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Last active December 28, 2015 16:18
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Packaging Roadmap for Mantl

Packaging Roadmap for Mantl


To improve mantl's deployment speed, we are going to replace some ansible role logic with packages. These packages will be defined by a hammer spec, and uploaded to bintray. Anything that is as simple as 'copy this file here' or 'run this command' can be ported to these packages. Then, the ansible roles can be updated to simple package install commands

Because we are using the hammer tool to build these, when hammer supports .deb packages, ubuntu/debian support will come much more easily.

Logic that relies upon Jinja2 templates could be ported to Consul templates, and those could be ported to packages.

The more ansible roles that we port to packages, the faster the build process will be. If we can remove ansible entirely, we can have mantl bootstrap from terraform, and make cluster deployment into a one-step process.

Ansible role

Here is the list from the terraform.sample.yml ansible playbook. For each role that we can port to a package, put the package name after it, and list the package description below, or make a note. I hope that the ad-hoc formatting here makes sense.

Roles for all hosts

  • common: mantl-common
  • lvm: mantl-lvm
  • collectd: mantl-collectd
  • logrotate: I think that this one should be split up and managed by each package
  • consul-template: this is in the same boat as mantl-consul
  • docker: mantl-docker
  • logstash: mantl-logstash
  • nginx: mantl-nginx
  • consul: mantl-consul
  • dnsmasq: mantl-dnsmasq

Roles for workers

  • mesos: Secrets should be managed by vault before this is a package

Roles for controls

  • vault: mantl-vault
  • zookeeper: mantl-zookeeper
  • mesos: mantl-mesos
  • marathon: mantl-marathon
  • chronos: mantl-chronos
  • mantlui: mantl-mantlui

Roles for edges

  • traefik: mantl-traefik

New packages

These are high level descriptions of some of the packages that we'll make. We can then use these descriptions to write actual hammer specs and package them.


- pyhon-pip
  • Reverse Dependencies
    • mantl-distributive
    • mantl-consul


-defaults/main.yml: selinux with permissive policy and central configuration

-handlers/main.yml: update-ca-trust

    lines 3-9
        // set time to etc/utc
        // sudo
        // force a symlink to the src file in place of the path
        packaging solutions:
        - set timezone to UTC (`ln -sf /etc/localtime /usr/share/zoneinfo/Etc/UTC`)
        - create `/etc/mantl`, a config dir that along with consul/vault k/v stores, can replace ansible facts
    lines 12-19
        // sudo
        // add hosts (hosts.j2) to /etc/hosts
        // set permissions to 644
        // tag is common
    lines 21-33
        // install system utilities
        // sudo
        // update yum packages(yum -y update)
        // dependencies/packages
            - httpd-tools 
            - nc 
            - openssh 
            - policycoreutils-python 
            - unzip
        // tag is bootstrap
    lines 35-42
        // sudo
        // firewalld is not started on boot
        // firewalld stopped
        // fails when the output is not "command_result|failed and 'No such file or directory'"
    lines 44-48
        // sudo
        // update or install epel-release
    lines 50-54
        // sudo
        // install or update package python-pip
    lines 56-63
        // sudo
        // update pip and setuptools
        // dependencies
                - pip
                - setuptools
    lines 65-71
        // sudo
        // install distributive from bintray:
        // tag is distributive
    lines 73-80
        lineinfile-ensure that a particular line is in a file, or replace an existing line using a back-referenced                      regular expression
        // sudo
        // disable requiretty in sudoers
            // look for the regular expression ^.+requiretty$ in every line of the file, /etc/sudoers. This regular                         expression should be in this file.
            // replace the last instance of this regular expression with "# Defaults requiretty"
    lines 82-89
        // sudo
        // configure selinux
            // set the SELinux policy and the SELinux mode
        // tags are security and bootstrap
    lines 91-92
        // sudo
        // dependencies for this file include other files within tasks/
            - users.yml
            - ssl.yml
- tasks/ssl.ym: deploy root ca
    // sudo
    // copy local path ssl/cacert.pem to remote server /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/cacert.pem
    // root is the owner(chown)
    // notify handler update-ca-trust
- tasks/users.yml
    lines 2-10: configure members of wheel group for passwordlest sudo
        // sudo
        // look in file /etc/sudoersfor regular expression "^%wheel" that should be there
        // replace the last instance of the regular expression with "%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL"
        // users is tag
    lines 12-20: create os users
        // sudo
        // name of user needing modification (form of
        // put the user in the wheel group when item.enabled is defined and item.enabled == 1
        // dependencies
            - users
        // tags is users
    lines 22-30: set ssh key for users
        // sudo
        // add an ssh authorized key to the user when the key(item.1) is defined and enabled (item.0.enabled == 1)
        // loop through list of subelements, users|default([]) and pubkeys
        // users is tags
    lines 32-41: delete os users
        // sudo
        // if the user exists remove them (userdel --remove) when item.enabled is defined and item.enabled == 0
        // dependencies
        // users is tags
    - templates/hosts.j2
        // sets hosts file, use the template instead of regex


