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Created April 26, 2015 04:07
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  • Save Tangent128/ffc11d02722fe7d2f9c3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Tangent128/ffc11d02722fe7d2f9c3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
List of keys used in registry metatables & the SDL module when Lua-SDL2 is loaded
-- pipe the output of this to sort
local SDL = require "SDL"
local registry = debug.getregistry()
local function scanMt(name, mt)
for k, v in pairs(mt) do
if not k:match("^__") then
print(name, k)
if type(v) == "table" then
scanMt(name.."."..k, v)
for k, v in pairs(registry) do
if type(v) == "table" and v.__index then
scanMt(k, v.__index)
scanMt("SDL", SDL)
AudioDevice close
AudioDevice lock
AudioDevice pause
AudioDevice status
AudioDevice unlock
Channel clear
Channel first
Channel last
Channel pop
Channel push
Channel supply
Channel wait
Event remove
FILE* close
FILE* flush
FILE* lines
FILE* read
FILE* seek
FILE* setvbuf
FILE* write
GameController getAttached
GameController name
Haptic destroyEffect
Haptic effectSupported
Haptic getEffectStatus
Haptic index
Haptic newEffect
Haptic numAxes
Haptic numEffects
Haptic numEffectsPlaying
Haptic pause
Haptic rumbleInit
Haptic rumblePlay
Haptic rumbleStop
Haptic rumbleSupported
Haptic runEffect
Haptic setAutocenter
Haptic setGain
Haptic stopAll
Haptic stopEffect
Haptic unpause
Haptic updateEffect
Joystick getAttached
Joystick getAxis
Joystick getBall
Joystick getButton
Joystick getHat
Joystick instanceID
Joystick name
Joystick numAxes
Joystick numBalls
Joystick numButtons
Joystick numHats
LuaThread getId
LuaThread getName
LuaThread wait
Renderer clear
Renderer copy
Renderer copyEx
Renderer createTexture
Renderer createTextureFromSurface
Renderer drawLine
Renderer drawLines
Renderer drawPoint
Renderer drawPoints
Renderer drawRect
Renderer drawRects
Renderer fillRect
Renderer fillRects
Renderer getClipRect
Renderer getDrawBlendMode
Renderer getDrawColor
Renderer getInfo
Renderer getLogicalSize
Renderer getViewport
Renderer present
Renderer setClipRect
Renderer setDrawBlendMode
Renderer setDrawColor
Renderer setLogicalSize
Renderer setTarget
Renderer setViewport
RWOps close
RWOps read
RWOps readByte
RWOps seek
RWOps tell
RWOps write
RWOps writeByte
SDL addEventWatch
SDL addTimer
SDL audioFormat
SDL.audioFormat F32
SDL.audioFormat F32LSB
SDL.audioFormat F32MSB
SDL.audioFormat F32SYS
SDL.audioFormat S16
SDL.audioFormat S16LSB
SDL.audioFormat S16MSB
SDL.audioFormat S16SYS
SDL.audioFormat S32
SDL.audioFormat S32LSB
SDL.audioFormat S32MSB
SDL.audioFormat S32SYS
SDL.audioFormat S8
SDL.audioFormat U16
SDL.audioFormat U16LSB
SDL.audioFormat U16MSB
SDL.audioFormat U16SYS
SDL.audioFormat U8
SDL audioInit
SDL audioQuit
SDL audioStatus
SDL.audioStatus Paused
SDL.audioStatus Playing
SDL.audioStatus Stopped
SDL blendMode
SDL.blendMode Add
SDL.blendMode Blend
SDL.blendMode Mod
SDL.blendMode None
SDL clearError
SDL clearHints
SDL convertAudio
