cong ℰ (Setoid.refl (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _)) (∘ F′ _ _) ⟩
NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse p) _ ∘ ( F′ ( G f) ∘ F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse q) _))
≈⟨ Category.∘-∘ ℰ _ _ _ ⟩
(NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse p) _ ∘ F′ ( G f)) ∘ F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse q) _)
≈⟨ Category.∘-cong ℰ (NaturalTransformation.natural (Isomorphism.inverse p) _) (Setoid.refl (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _)) ⟩
( F ( G f) ∘ NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse p) _) ∘ F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse q) _)
≈⟨ Setoid.sym (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _) (Category.∘-∘ ℰ _ _ _) ⟩ F ( G f) ∘ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse p) _ ∘ F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse q) _))
section = λ α → begin⟨ Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _ ⟩
(NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse p) _ ∘ F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse q) _)) ∘ ( F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso q) _) ∘ NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso p) _)
≈⟨ Setoid.sym (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _) (Category.∘-∘ ℰ _ _ _) ⟩
NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse p) _ ∘ ( F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse q) _) ∘ ( F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso q) _) ∘ NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso p) _))
≈⟨ Category.∘-cong ℰ (Setoid.refl (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _)) (Category.∘-∘ ℰ _ _ _) ⟩
NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse p) _ ∘ (( F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse q) _) ∘ F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso q) _)) ∘ NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso p) _)
≈⟨ Category.∘-cong ℰ (Setoid.refl (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _)) (Category.∘-cong ℰ (Setoid.sym (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _) (∘ F′ _ _)) (Setoid.refl (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _))) ⟩
NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse p) _ ∘ ( F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse q) _ ∙ NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso q) _) ∘ NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso p) _)
≈⟨ Category.∘-cong ℰ (Setoid.refl (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _)) (Category.∘-cong ℰ (≈ F′ (Isomorphism.section q _)) (Setoid.refl (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _))) ⟩
NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse p) _ ∘ ( F′ (ι 𝒟 _) ∘ NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso p) _)
≈⟨ Category.∘-cong ℰ (Setoid.refl (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _)) (Category.∘-cong ℰ (ι F′ _) (Setoid.refl (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _))) ⟩
NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse p) _ ∘ (ι ℰ _ ∘ NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso p) _)
≈⟨ Category.∘-cong ℰ (Setoid.refl (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _)) (Category.ι-∘ ℰ _) ⟩
NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse p) _ ∘ NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso p) _
≈⟨ Isomorphism.section p _ ⟩
ι ℰ _
retract = λ α → begin⟨ Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _ ⟩
( F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso q) _) ∘ NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso p) _) ∘ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse p) _ ∘ F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse q) _))
≈⟨ Setoid.sym (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _) (Category.∘-∘ ℰ _ _ _) ⟩ F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso q) _) ∘ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso p) _ ∘ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse p) _ ∘ F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse q) _)))
≈⟨ Category.∘-cong ℰ (Setoid.refl (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _)) (Category.∘-∘ ℰ _ _ _) ⟩ F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso q) _) ∘ ((NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso p) _ ∘ NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse p) _) ∘ F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse q) _))
≈⟨ Category.∘-cong ℰ (Setoid.refl (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _)) (Category.∘-cong ℰ (Isomorphism.retract p _) (Setoid.refl (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _))) ⟩ F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso q) _) ∘ (ι ℰ _ ∘ F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse q) _))
≈⟨ Category.∘-cong ℰ (Setoid.refl (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _)) (Category.ι-∘ ℰ _) ⟩ F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso q) _) ∘ F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse q) _)
≈⟨ Setoid.sym (Category.Mor′ ℰ _ _) (∘ F′ _ _) ⟩ F′ (NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.iso q) _ ∙ NaturalTransformation.component (Isomorphism.inverse q) _)
≈⟨≈ F′ (Isomorphism.retract q _) ⟩ F′ (ι 𝒟 _)
≈⟨ι F′ _ ⟩
ι ℰ _
open import Relation.Binary.SetoidReasoning
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