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Created January 30, 2017 20:31
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  • Save TaranVH/5a7522d3c5bb5ef489ab0bbc21ce689f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save TaranVH/5a7522d3c5bb5ef489ab0bbc21ce689f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
;BEGIN savage-folder-navigation CODE!
;I got MOST of this code from
;and modified it to work with any given keypress, rather than middle mouse click as it had before.
#if (getKeyState("F22", "P"))
;and if <premiere> is running <--add that later
FileRead, SavedExplorerAddress, C:\Users\TaranWORK\Documents\GitHub\2nd-keyboard\Taran's Windows Mods\SavedExplorerAddress.txt
;Z:\Linus\1. Linus Tech Tips\Pending\Luke Personal Rig Update
NumpadDot::InstantExplorer(SavedExplorerAddress . "\" . "delivery" . "\" )
numpad0::InstantExplorer(SavedExplorerAddress . "\" . "thumbnail" . "\" )
numpad1::InstantExplorer(SavedExplorerAddress . "\" . "music" . "\" )
numpad2::InstantExplorer(SavedExplorerAddress . "\" . "graphics" . "\" )
numpad3::InstantExplorer(SavedExplorerAddress . "\" . "Extra videos" . "\" )
numpad4::InstantExplorer(SavedExplorerAddress . "\" . "music" . "\" )
numpad5::InstantExplorer(SavedExplorerAddress . "\" . "L-Roll" . "\" )
numpad6::InstantExplorer(SavedExplorerAddress . "\" . "all footage" . "\" )
numpad7::InstantExplorer(SavedExplorerAddress) ;MAIN, ROOT FOLDER
numpad8::InstantExplorer(SavedExplorerAddress . "\" . "scripts" . "\" )
numpad9::InstantExplorer(SavedExplorerAddress . "\" . "scripts" . "\" ) ; should open latest script
NumpadDiv::InstantExplorer(SavedExplorerAddress . "\" . "project" . "\" )
NumpadMult::tooltip, mult - open latest project i guess
IfWinNotExist, ahk_class CabinetWClass
Run, explorer.exe
GroupAdd, taranexplorers, ahk_class CabinetWClass
if WinActive("ahk_exe explorer.exe")
GroupActivate, taranexplorers, r
WinActivate ahk_class CabinetWClass ;you have to use WinActivatebottom if you didn't create a window group.
^numpadadd::WinClose,ahk_group taranexplorers
;NumpadSub::tooltip, subtract - check autosave maybe
;SC00E::tooltip, backspace
;msgbox, this will copy the currently highlighted text and replace the contents of C:\Users\TaranWORK\Documents\GitHub\2nd-keyboard\Taran's Windows Mods\SavedExplorerAddress.txt with it.
sendinput, ^a
sleep 20
SendInput, {Shift Down}{Shift Up}{Ctrl Down}{c Down}
sleep 20
SendInput, {c up}{Ctrl up}
sleep 20
FileDelete, C:\Users\TaranWORK\Documents\GitHub\2nd-keyboard\Taran's Windows Mods\SavedExplorerAddress.txt
FileAppend, %clipboard% , C:\Users\TaranWORK\Documents\GitHub\2nd-keyboard\Taran's Windows Mods\SavedExplorerAddress.txt
msgbox, , , it worked, 1
Send {alt down}
sleep 10
Send {F4}
sleep 10
Send {alt up}
;~~~~~~~~~END OF 3RD KEYBOARD (just a USB numpad) USING INTERCEPTOR~~~~~~~~~~
f_path := """" . f_path . """" ;this adds quotation marks around everything so that it works as a string, not a variable.
;msgbox, f_path is %f_path%
SoundBeep, 900, 400
; These first few variables are set here and used by f_OpenFavorite:
WinGet, f_window_id, ID, A
WinGetClass, f_class, ahk_id %f_window_id%
if f_class in #32770,ExploreWClass,CabinetWClass ; Dialog or Explorer.