SDL createColorCursor
SDL createCursor
SDL createRenderer
SDL createRGBSurface
SDL createSoftwareRenderer
SDL createThread
SDL createWindow
SDL delay
SDL disableScreenSaver
SDL enableScreenSaver
SDL enclosePoints
SDL event
SDL eventAction
SDL.eventAction Add
SDL.eventAction Get
SDL.eventAction Peek
SDL.event AppDidEnterBackground
SDL.event AppDidEnterForeground
SDL.event AppLowMemory
SDL.event AppTerminating
SDL.event AppWillEnterBackground
SDL.event AppWillEnterForeground
SDL.event ClipboardUpdate
SDL.event ControllerAxisMotion
SDL.event ControllerButtonDown
SDL.event ControllerButtonUp
SDL.event ControllerDeviceAdded
SDL.event ControllerDeviceRemapped
SDL.event ControllerDeviceRemoved
SDL.event DollarGesture
SDL.event DollarRecord
SDL.event DropFile
SDL.event FingerDown
SDL.event FingerMotion
SDL.event FingerUp
SDL.event First
SDL.event JoyAxisMotion
SDL.event JoyBallMotion
SDL.event JoyButtonDown
SDL.event JoyButtonUp
SDL.event JoyDeviceAdded
SDL.event JoyDeviceRemoved
SDL.event JoyHatMotion
SDL.event KeyDown
SDL.event KeyUp
SDL.event Last
SDL.event MouseButtonDown
SDL.event MouseButtonUp
SDL.event MouseMotion
SDL.event MouseWheel
SDL.event MultiGesture
SDL.event Quit
SDL eventState
SDL.event TextEditing
SDL.event TextInput
SDL.event UserEvent
SDL eventWindow
SDL.eventWindow Close
SDL.eventWindow Enter
SDL.event WindowEvent
SDL.eventWindow Exposed
SDL.eventWindow FocusGained
SDL.eventWindow FocusLost
SDL.eventWindow Hidden
SDL.eventWindow Leave
SDL.eventWindow Maximized
SDL.eventWindow Minimized
SDL.eventWindow Moved
SDL.eventWindow Resized
SDL.eventWindow Restored
SDL.eventWindow Shown
SDL.eventWindow SizeChanged
SDL filterEvents
SDL flags
SDL.flags Audio
SDL.flags Events
SDL.flags Everything
SDL.flags GameController
SDL.flags Haptic
SDL.flags Joystick
SDL.flags NoParachute
SDL.flags Video
SDL flushEvent
SDL flushEvents
SDL getAudioDeviceName
SDL getAudioDriver
SDL getAudioStatus
SDL getBasePath
SDL getChannel
SDL getClipboardText
SDL getClosestDisplayMode
SDL getCPUCacheLineSize
SDL getCPUCount
SDL getCurrentAudioDriver
SDL getCurrentDisplayMode
SDL getCurrentVideoDriver
SDL getCursor
SDL getDesktopDisplayMode
SDL getDisplayBounds
SDL getDisplayMode
SDL getError
SDL getHint
SDL getKeyboardFocus
SDL getKeyboardState
SDL getKeyFromName
SDL getKeyFromScancode
SDL getKeyName
SDL getModState
SDL getMouseFocus
SDL getMouseState
SDL getNumAudioDevices
SDL getNumAudioDrivers
SDL getNumDisplayModes
SDL getNumRenderDrivers
SDL getNumVideoDisplays
SDL getNumVideoDrivers
SDL getPerformanceCounter
SDL getPerformanceFrequency
SDL getPlatform
SDL getPowerInfo
SDL getPrefPath
SDL getRelativeMouseMode
SDL getRelativeMouseState
SDL getRenderDriverInfo
SDL getScancodeFromKey
SDL getScancodeFromName
SDL getScancodeName
SDL getTicks
SDL getVideoDriver
SDL glAttr
SDL.glAttr AcceleratedVisual
SDL.glAttr AccumAlphaSize
SDL.glAttr AccumBlueSize
SDL.glAttr AccumGreenSize
SDL.glAttr AccumRedSize
SDL.glAttr AlphaSize
SDL.glAttr BlueSize
SDL.glAttr BufferSize
SDL.glAttr ContextEGL
