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Created December 31, 2022 18:07
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zk proof of a leave
import hashlib
import math
import sys
from base64 import b64decode, b64encode
prooffile = "proof.txt" # File where Merkle proof will be written.
MAXHEIGHT = 20 # Max height of Merkle tree
class MerkleProof:
def __init__(self, leaf, pos, path):
self.leaf = leaf # data of leaf being checked
self.pos = pos # the position in the tree of the leaf being checked
self.path = path # the path of hashes, from bottom to the top of tree
def hash_leaf(leaf):
"""hash a leaf value."""
sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
sha256.update(b"leaf:") # hash prefix for a leaf
return sha256.digest()
def hash_internal_node(left, right):
"""hash an internal node."""
sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
sha256.update(b"node:") # hash prefix for an internal node
return sha256.digest()
## The prefixes in the two functions above are a security measure.
## They provide domain separation, meaning that the domain of a leaf hash
## is seperated from the domain of an internal node hash.
## This ensures that the verifier cannot mistake a leaf hash for
## an internal node hash, and vice versa.
def gen_merkle_proof(leaves, pos):
"""Takes as input a list of leaves and a leaf position (pos).
Returns the Merkle proof for the leaf at pos."""
height = math.ceil(math.log(len(leaves), 2))
assert height < MAXHEIGHT, "Too many leaves."
# hash all the leaves
state = list(map(hash_leaf, leaves))
# Pad the list of hashed leaves to a power of two
padlen = (2 ** height) - len(leaves)
state += [b"\x00"] * padlen
# initialize a list that will contain the hashes in the proof
path = []
level_pos = pos # local copy of pos
initalhash = 0
proof = []
if pos % 2 == 0:
initalhash = hash_internal_node(state[pos], state[pos + 1])
initalhash = hash_internal_node(state[pos + 1], state[pos])
print("(len(state)/2) - 1 "+str((len(state))))
print("INITAL PROOF", str(proof))
for level in range(height):
print("STATE=====initial " + str(state))
for index in range(0,(len(state)),2):
print("state===", str(index), state)
# print("state=== ", str(level) + " " + str(index) )
root = hash_internal_node(state[index], state[index + 1])
state = path
print("LEVEL "+str(level))
print("STATE LEN "+str(len(state)))
print("state value "+str(state))
# for pos in range(len(state) - 1):
# print("POS"+str(pos)+ str(state[pos]))
# if state[pos] == initalhash:
# print("HERE",str(state[pos]))
# print("HERE",str(initalhash))
# if pos % 2 == 0:
# initalhash = hash_internal_node(state[pos], state[pos + 1])
# else:
# initalhash = hash_internal_node(state[pos+1], state[pos])
# proof.append(initalhash)
# if path:
# for index in range(len(path) - 1):
# if pos % 2 == 0:
# root = hash_internal_node(state[index], state[index + 1])
# path.append(root)
# if(pos==index+1):
# path.append()
# else:
# root = hash_internal_node(state[index + 1], state[index])
# path.append(root)
# else:
# ####### YOUR CODE GOES HERE ######
# ####### to hash internal nodes in the tree use the ######
# ####### function hash_internal_node(left,right) ######
# # return a list of hashes that makes up the Merkle proof
return proof
### Helper function
def write_proof(filename, proof: MerkleProof):
fp = open(filename, "w")
print("leaf position: {pos:d}".format(pos=proof.pos), file=fp)
print("leaf value: \"{leaf:s}\"".format(leaf=proof.leaf.decode('utf-8')), file=fp)
print("Hash values in proof:", file=fp)
for i in range(len(proof.path)):
print(" {:s}".format(b64encode(proof.path[i]).decode('utf-8')), file=fp)
### Main program
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Generate 1000 leaves
leaves = [b"data item " + str(i).encode() for i in range(1000)]
print('\nI generated 1000 leaves for a Merkle tree of height 10.')
# Generate proof for leaf #743
pos = 743
path = gen_merkle_proof(leaves, pos)
# proof = MerkleProof(leaves[pos], pos, path)
# # write proof to file
# write_proof(prooffile, proof)
# root = hash_leaf(leaves[743])
# print(hash_internal_node(root,hash_leaf(leaves[743])))
# print('I generated a Merkle proof for leaf #{} in file {}\n'.format(pos,prooffile))
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