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Created June 5, 2014 02:59
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hubot pr roulette
# Description:
# Assign open pull requests with the label 'Needs Code Review' to developers
# that are currently in the 'team chat' room and not a part of black list.
# Dependencies:
# None
# Configuration:
# Commands:
# hubot pr roulette -> sets the wheel in motion
# Author:
# TanookiMario
module.exports = (robot) ->
robot.respond /pr roulette/i, (msg) ->
prs = []
prs = getPullRequests msg, (prs) ->
getDevs msg, (devs) ->
assignedPRs = assignPRs devs, prs
sendPRs msg, assignedPRs
sendPRs = (msg, prs) ->
for pr in prs
sendPR pr, msg
sendPR = (pr, msg) ->
token = process.env.HUBOT_HIPCHAT_TOKEN
path = "{}&format=json&auth_token=#{token}"
msg.http(path).get() (err, res, body) ->
if err
msg.send "Hipchat says: " + err
else if res.statusCode != 200
content = JSON.parse(body)
msg.send "Status code: " + res.statusCode + ". Hipchat says: " + content.message
content = JSON.parse(body)
msg.send "@" + content.user.mention_name + ' -> ' +
getPullRequests = (msg, callback) ->
needsCodeReview = []
path = ""
token = "token " + process.env.HUBOT_GITHUB_TOKEN
msg.http(path).headers(Authorization: token).get() (err, res, body) ->
if err
msg.send "Github says: " + err
else if res.statusCode != 200
content = JSON.parse(body)
msg.send "Status code: " + res.statusCode + ". Github says: " + content.message
content = JSON.parse(body)
callback(getOpenNeedsCodeReviewPRs(msg, content))
getOpenNeedsCodeReviewPRs = (msg, prs) ->
needsCodeReview = []
for pr in prs
for label in pr.labels
if == 'Needs Code Review'
needsCodeReview.push pr.html_url
getDevs = (msg, callback) ->
token = process.env.HUBOT_HIPCHAT_TOKEN
path = "{token}"
msg.http(path).get() (err, res, body) ->
if err
msg.send "Hipchat says: " + err
else if res.statusCode != 200
content = JSON.parse(body)
msg.send "Status code: " + res.statusCode + ". Hipchat says: " + content.message
content = JSON.parse(body)
getDevNames = (msg, devs) ->
availableDevs = []
for dev in
availableDevs.push dev.user_id
assignPRs = (devs, prs) ->
prAssignments = []
blackList = [
298784, #tim
298790, #mathbot
298793, #mario
298798, #jeff
298888, #rondo
300063, #jim
312353, #andre
419874, #rob
420154, #john
453148, #kate
488356, #carl
629120, #abby
815162, #drew
for dev in blackList
index = devs.indexOf(dev)
if (index > -1)
while (prs.length > 0 && devs.length > 0)
prNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * prs.length)
devNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * devs.length)
dev = devs[devNum]
pr = prs[prNum]
prAssignments.push {dev: dev, pr: pr}
index = devs.indexOf(dev)
index = prs.indexOf(pr)
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