SDL.glAttr ContextFlags
SDL.glAttr ContextMajorVersion
SDL.glAttr ContextMinorVersion
SDL.glAttr ContextProfileMask
SDL.glAttr DepthSize
SDL.glAttr DoubleBuffer
SDL.glAttr FramebufferSRGBCapable
SDL.glAttr GreenSize
SDL.glAttr MultiSampleBuffers
SDL.glAttr MultiSampleSamples
SDL.glAttr RedSize
SDL.glAttr RetainedBacking
SDL.glAttr ShareWithCurrentContext
SDL.glAttr StencilSize
SDL.glAttr Stereo
SDL glCreateContext
SDL glDeleteContext
SDL glExtensionSupported
SDL glFlags
SDL.glFlags Debug
SDL.glFlags ForwardCompatible
SDL.glFlags ResetIsolation
SDL.glFlags RobustAccess
SDL glGetAttribute
SDL glGetCurrentContext
SDL glGetCurrentWindow
SDL glGetDrawableSize
SDL glGetSwapInterval
SDL glMakeCurrent
SDL glProfile
SDL.glProfile Compatibility
SDL.glProfile Core
SDL.glProfile ES
SDL glSetAttribute
SDL glSetSwapInterval
SDL glSwapWindow
SDL hapticDirection
SDL.hapticDirection Cartesian
SDL.hapticDirection Polar
SDL.hapticDirection Spherical
SDL hapticOpen
SDL hapticOpened
SDL hapticOpenFromJoystick
SDL hapticOpenFromMouse
SDL hapticType
SDL.hapticType Constant
SDL.hapticType Custom
SDL.hapticType Damper
SDL.hapticType Friction
SDL.hapticType Inertia
SDL.hapticType LeftRight
SDL.hapticType Ramp
SDL.hapticType SawToothDown
SDL.hapticType SawToothUp
SDL.hapticType Sine
SDL.hapticType Spring
SDL.hapticType Triangle
SDL has3DNow
SDL hasAltiVec
SDL hasClipboardText
SDL hasEvent
SDL hasEvents
SDL hasIntersection
SDL hasSSE41
SDL hasSSE42
SDL hintPriority
SDL.hintPriority Default
SDL.hintPriority Normal
SDL.hintPriority Override
SDL init
SDL initSubSystem
SDL intersectRect
SDL intersectRectAndLine
SDL isScreenSavedLoaded
SDL joyHat
SDL.joyHat Down
SDL.joyHat Left
SDL.joyHat LeftDown
SDL.joyHat LeftUp
SDL.joyHat Right
SDL.joyHat RightDown
SDL.joyHat RightUp
SDL.joyHat Up
SDL joystickEventState
SDL joystickIsHaptic
SDL joystickNameForIndex
SDL joystickOpen
SDL joystickUpdate
SDL key
SDL.key 0
SDL.key 1
SDL.key 2
SDL.key 3
SDL.key 4
SDL.key 5
SDL.key 6
SDL.key 7
SDL.key 8
SDL.key 9
SDL.key a
SDL.key ACBack
SDL.key ACBookmarks
SDL.key ACForward
SDL.key ACHome
SDL.key ACRefresh
SDL.key ACSearch
SDL.key ACStop
SDL.key Again
SDL.key Alterase
SDL.key Ampersand
SDL.key Application
SDL.key Asterisk
SDL.key At
SDL.key AudioMute
SDL.key AudioNext
SDL.key AudioPlay
SDL.key AudioPrev
SDL.key AudioStop
SDL.key b
SDL.key Backquote
SDL.key Backslash
SDL.key Backspace
SDL.key BrightnessDown
SDL.key BrightnessUp
SDL.key c
SDL.key Calculator
SDL.key Cancel
SDL.key Capslock
SDL.key Caret
SDL.key Clear
SDL.key Clearagain
SDL.key Colon
SDL.key Comma
SDL.key Computer
SDL.key Copy
SDL.key CrSel
SDL.key CurrencySubUnit
SDL.key CurrencyUnit
SDL.key Cut
SDL.key d
SDL.key DecimalSeparator
SDL.key Delete
SDL.key DisplaySwitch
SDL.key Dollar
SDL.key Down
SDL.key e
SDL.key Eject
SDL.key End
SDL.key Equals
SDL.key Escape
SDL.key Exclaim
SDL.key Execute
SDL.key Exsel
SDL.key f
SDL.key F1
SDL.key F10
SDL.key F11
SDL.key F13
SDL.key F14
SDL.key F15
SDL.key F16
SDL.key F17
SDL.key F18
SDL.key F19
