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Last active January 9, 2018 10:51
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IP to Binary Python 2.7
red = '\033[1;31;49m'
green = '\033[1;32;49m'
#Any '\033' is a color code that changes the color of the text that follows.
#the definition convert: converts a number (0-255) to a binary octet. any number above 255 will return as 255 in binary
def convert(number):
binary = [128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1]
final = ''
for a in binary:
if number >= a:
final = final + '\033[1;32;49m' + '1'
number = number - a
final = final + '\033[1;31;49m' + '0'
return final
#User inputs the ip address.
ipv4 = raw_input('\033[1;33;49m' + 'Enter IP Address: ' + '\033[1;32;49m')
#IP address is separated into a list.
ipv4_2 = list(ipv4)
ipv4_3 = []
ipv4_4 = []
ipv4_5 = []
ipv4_6 = []
num = 3
log = True
#This loop goes through the IP address, removes the decimal point, and separates the IP address into four lists.
while log:
for a in ipv4_2:
if num == 3:
if a == '.':
num +=1
elif num == 4:
if a == '.':
num += 1
elif num == 5:
if a == '.':
num += 1
elif num == 6:
if a == '.':
num += 1
num = 3
log = False
ipv4_2_2 = ''
ipv4_3_3 = ''
ipv4_4_4 = ''
ipv4_5_5 = ''
ipv4_6_6 = ''
#this section joins each list together into a string. example: [1,9,8] now equals '198'
for i in ipv4_3:
ipv4_3_3 = ipv4_3_3 + i
for i in ipv4_4:
ipv4_4_4 = ipv4_4_4 + i
for i in ipv4_5:
ipv4_5_5 = ipv4_5_5 + i
for i in ipv4_6:
ipv4_6_6 = ipv4_6_6 + i
#this section takes the string and makes it an Integer
ipv4_3_3 = int(ipv4_3_3)
ipv4_4_4 = int(ipv4_4_4)
ipv4_5_5 = int(ipv4_5_5)
ipv4_6_6 = int(ipv4_6_6)
#now that we have four seprate numbers, we use the 'convert' definition to change the number into a binary octet.
ipv41 = convert(ipv4_3_3)
ipv42 = convert(ipv4_4_4)
ipv43 = convert(ipv4_5_5)
ipv44 = convert(ipv4_6_6)
print('Your IP Address: ' + ipv4 + ' In Binary Is::: ' + str(ipv41) + '.' + str(ipv42) + '.' + str(ipv43) + '.' + str(ipv44))
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