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Created December 28, 2019 20:53
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Attempt at type-aligned finger trees
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
module FingerTree.Aligned where
import Control.Category
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
import qualified Aligned.Internal as A
newtype NT g a b c = NT {runNT :: g a b -> g a c}
instance Category (NT g a) where
id = NT id
NT f . NT g = NT (f . g)
class AFoldable t where
afoldMap :: Category c => (forall a b. f a b -> c a b) -> t f a b -> c a b
afoldr :: (forall a b c. f b c -> g a b -> g a c) -> g a b -> t f b c -> g a c
afoldMap f = afoldr ((.) . f) id
afoldr f b t = runNT (afoldMap (NT . f) t) b
afoldl :: (forall a b c. g b c -> f a b -> g a c) -> g b c -> t f a b -> g a c
afoldl f b t = A.runOp $ runNT (A.runOp $ afoldMap (\fab -> A.Op (NT (A.Op . flip f fab . A.runOp))) t) (A.Op b)
toThrist :: t f a b -> A.Thrist f a b
toThrist = afoldMap (A.:. A.Id)
{-# MINIMAL afoldMap | afoldr #-}
consMany :: (AFoldable t, A.Cons t') => t f b c -> t' f a b -> t' f a c
consMany xs ys = afoldr A.cons ys xs
snocMany :: (A.Snoc t, AFoldable t') => t f b c -> t' f a b -> t f a c
snocMany xs ys = afoldl A.snoc xs ys
instance AFoldable t => AFoldable (A.Rev t) where
afoldMap f = A.runOp . afoldMap (A.Op . f . A.runOp) . A.runRev
instance AFoldable A.Thrist where
afoldMap _ A.Id = id
afoldMap f (x A.:. xs) = f x . afoldMap f xs
instance AFoldable A.Cat where
afoldMap = A.foldCat
class AFunctor t where
afmap :: (forall a b. f a b -> g a b) -> t f a b -> t g a b
instance AFunctor t => AFunctor (A.Rev t) where
afmap f = A.Rev . afmap (A.Op . f . A.runOp) . A.runRev
instance AFunctor A.Thrist where
afmap _ A.Id = A.Id
afmap f (x A.:. xs) = f x A.:. afmap f xs
instance AFunctor A.Q where
afmap g (A.Q f r s) = A.Q (afmap g f) (afmap g r) (afmap g s)
instance AFunctor A.Cat where
afmap _ A.E = A.E
afmap f (A.C x xs) = A.C (f x) (afmap (afmap f) xs)
data Node f a b where
Node2 :: f b c -> f a b -> Node f a c
Node3 :: f c d -> f b c -> f a b -> Node f a d
instance AFoldable Node where
afoldMap f (Node2 p q) = f p . f q
afoldMap f (Node3 p q r) = f p . f q . f r
instance AFunctor Node where
afmap f (Node2 p q) = Node2 (f p) (f q)
afmap f (Node3 p q r) = Node3 (f p) (f q) (f r)
data Digit f a b where
One :: f a b-> Digit f a b
Two :: f b c -> f a b -> Digit f a c
Three :: f c d -> f b c -> f a b -> Digit f a d
Four :: f d e -> f c d -> f b c -> f a b -> Digit f a e
instance AFoldable Digit where
afoldMap f (One p) = f p
afoldMap f (Two p q) = f p . f q
afoldMap f (Three p q r) = f p . f q . f r
afoldMap f (Four p q r s) = f p . f q . f r . f s
instance AFunctor Digit where
afmap f (One p) = One (f p)
afmap f (Two p q) = Two (f p) (f q)
afmap f (Three p q r) = Three (f p) (f q) (f r)
afmap f (Four p q r s) = Four (f p) (f q) (f r) (f s)
nodeToDigit :: Node f a b -> Digit f a b
nodeToDigit (Node2 p q) = Two p q
nodeToDigit (Node3 p q r) = Three p q r
data FingerTree f a b where
Empty :: FingerTree f a a
Single :: f a b -> FingerTree f a b