SDL.key F2
SDL.key F20
SDL.key F21
SDL.key F22
SDL.key F23
SDL.key F24
SDL.key F3
SDL.key F4
SDL.key F5
SDL.key F6
SDL.key F7
SDL.key F8
SDL.key F9
SDL.key Find
SDL.key g
SDL.key Greater
SDL.key h
SDL.key Hash
SDL.key Help
SDL.key Home
SDL.key i
SDL.key Insert
SDL.key j
SDL.key k
SDL.key KBDIllumDown
SDL.key KBDIllumToggle
SDL.key KBDIllumUp
SDL.key KP0
SDL.key KP00
SDL.key KP000
SDL.key KP1
SDL.key KP2
SDL.key KP3
SDL.key KP4
SDL.key KP5
SDL.key KP6
SDL.key KP7
SDL.key KP8
SDL.key KP9
SDL.key KPAmpersand
SDL.key KPAt
SDL.key KPBackSpace
SDL.key KPBinary
SDL.key KPClear
SDL.key KPClearEntry
SDL.key KPColon
SDL.key KPComma
SDL.key KPDblAmpersand
SDL.key KPDblVerticalBar
SDL.key KPDecimal
SDL.key KPDivide
SDL.key KPEnter
SDL.key KPEquals
SDL.key KPEqualsAS400
SDL.key KPExclam
SDL.key KPGreater
SDL.key KPHash
SDL.key KPHexadecimal
SDL.key KPLeftBrace
SDL.key KPLeftParen
SDL.key KPLess
SDL.key KPMemAdd
SDL.key KPMemClear
SDL.key KPMemDivide
SDL.key KPMemMultiply
SDL.key KPMemRecall
SDL.key KPMemStore
SDL.key KPMemSubstract
SDL.key KPMinus
SDL.key KPMultiply
SDL.key KPOctal
SDL.key KPPercent
SDL.key KPPeriod
SDL.key KPPlus
SDL.key KPPlusMinus
SDL.key KPPower
SDL.key KPRightBrace
SDL.key KPRightParen
SDL.key KPSpace
SDL.key KPTab
SDL.key KPVerticalBar
SDL.key KPXor
SDL.key l
SDL.key Left
SDL.key LeftAlt
SDL.key LeftBracked
SDL.key LeftControl
SDL.key LeftGUI
SDL.key LeftParen
SDL.key LeftShift
SDL.key Less
SDL.key m
SDL.key Mail
SDL.key MediaSelect
SDL.key Menu
SDL.key Minus
SDL keymod
SDL.keymod Caps
SDL.key Mode
SDL.keymod LeftAlt
SDL.keymod LeftControl
SDL.keymod LeftShift
SDL.keymod LGUI
SDL.keymod Mode
SDL.keymod None
SDL.keymod Num
SDL.keymod RGUI
SDL.keymod RightAlt
SDL.keymod RightControl
SDL.keymod RightShift
SDL.key Mute
SDL.key n
SDL.key NumlockClear
SDL.key o
SDL.key Oper
SDL.key Out
SDL.key p
SDL.key PageDown
SDL.key PageUp
SDL.key Paste
SDL.key Pause
SDL.key Percent
SDL.key Period
SDL.key Plus
SDL.key Power
SDL.key Printscreen
SDL.key Prior
SDL.key q
SDL.key Question
SDL.key Quote
SDL.key Quotedbl
SDL.key r
SDL.key Return
SDL.key Return2
SDL.key Right
SDL.key RightAlt
SDL.key RightBracket
SDL.key RightControl
SDL.key RightParen
SDL.key RightShift
SDL.key s
SDL.key ScrollLock
SDL.key Select
SDL.key Semicolon
SDL.key Separator
SDL.key Slash
SDL.key Sleep
SDL.key Space
SDL.key Stop
SDL.key SysReq
SDL.key t
SDL.key Tab
SDL.key ThousandsSeparator
SDL.key u
SDL.key Underscore
SDL.key Undo
SDL.key Unknown
SDL.key Up
SDL.key v
SDL.key VolumeDown
SDL.key VolumeUp
SDL.key w
SDL.key x
SDL.key y
SDL.key z
SDL log
SDL logCategory
SDL.logCategory Application
SDL.logCategory Audio
SDL.logCategory Custom
SDL.logCategory Error
SDL.logCategory Input
SDL.logCategory Render
SDL.logCategory System
SDL.logCategory Video
SDL logCritical
SDL logDebug
SDL logError
SDL logGetOutputFunction
SDL logGetPriority
SDL logInfo
SDL logMessage
SDL logPriority
SDL.logPriority Critical
SDL.logPriority Debug
SDL.logPriority Error
SDL.logPriority Info
SDL.logPriority Verbose