ControlGetPos, f_Edit1Pos, f_Edit1PosY,,, Edit1, ahk_id %f_window_id%
if f_AlwaysShowMenu = n ; The menu should be shown only selectively.
if f_class in #32770,ExploreWClass,CabinetWClass ; Dialog or Explorer.
if f_Edit1Pos = ; The control doesn't exist, so don't display the menu
else if f_class <> ConsoleWindowClass
return ; Since it's some other window type, don't display menu.
; Otherwise, the menu should be presented for this type of window:
;Menu, Favorites, show
; msgbox, A_ThisMenuItemPos %A_ThisMenuItemPos%
; msgbox, A_ThisMenuItem %A_ThisMenuItem%
; msgbox, A_ThisMenu %A_ThisMenu%
StringTrimLeft, f_path, f_path%A_ThisMenuItemPos%, 0
; msgbox, f_path: %f_path%`n f_class: %f_class%`n f_Edit1Pos: %f_Edit1Pos%
; f_OpenFavorite:
;msgbox, BEFORE:`n f_path: %f_path%`n f_class: %f_class%`n f_Edit1Pos: %f_Edit1Pos%
; Fetch the array element that corresponds to the selected menu item:
StringTrimLeft, f_path, f_path%A_ThisMenuItemPos%, 0
if f_path =
if f_class = #32770 ; It's a dialog.
if f_Edit1Pos <> ; And it has an Edit1 control.
; ControlClick, ClassNN Edit1
; ControlFocus, ClassNN Edit1
; ControlClick, Edit1
; ControlFocus, Edit1, A
ControlFocus, Edit1, ahk_id %f_window_id% ;this is really important.... it doesn't work if you don't do this...
; msgbox, is it in focus?
; MouseMove, f_Edit1Pos, f_Edit1PosY, 0
; sleep 10
; click
; sleep 10
; msgbox, how about now? x%f_Edit1Pos% y%f_Edit1PosY%
;msgbox, edit1 has been clicked maybe
; Activate the window so that if the user is middle-clicking
; outside the dialog, subsequent clicks will also work:
WinActivate ahk_id %f_window_id%
; Retrieve any filename that might already be in the field so
; that it can be restored after the switch to the new folder:
ControlGetText, f_text, Edit1, ahk_id %f_window_id%
ControlSetText, Edit1, %f_path%, ahk_id %f_window_id%
ControlSend, Edit1, {Enter}, ahk_id %f_window_id%
Sleep, 100 ; It needs extra time on some dialogs or in some cases.
ControlSetText, Edit1, %f_text%, ahk_id %f_window_id%
;msgbox, AFTER:`n f_path: %f_path%`n f_class: %f_class%`n f_Edit1Pos: %f_Edit1Pos%
; else fall through to the bottom of the subroutine to take standard action.
else if f_class in ExploreWClass,CabinetWClass ; In Explorer, switch folders.
if f_Edit1Pos <> ; And it has an Edit1 control.
ControlSetText, Edit1, %f_path%, ahk_id %f_window_id%
; Tekl reported the following: "If I want to change to Folder L:\folder
; then the addressbar shows http://www.L:\ To solve this,
; I added a {right} before {Enter}":
ControlSend, Edit1, {Right}{Enter}, ahk_id %f_window_id%
; else fall through to the bottom of the subroutine to take standard action.
else if f_class = ConsoleWindowClass ; In a console window, CD to that directory
WinActivate, ahk_id %f_window_id% ; Because sometimes the mclick deactivates it.
SetKeyDelay, 0 ; This will be in effect only for the duration of this thread.
IfInString, f_path, : ; It contains a drive letter
StringLeft, f_path_drive, f_path, 1
Send %f_path_drive%:{enter}
Send, cd %f_path%{Enter}
; Since the above didn't return, one of the following is true:
; 1) It's an unsupported window type but f_AlwaysShowMenu is y (yes).
; 2) It's a supported type but it lacks an Edit1 control to facilitate the custom
; action, so instead do the default action below.
;msgbox, nothing else worked
; Run, Explorer %f_path% ; Might work on more systems without double quotes.
Run, %f_path% ; Might work on more systems without double quotes.
;end of instant explorer
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