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Created September 8, 2016 17:50
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isTreeOrdered causing headaches
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Main where
import Data.Treap
import Test.QuickCheck
instance (Arbitrary h, Arbitrary t, Arbitrary a, Ord h, Ord t) => Arbitrary (Treap h t a) where
arbitrary = sized $ \n -> do
s <- choose (0, n)
if s == 0
then return Empty
else do
h <- arbitrary
t <- arbitrary
a <- arbitrary
l <- sub h (<= t) s
r <- sub h (>= t) s
return $ Treap (Node l h t a r)
sub h0 tp n = do
s <- choose (0, n)
if s == 0
then return Empty
else do
h <- arbitrary `suchThat` (>= h0)
t <- arbitrary `suchThat` tp
a <- arbitrary
l <- sub h (<= t) s
r <- sub h (>= t) s
return $ Treap (Node l h t a r)
shrink Empty = []
shrink (Treap (Node l h t a r)) =
[Empty] ++
[l, r] ++
[Treap (Node l' h t a' r') | (l', a', r') <- shrink (l, a, r)]
isHeapOrdered :: Ord h => Treap h t a -> Bool
isHeapOrdered Empty = True
isHeapOrdered (Treap (Node l h _ _ r)) = leftheap && rightheap
leftheap = case l of
Empty -> True
Treap (Node _ hl _ _ _) -> h <= hl && isHeapOrdered l
rightheap = case l of
Empty -> True
Treap (Node _ hr _ _ _) -> h <= hr && isHeapOrdered r
isTreeOrdered :: Ord t => Treap h t a -> Bool
isTreeOrdered Empty = True
isTreeOrdered (Treap (Node l _ t _ r)) = lefttree && righttree
lefttree = case l of
Empty -> True
Treap (Node _ _ tl _ _) -> tl <= t && isTreeOrdered l
righttree = case r of
Empty -> True
Treap (Node _ _ tr _ _) -> t <= tr && isTreeOrdered r
infixl 1 $-
($-) :: (Treap Int Int Int -> a) -> Treap Int Int Int -> a
f $- treap = f treap
main :: IO ()
main = do
quickCheck (\c -> isTreeOrdered $- c)
quickCheck (\c -> isHeapOrdered $- c)
quickCheck (\c h t a -> isTreeOrdered $- insert c h t a)
quickCheck (\c h t a -> isHeapOrdered $- insert c h t a)
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Data.Treap where
import Data.Data (Typeable, Data)
data Treap1 h t a = Node (Treap h t a) h t a (Treap h t a) deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
data Treap h t a = Treap (Treap1 h t a) | Empty deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
insert' :: (Ord h, Ord t) => Treap h t a -> h -> t -> a -> Treap1 h t a
insert' Empty h t a = Node Empty h t a Empty
insert' x@(Treap (Node l h1 t1 a1 r)) h2 t2 a2 = case (h1 <= h2, t1 <= t2) of
(False, False) -> case l of
Empty -> Node l h2 t2 a2 x
Treap (Node _ _ t3 _ _) -> if t3 <= t2
then Node l h2 t2 a2 (Treap (Node Empty h1 t1 a1 r))
else Node Empty h2 t2 a2 x
(False, True) -> case r of
Empty -> Node x h2 t2 a2 r
Treap (Node _ _ t3 _ _) -> if t3 <= t2
then Node x h2 t2 a2 Empty
else Node (Treap (Node l h1 t1 a1 Empty)) h2 t2 a2 r
(True, False) -> Node (insert l h2 t2 a2) h1 t1 a1 r
(True, True) -> Node l h1 t1 a1 (insert r h2 t2 a2)
insert :: (Ord h, Ord t) => Treap h t a -> h -> t -> a -> Treap h t a
insert treap h t a = Treap (insert' treap h t a)
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