SDL.logPriority Warn
SDL logResetPriorities
SDL logSetAllPriority
SDL logSetOutputFunction
SDL logSetPriority
SDL logVerbose
SDL logWarn
SDL mixAudio
SDL mixAudioFormat
SDL mouseButton
SDL.mouseButton Left
SDL.mouseButton Middle
SDL.mouseButton Right
SDL.mouseButton X1
SDL.mouseButton X2
SDL mouseIsHaptic
SDL mouseMask
SDL.mouseMask Left
SDL.mouseMask Middle
SDL.mouseMask Right
SDL.mouseMask X1
SDL.mouseMask X2
SDL numHaptics
SDL numJoysticks
SDL openAudio
SDL openAudioDevice
SDL peepEvents
SDL pixelFormat
SDL.pixelFormat ABGR1555
SDL.pixelFormat ABGR4444
SDL.pixelFormat ABGR8888
SDL.pixelFormat ARGB1555
SDL.pixelFormat ARGB2101010
SDL.pixelFormat ARGB4444
SDL.pixelFormat ARGB8888
SDL.pixelFormat BGR24
SDL.pixelFormat BGR555
SDL.pixelFormat BGR565
SDL.pixelFormat BGR888
SDL.pixelFormat BGRA4444
SDL.pixelFormat BGRA5551
SDL.pixelFormat BGRA8888
SDL.pixelFormat BGRX8888
SDL.pixelFormat Index1LSB
SDL.pixelFormat Index1MSB
SDL.pixelFormat Index4LSB
SDL.pixelFormat Index4MSB
SDL.pixelFormat Index8
SDL.pixelFormat IYUV
SDL.pixelFormat RGB24
SDL.pixelFormat RGB332
SDL.pixelFormat RGB444
SDL.pixelFormat RGB555
SDL.pixelFormat RGB565
SDL.pixelFormat RGB888
SDL.pixelFormat RGBA4444
SDL.pixelFormat RGBA5551
SDL.pixelFormat RGBA8888
SDL.pixelFormat RGBX8888
SDL.pixelFormat Unknown
SDL.pixelFormat UYVY
SDL.pixelFormat YUY2
SDL.pixelFormat YV12
SDL.pixelFormat YVYU
SDL pollEvent
SDL powerState
SDL.powerState Charged
SDL.powerState Charging
SDL.powerState NoBattery
SDL.powerState OnBattery
SDL.powerState Unknown
SDL pumpEvents
SDL quit
SDL quitRequested
SDL quitSubSystem
SDL rectEmpty
SDL rectEquals
SDL registerEvents
SDL rendererFlags
SDL.rendererFlags Accelerated
SDL.rendererFlags PresentVSYNC
SDL.rendererFlags Software
SDL.rendererFlags TargetTexture
SDL rendererFlip
SDL.rendererFlip Horizontal
SDL.rendererFlip None
SDL.rendererFlip Vertical
SDL RWCreate
SDL RWFromFile
SDL rwopsSeek
SDL.rwopsSeek Current
SDL.rwopsSeek End
SDL.rwopsSeek Set
SDL rwopsType
SDL.rwopsType JNIFile
SDL.rwopsType Memory
SDL.rwopsType MemoryRO
SDL.rwopsType StdFile
SDL.rwopsType Unknown
SDL.rwopsType WinFile
SDL scancode
SDL.scancode 0
SDL.scancode 1
SDL.scancode 2
SDL.scancode 3
SDL.scancode 4
SDL.scancode 5
SDL.scancode 6
SDL.scancode 7
SDL.scancode 8
SDL.scancode 9
SDL.scancode A
SDL.scancode ACBack
SDL.scancode ACBookmarks
SDL.scancode ACForward
SDL.scancode ACHome
SDL.scancode ACRefresh
SDL.scancode ACSearch
SDL.scancode ACStop
SDL.scancode Again
SDL.scancode Alterase
SDL.scancode Apostrophe
SDL.scancode App1
SDL.scancode App2
SDL.scancode Application
SDL.scancode AudioMute
SDL.scancode AudioNext
SDL.scancode AudioPlay
SDL.scancode AudioPrev
SDL.scancode AudioStop
SDL.scancode B
SDL.scancode Backslash
SDL.scancode Backspace
SDL.scancode BrightnessDown
SDL.scancode BrightnessUp
SDL.scancode C
SDL.scancode Calculator
SDL.scancode Cancel
SDL.scancode CapsLock
SDL.scancode Clear
SDL.scancode Clearagain
SDL.scancode Comma
SDL.scancode Computer
SDL.scancode Copy
SDL.scancode CrSel
SDL.scancode CurrencySubUnit
