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Created July 27, 2017 19:15
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JS: 07-27 15:07:47.808 INFO [BackgroundGeolocation <init>]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ BackgroundGeolocation adapter
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-27 15:07:47.866 DEBUG [a onCreate] CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS locations (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, uuid TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', timestamp TEXT, json TEXT, locked BOOLEAN);
JS: 07-27 15:07:47.888 DEBUG [a onCreate] CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS geofences (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, identifier TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, latitude DOUBLE NOT NULL, sin_latitude DOUBLE NOT NULL, cos_latitude DOUBLE NOT NULL, longitude DOUBLE NOT NULL, sin_longitude DOUBLE NOT NULL, cos_longitude DOUBLE NOT NULL, radius DOUBLE NOT NULL, notifyOnEntry BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, notifyOnExit BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, notifyOnDwell BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, loiteringDelay INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, extras TEXT);
JS: 07-27 15:07:47.916 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO dbh]
JS: ✅ Opened database
JS: 07-27 15:07:47.935 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO prune]
JS: ℹ️ PRUNE -1 days
JS: 07-27 15:07:48.006 DEBUG [GeofenceDAO dbh]
JS: ✅ Opened database
JS: 07-27 15:07:48.033 INFO [BackgroundGeolocation <init>]
JS: ������ Connecting to GooglePlayServices...
JS: 07-27 15:07:49.230 INFO [BackgroundGeolocation onConnected]
JS: ✅ Google Play Services: connected (version code:10084000)
JS: 07-27 15:08:00.913 INFO [Settings print]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ BackgroundGeolocation Settings
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: {
JS: "isMoving": false,
JS: "enabled": false,
JS: "odometer": 0,
JS: "schedulerEnabled": false,
JS: "trackingMode": "location",
JS: "distanceFilter": 50,
JS: "desiredAccuracy": 0,
JS: "desiredOdometerAccuracy": 100,
JS: "locationUpdateInterval": 1000,
JS: "fastestLocationUpdateInterval": 10000,
JS: "locationTimeout": 60,
JS: "deferTime": 0,
JS: "disableElasticity": false,
JS: "activityRecognitionInterval": 10,
JS: "minimumActivityRecognitionConfidence": 75,
JS: "triggerActivities": "in_vehicle, on_bicycle, on_foot, running, walking",
JS: "disableStopDetection": false,
JS: "stationaryRadius": 25,
JS: "stopTimeout": 5,
JS: "stopOnStationary": false,
JS: "url": "http:\/\/\/maxorderb\/en\/userTrack",
JS: "method": "POST",
JS: "autoSync": true,
JS: "autoSyncThreshold": 0,
JS: "batchSync": false,
JS: "maxBatchSize": -1,
JS: "params": {
JS: "userId": "13",
JS: "orderId": "230"
JS: },
JS: "headers": {},
JS: "extras": {},
JS: "httpRootProperty": "location",
JS: "locationTemplate": "",
JS: "geofenceTemplate": "",
JS: "persist": true,
JS: "maxDaysToPersist": 1,
JS: "maxRecordsToPersist": -1,
JS: "locationsOrderDirection": "ASC",
JS: "httpTimeout": 60000,
JS: "geofenceProximityRadius": 1000,
JS: "geofenceInitialTriggerEntry": true,
JS: "stopOnTerminate": false,
JS: "startOnBoot": false,
JS: "heartbeatInterval": 10,
JS: "foregroundService": false,
JS: "notificationTitle": "",
JS: "notificationText": "Location Service activated",
JS: "notificationColor": "",
JS: "notificationIcon": "",
JS: "notificationSmallIcon": "",
JS: "notificationLargeIcon": "",
JS: "forceReloadOnLocationChange": false,
JS: "forceReloadOnMotionChange": false,
JS: "forceReloadOnGeofence": false,
JS: "forceReloadOnBoot": false,
JS: "forceReloadOnHeartbeat": false,
JS: "forceReloadOnSchedule": false,
JS: "stopAfterElapsedMinutes": 0,
JS: "schedule": [],
JS: "configureUrl": "",
JS: "configureInterval": -1,
JS: "debug": true,
JS: "logLevel": 5,
JS: "logMaxDays": 3
JS: }╚═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: true
JS: 07-27 15:07:47.808 INFO [BackgroundGeolocation <init>]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ BackgroundGeolocation adapter
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-27 15:07:47.866 DEBUG [a onCreate] CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS locations (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, uuid TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', timestamp TEXT, json TEXT, locked BOOLEAN);
JS: 07-27 15:07:47.888 DEBUG [a onCreate] CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS geofences (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, identifier TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, latitude DOUBLE NOT NULL, sin_latitude DOUBLE NOT NULL, cos_latitude DOUBLE NOT NULL, longitude DOUBLE NOT NULL, sin_longitude DOUBLE NOT NULL, cos_longitude DOUBLE NOT NULL, radius DOUBLE NOT NULL, notifyOnEntry BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, notifyOnExit BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, notifyOnDwell BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, loiteringDelay INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, extras TEXT);
JS: 07-27 15:07:47.916 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO dbh]
JS: ✅ Opened database
JS: 07-27 15:07:47.935 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO prune]
JS: ℹ️ PRUNE -1 days
JS: 07-27 15:07:48.006 DEBUG [GeofenceDAO dbh]
JS: ✅ Opened database
JS: 07-27 15:07:48.033 INFO [BackgroundGeolocation <init>]
JS: ������ Connecting to GooglePlayServices...