  • create volume group, and save the in etc/mantl
  • enable lvmetad service
  • Dependencies
    • mantl-common
    • device-mapper-libs
    • lvm2


  • Dependencies
    • mantl-collectd
    • libsemanage-python

mantl-consul This package is important during the bootstrapping process, so it's getting mentioned here

  • Dependencies
    • mantl-common

mantl-docker Container manager and scheduler.

  • Dependencies
    • lvm
    • docker
    • docker-selinux
    • collectd.yml

mantl-logstash Deploys and manages Logstash 1.5 with Docker and systemd.

  • Dependencies

mantl-nginx Web and proxy server.

  • Dependencies
    • distributive.yml

mantl-dnsmasq Configures each host to use :doc:consul for DNS

  • Dependencies
    • dnsmasq
    • bind-utils
    • NetworkManager
    • distributive.yml

mantl-mesos Distributed system kernel that manages resources across multiple nodes. When combined with :doc:marathon, you can basically think of it as a distributed init system.

mantl-vault "Secures, stores, and tightly controls access to tokens, passwords, certificates, API keys, and other secrets in modern computing."

  • Dependencies
    • bootstrap.yml
    • distributive.yml

mantl-zookeeper ZooKeeper is used for coordination among Mesos and Marathon nodes.

  • Dependencies
    • collectd.yml
    • distributive.yml


  • Dependencies
    • marathon-consul.cfg

    • nginx-proxy.yml

    • collectd.yml

    • jobs.yml

    • distributive.yml

    • key: zk value: "{{ marathon_zk_connect }}"

    • key: ssl_keystore_password value: "{{ marathon_keystore_password }}"

    • key: http_port value: 18080

    • key: event_subscriber value: http_callback

    • key: hostname value: "{{ inventory_hostname }}.node.{{ consul_dns_domain }}"

    • key: artifact_store value: "file:///etc/marathon/store"

mantl-chronos Chronos is a distributed and fault-tolerant scheduler that runs on top of Apache Mesos that can be used for job orchestration. It supports custom Mesos executors as well as the default command executor. Thus by default, Chronos executes sh (on most systems bash) scripts.

  • Dependencies
    • key: zk_hosts value: "{{ chronos_zk_connect }}"
    • key: master value: "{{ chronos_zk_mesos_master }}"
    • key: hostname value: "{{ inventory_hostname }}.node.{{ consul_dns_domain }}"
    • key: http_port value: "{{ chronos_port }}"
    • key: mesos_framework_name value: "chronos"
    • src: chronos-consul.cfg dest: /etc/consul-template/config.d

mantl-mantllui Mantlui consolidates the web UIs of various components in Mantl, including Mesos, Marathon, Chronos, and Consul at a single url on port 80 (http) or 443 (https).

  • Dependencies
    • src: mesos/controllers.js dest: /usr/share/mesos/webui/master/static/js
    • src: mesos/services.js dest: /usr/share/mesos/webui/master/static/js
    • src: mesos/app.js dest: /usr/share/mesos/webui/master/static/js
    • src: mesos/index.html dest: /usr/share/mesos/webui/master/static
    • src: mesos/pailer.html dest: /usr/share/mesos/webui/master/static


  • install traefik from the internet
  • copy certs to /etc/traefik/certs/
  • copy traefik.toml to /etc/traefik/
  • copy traefik consul service to /etc/consul/
  • Dependencies
    • mantl-consul

mantl-distributive This is a package that installs distributive, then configures it

  • Dependencies
    • mantl-common
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