SDL.scancode CurrencyUnit
SDL.scancode Cut
SDL.scancode D
SDL.scancode DecimalSeparator
SDL.scancode Delete
SDL.scancode DisplaySwitch
SDL.scancode Down
SDL.scancode E
SDL.scancode Eject
SDL.scancode End
SDL.scancode Equals
SDL.scancode Escape
SDL.scancode Execute
SDL.scancode Exsel
SDL.scancode F
SDL.scancode F1
SDL.scancode F10
SDL.scancode F11
SDL.scancode F12
SDL.scancode F13
SDL.scancode F14
SDL.scancode F15
SDL.scancode F16
SDL.scancode F17
SDL.scancode F18
SDL.scancode F19
SDL.scancode F2
SDL.scancode F20
SDL.scancode F21
SDL.scancode F22
SDL.scancode F23
SDL.scancode F24
SDL.scancode F3
SDL.scancode F4
SDL.scancode F5
SDL.scancode F6
SDL.scancode F7
SDL.scancode F8
SDL.scancode F9
SDL.scancode Find
SDL.scancode G
SDL.scancode Grave
SDL.scancode H
SDL.scancode Help
SDL.scancode Home
SDL.scancode I
SDL.scancode Insert
SDL.scancode International1
SDL.scancode International2
SDL.scancode International3
SDL.scancode International4
SDL.scancode International5
SDL.scancode International6
SDL.scancode International7
SDL.scancode International8
SDL.scancode International9
SDL.scancode J
SDL.scancode K
SDL.scancode KBDIllumDown
SDL.scancode KBDIllumToggle
SDL.scancode KBDIllumUp
SDL.scancode KP0
SDL.scancode KP00
SDL.scancode KP000
SDL.scancode KP1
SDL.scancode KP2
SDL.scancode KP3
SDL.scancode KP4
SDL.scancode KP5
SDL.scancode KP6
SDL.scancode KP7
SDL.scancode KP8
SDL.scancode KP9
SDL.scancode KPA
SDL.scancode KPAmpersand
SDL.scancode KPAt
SDL.scancode KPB
SDL.scancode KPBackspace
SDL.scancode KPBinary
SDL.scancode KPC
SDL.scancode KPClear
SDL.scancode KPClearEntry
SDL.scancode KPColon
SDL.scancode KPD
SDL.scancode KPDblAmpersand
SDL.scancode KPDblVerticalBar
SDL.scancode KPDecimal
SDL.scancode KPDivide
SDL.scancode KPE
SDL.scancode KPEnter
SDL.scancode KPEquals
SDL.scancode KPEqualsAS400
SDL.scancode KPExclam
SDL.scancode KPF
SDL.scancode KPGreater
SDL.scancode KPHash
SDL.scancode KPHexadecimal
SDL.scancode KPLess
SDL.scancode KPMemAdd
SDL.scancode KPMemClear
SDL.scancode KPMemDivide
SDL.scancode KPMemMultiply
SDL.scancode KPMemRecall
SDL.scancode KPMemStore
SDL.scancode KPMemSubstract
SDL.scancode KPMinus
SDL.scancode KPMultiply
SDL.scancode KPOctal
SDL.scancode KPPercent
SDL.scancode KPPeriod
SDL.scancode KPPlus
SDL.scancode KPPlusMinus
SDL.scancode KPPower
SDL.scancode KPSpace
SDL.scancode KPTab
SDL.scancode KPVerticalBar
SDL.scancode KPXor
SDL.scancode L
SDL.scancode Lang1
SDL.scancode Lang2
SDL.scancode Lang3
SDL.scancode Lang4
SDL.scancode Lang5
SDL.scancode Lang6
SDL.scancode Lang7
SDL.scancode Lang8
SDL.scancode Lang9
SDL.scancode Left
SDL.scancode LeftAlt
SDL.scancode LeftBrace
SDL.scancode LeftBracket
SDL.scancode LeftControl
SDL.scancode LeftGUI
SDL.scancode LeftParen
SDL.scancode LeftShift
SDL.scancode M
SDL.scancode Mail
SDL.scancode MediaSelect
SDL.scancode Menu
SDL.scancode Minus
SDL.scancode Mode
SDL.scancode Mute
SDL.scancode N
SDL.scancode NonUSBackslash
SDL.scancode NonUShash
SDL.scancode NumlockClear
SDL.scancode O