Deep :: Digit f c d -> FingerTree (Node f) b c -> Digit f a b -> FingerTree f a d
instance AFoldable FingerTree where
afoldMap _ Empty = id
afoldMap f (Single p) = f p
afoldMap f (Deep a b c) = afoldMap f a . afoldMap (afoldMap f) b . afoldMap f c
instance AFunctor FingerTree where
afmap _ Empty = Empty
afmap f (Single p) = Single (f p)
afmap f (Deep pr m sf) = Deep (afmap f pr) (afmap (afmap f) m) (afmap f sf)
digitToTree :: Digit f a b -> FingerTree f a b
digitToTree (One p) = Single p
digitToTree (Two p q) = Deep (One p) Empty (One q)
digitToTree (Three p q r) = Deep (Two p q) Empty (One r)
digitToTree (Four p q r s) = Deep (Two p q) Empty (Two r s)
instance A.Nil FingerTree where
nil = Empty
instance A.Singleton FingerTree where
singleton = Single
instance A.Cons FingerTree where
p `cons` Empty = Single p
p `cons` Single q = Deep (One p) Empty (One q)
p `cons` Deep (Four q r s t) m sf = Deep (Two p q) (Node3 r s t `A.cons` m) sf
p `cons` Deep (Three q r s) m sf = Deep (Four p q r s) m sf
p `cons` Deep (Two q r) m sf = Deep (Three p q r) m sf
p `cons` Deep (One q) m sf = Deep (Two p q) m sf
instance A.Snoc FingerTree where
Empty `snoc` p = Single p
Single p `snoc` q = Deep (One p) Empty (One q)
Deep pr m (Four p q r s) `snoc` t = Deep pr (m `A.snoc` Node3 p q r) (Two s t)
Deep pr m (Three p q r) `snoc` s = Deep pr m (Four p q r s)
Deep pr m (Two p q) `snoc` r = Deep pr m (Three p q r)
Deep pr m (One p) `snoc` q = Deep pr m (Two p q)
instance A.Uncons FingerTree where
uncons Empty = A.Empty
uncons (Single p) = p A.:&: Empty
uncons (Deep (One p) m sf) = case A.uncons m of
A.Empty -> p A.:&: digitToTree sf
q A.:&: m' -> p A.:&: Deep (nodeToDigit q) m' sf
uncons (Deep (Two p q) m sf) = p A.:&: Deep (One q) m sf
uncons (Deep (Three p q r) m sf) = p A.:&: Deep (Two q r) m sf
uncons (Deep (Four p q r s) m sf) = p A.:&: Deep (Three q r s) m sf
instance A.Unsnoc FingerTree where
unsnoc Empty = A.Empty
unsnoc (Single p) = Empty A.:&: p
unsnoc (Deep pr m (One p)) = case A.unsnoc m of
A.Empty -> digitToTree pr A.:&: p
m' A.:&: q -> Deep pr m' (nodeToDigit q) A.:&: p
unsnoc (Deep pr m (Two p q)) = Deep pr m (One p) A.:&: q
unsnoc (Deep pr m (Three p q r)) = Deep pr m (Two p q) A.:&: r
unsnoc (Deep pr m (Four p q r s)) = Deep pr m (Three p q r) A.:&: s
app3 :: FingerTree f c d -> A.Thrist f b c -> FingerTree f a b -> FingerTree f a d
app3 Empty ts xs = consMany ts xs
app3 xs ts Empty = snocMany xs ts
app3 (Single x) ts xs = A.cons x (consMany ts xs)
app3 xs ts (Single x) = A.snoc (snocMany xs ts) x
app3 (Deep pr1 m1 sf1) ts (Deep pr2 m2 sf2) = Deep pr1 (app3 m1 (nodes (toThrist sf1 . ts . toThrist pr2)) m2) sf2
nodes :: A.Thrist f a b -> A.Thrist (Node f) a b
nodes A.Id = error "Unreachable: app3.nodes"
nodes (_ A.:. A.Id) = error "Unreachable: app3.nodes"
nodes (a A.:. b A.:. A.Id) = Node2 a b A.:. A.Id
nodes (a A.:. b A.:. c A.:. A.Id) = Node3 a b c A.:. A.Id
nodes (a A.:. b A.:. c A.:. d A.:. A.Id) = Node2 a b A.:. Node2 c d A.:. A.Id
nodes (a A.:. b A.:. c A.:. xs) = Node3 a b c A.:. nodes xs
instance Category (FingerTree f) where
id = Empty
xs . ys = app3 xs A.Id ys
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