JS: 07-27 15:07:49.230 INFO [BackgroundGeolocation onConnected]
JS: ✅ Google Play Services: connected (version code:10084000)
JS: 07-27 15:08:00.913 INFO [Settings print]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ BackgroundGeolocation Settings
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: {
JS: "isMoving": false,
JS: "enabled": false,
JS: "odometer": 0,
JS: "schedulerEnabled": false,
JS: "trackingMode": "location",
JS: "distanceFilter": 50,
JS: "desiredAccuracy": 0,
JS: "desiredOdometerAccuracy": 100,
JS: "locationUpdateInterval": 1000,
JS: "fastestLocationUpdateInterval": 10000,
JS: "locationTimeout": 60,
JS: "deferTime": 0,
JS: "disableElasticity": false,
JS: "activityRecognitionInterval": 10,
JS: "minimumActivityRecognitionConfidence": 75,
JS: "triggerActivities": "in_vehicle, on_bicycle, on_foot, running, walking",
JS: "disableStopDetection": false,
JS: "stationaryRadius": 25,
JS: "stopTimeout": 5,
JS: "stopOnStationary": false,
JS: "url": "http:\/\/\/maxorderb\/en\/userTrack",
JS: "method": "POST",
JS: "autoSync": true,
JS: "autoSyncThreshold": 0,
JS: "batchSync": false,
JS: "maxBatchSize": -1,
JS: "params": {
JS: "userId": "13",
JS: "orderId": "230"
JS: },
JS: "headers": {},
JS: "extras": {},
JS: "httpRootProperty": "location",
JS: "locationTemplate": "",
JS: "geofenceTemplate": "",
JS: "persist": true,
JS: "maxDaysToPersist": 1,
JS: "maxRecordsToPersist": -1,
JS: "locationsOrderDirection": "ASC",
JS: "httpTimeout": 60000,
JS: "geofenceProximityRadius": 1000,
JS: "geofenceInitialTriggerEntry": true,
JS: "stopOnTerminate": false,
JS: "startOnBoot": false,
JS: "heartbeatInterval": 10,
JS: "foregroundService": false,
JS: "notificationTitle": "",
JS: "notificationText": "Location Service activated",
JS: "notificationColor": "",
JS: "notificationIcon": "",
JS: "notificationSmallIcon": "",
JS: "notificationLargeIcon": "",
JS: "forceReloadOnLocationChange": false,
JS: "forceReloadOnMotionChange": false,
JS: "forceReloadOnGeofence": false,
JS: "forceReloadOnBoot": false,
JS: "forceReloadOnHeartbeat": false,
JS: "forceReloadOnSchedule": false,
JS: "stopAfterElapsedMinutes": 0,
JS: "schedule": [],
JS: "configureUrl": "",
JS: "configureInterval": -1,
JS: "debug": true,
JS: "logLevel": 5,
JS: "logMaxDays": 3
JS: }╚═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-27 15:08:01.464 DEBUG [HttpService flush]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ HTTP Service
JS: ╠══�
JS: op heartbeat
JS: 07-27 15:08:02.052 INFO [BackgroundGeolocationService a]
JS: ������ Start heartbeat (10)
JS: 07-27 15:08:03.205 DEBUG [BackgroundGeolocationService onActivityRecognitionResult] still (100%)
JS: 07-27 15:08:03.433 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location:1001
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.966700,-18.533300 acc=4 et=+14m31s262ms alt=15.044444 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-27 15:08:03.510 DEBUG [BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] YES
JS: 07-27 15:08:03.519 INFO [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult]
JS: ������ Acquired motionchange position
JS: 07-27 15:08:03.610 DEBUG [TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] 3.9
JS: 07-27 15:08:03.709 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist]
JS: ✅ INSERT: 9a0195ad-b6e5-4f6f-ad1b-aa767fe5c244
JS: 07-27 15:08:03.797 DEBUG [HttpService flush]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ HTTP Service
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-27 15:08:03.818 INFO [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ℹ️ Location availability: true
JS: 07-27 15:08:04.055 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first]
JS: ✅ Locked 1 records
JS: 07-27 15:08:04.082 INFO [HttpService createRequest]
JS: ������ POST: 9a0195ad-b6e5-4f6f-ad1b-aa767fe5c244
JS: 07-27 15:08:04.085 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location:1001
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.966700,-18.533300 acc=4 et=+14m31s427ms alt=15.044444 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-27 15:08:04.150 WARN [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult]
JS: ⚠️ Failed to find SingleLocationRequest
JS: 07-27 15:08:04.654 INFO [HttpRequest parseNetworkResponse]
JS: ������ Response: 200
JS: 07-27 15:08:04.808 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy]
JS: ✅ DESTROY: 9a0195ad-b6e5-4f6f-ad1b-aa767fe5c244
JS: 07-27 15:08:06.014 DEBUG [BackgroundGeolocationService onActivityRecognitionResult] still (100%)
JS: 07-27 15:08:06.114 DEBUG [BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] YES
JS: 07-27 15:08:14.249 DEBUG [LocationService onHeartbeat] ❤️
JS: 07-27 15:08:14.531 INFO [BackgroundGeolocationService a]
JS: ������ setPace: false → true
JS: 07-27 15:08:14.549 INFO [BackgroundGeolocationService j]
JS: ������ Stop heartbeat
JS: 07-27 15:08:14.879 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location:1002
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.966700,-18.533300 acc=4 et=+14m43s383ms alt=15.044444 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-27 15:08:15.042 INFO [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult]
JS: ������ Acquired motionchange position
JS: 07-27 15:08:15.127 DEBUG [TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] 3.9
JS: 07-27 15:08:15.259 DEBUG [TSLocationManager incrementOdometer] 0.0
JS: 07-27 15:08:15.404 INFO [TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates]
JS: ������ Location-services: ON
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