SDL.scancode Oper
SDL.scancode Out
SDL.scancode P
SDL.scancode PageDown
SDL.scancode PageUp
SDL.scancode Paste
SDL.scancode Pause
SDL.scancode Period
SDL.scancode Power
SDL.scancode PrintScreen
SDL.scancode Prior
SDL.scancode Q
SDL.scancode R
SDL.scancode Return
SDL.scancode Return2
SDL.scancode RGUI
SDL.scancode Right
SDL.scancode RightAlt
SDL.scancode RightBrace
SDL.scancode RightBracked
SDL.scancode RightControl
SDL.scancode RightParen
SDL.scancode RightShift
SDL.scancode S
SDL.scancode ScrollLock
SDL.scancode Select
SDL.scancode SemiColon
SDL.scancode Separator
SDL.scancode Slash
SDL.scancode Sleep
SDL.scancode Space
SDL.scancode Stop
SDL.scancode Sysreq
SDL.scancode T
SDL.scancode Tab
SDL.scancode ThousandsSeparator
SDL.scancode U
SDL.scancode Undo
SDL.scancode Unknown
SDL.scancode Up
SDL.scancode V
SDL.scancode VolumeDown
SDL.scancode VolumeUp
SDL.scancode W
SDL.scancode WWW
SDL.scancode X
SDL.scancode Y
SDL.scancode Z
SDL setClipboardText
SDL setCursor
SDL setError
SDL setEventFilter
SDL setHint
SDL setModState
SDL setRelativeMouseMode
SDL setTextInputRect
SDL showCursor
SDL startTextInput
SDL stopTextInput
SDL textureAccess
SDL.textureAccess Static
SDL.textureAccess Streaming
SDL.textureAccess Target
SDL textureModulate
SDL.textureModulate Alpha
SDL.textureModulate Color
SDL.textureModulate None
SDL unionRect
SDL videoInit
SDL videoQuit
SDL waitEvent
SDL wasInit
SDL window
SDL.window Borderless
SDL.window Desktop
SDL.window Foreign
SDL.window Fullscreen
SDL.window Hidden
SDL.window InputFocused
SDL.window InputGrabbed
SDL.window Maximized
SDL.window Minimized
SDL.window MouseFocused
SDL.window OpenGL
SDL.window Resizable
SDL.window Shown
Surface blit
Surface blitScaled
Surface convert
Surface convertFormat
Surface fillRect
Surface fillRects
Surface getAlphaMod
Surface getBlendMode
Surface getClipRect
Surface getColorKey
Surface getColorMod
Surface lock
Surface lowerBlit
Surface lowerBlitScaled
Surface mustLock
Surface saveBMP
Surface saveBMP_RW
Surface setAlphaMod
Surface setBlendMode
Surface setClipRect
Surface setColorKey
Surface setColorMod
Surface setPalette
Surface setRLE
Surface unlock
Texture getAlphaMod
Texture getBlendMode
Texture getColorMod
Texture lock
Texture query
Texture setAlphaMod
Texture setBlendMode
Texture setColorMod
Texture unlock
Texture update
Timer id
Timer remove
Window getBrightness
Window getDisplayIndex
Window getDisplayMode
Window getFlags
Window getGammaRamp
Window getGrab
Window getID
Window getMaximumSize
Window getMinimumSize
Window getPixelFormat
Window getPosition
Window getSize
Window getSurface
Window getTitle
Window hide
Window maximize
Window minimize
Window raise
Window restore
Window setBrightness
Window setDisplayMode
Window setFullscreen
Window setGammaRamp
Window setGrab
Window setIcon
Window setMaximumSize
Window setMinimumSize
Window setPosition
Window setSize
Window setTitle
Window show
Window updateSurface
Window updateSurfaceRects
Window warpMouse
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