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Created July 27, 2017 16:20
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  • Save TareqElMasriDev/fe3ebee23debca707fdb9512b6aeeb7d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save TareqElMasriDev/fe3ebee23debca707fdb9512b6aeeb7d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
JS: "desiredOdometerAccuracy": 100,
JS: "locationUpdateInterval": 1000,
JS: "fastestLocationUpdateInterval": 10000,
JS: "locationTimeout": 60,
JS: "deferTime": 0,
JS: "disableElasticity": false,
JS: "activityRecognitionInterval": 10,
JS: "minimumActivityRecognitionConfidence": 75,
JS: "triggerA
JS: ],
JS: "configureUrl": "",
JS: "configureInterval": -1,
JS: "debug": false,
JS: "logLevel": 5,
JS: "logMaxDays": 3
JS: }╚═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:04:02.441 INFO [BackgroundGeolocation onConnected]
JS: ✅ Google Play Services: connected (version code:10084000)
JS: 07-24 19:04:02.693 DEBUG [HttpService flush]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ HTTP Service
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:04:02.784 INFO [Settings print]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ BackgroundGeolocation Settings
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: {
JS: "isMoving": false,
JS: "enabled": false,
JS: "odometer": 43916.563,
JS: "schedulerEnabled": false,
JS: "trackingMode": "location",
JS: "distanceFilter": 50,
JS: "desiredAccuracy": 0,
JS: "desiredOdometerAccuracy": 100,
JS: "locationUpdateInterval": 1000,
JS: "fastestLocationUpdateInterval": 10000,
JS: "locationTimeout": 60,
JS: "deferTime": 0,
JS: "disableElasticity": false,
JS: "activityRecognitionInterval": 10,
JS: "minimumActivityRecognitionConfidence": 75,
JS: "triggerActivities": "in_vehicle, on_bicycle, on_foot, running, walking",
JS: "disableStopDetection": false,
JS: "stationaryRadius": 25,
JS: "stopTimeout": 5,
JS: "stopOnStationary": false,
JS: "url": "http:\/\/\/maxorderb\/en\/userTrack",
JS: "method": "POST",
JS: "autoSync": true,
JS: "autoSyncThreshold": 0,
JS: "batchSync": false,
JS: "maxBatchSize": -1,
JS: "params": {
JS: "userId": "13",
JS: "orderId": "233"
JS: },
JS: "headers": {},
JS: "extras": {},
JS: "httpRootProperty": "location",
JS: "locationTemplate": "",
JS: "geofenceTemplate": "",
JS: "persist": true,
JS: "maxDaysToPersist": 1,
JS: "maxRecordsToPersist": -1,
JS: "locationsOrderDirection": "ASC",
JS: "httpTimeout": 60000,
JS: "geofenceProximityRadius": 1000,
JS: "geofenceInitialTriggerEntry": true,
JS: "stopOnTerminate": false,
JS: "startOnBoot": false,
JS: "heartbeatInterval": 5,
JS: "foregroundService": false,
JS: "notificationTitle": "",
JS: "notificationText": "Location Service activated",
JS: "notificationColor": "",
JS: "notificationIcon": "",
JS: "notificationSmallIcon": "",
JS: "notificationLargeIcon": "",
JS: "forceReloadOnLocationChange": false,
JS: "forceReloadOnMotionChange": false,
JS: "forceReloadOnGeofence": false,
JS: "forceReloadOnBoot": false,
JS: "forceReloadOnHeartbeat": false,
JS: "forceReloadOnSchedule": false,
JS: "stopAfterElapsedMinutes": 0,
JS: "schedule": [],
JS: "configureUrl": "",
JS: "configureInterval": -1,
JS: "debug": false,
JS: "logLevel": 5,
JS: "logMaxDays": 3
JS: }╚═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:04:02.789 INFO [BackgroundGeolocationService onStartCommand]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ BackgroundGeolocation Service started
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:04:02.854 DEBUG [HttpService flush]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ HTTP Service
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:04:02.916 INFO [BackgroundGeolocation requestActivityUpdates]
JS: ������ Start activity updates: 10
JS: 07-24 19:04:02.998 INFO [BackgroundGeolocationService a]
JS: ������ setPace: null → false
JS: 07-24 19:04:03.081 INFO [BackgroundGeolocationService j]
JS: ������ Stop heartbeat
JS: 07-
JS: ════════════════════
JS: ║ HTTP Service
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:04:04.773 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location:1001
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.957453,-18.534107 acc=4 et=+53m5s909ms alt=1.0 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:04:04.789 DEBUG [BackgroundGeolocationService onActivityRecognitionResult] still (100%)
JS: 07-24 19:04:04.804 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first]
JS: ✅ Locked 1 records
JS: 07-24 19:04:04.826 WARN [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult]
JS: ⚠️ Failed to find SingleLocationRequest
JS: 07-24 19:04:04.901 DEBUG [BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] YES
JS: 07-24 19:04:04.910 INFO [HttpService createRequest]
JS: ������ POST: bff3336a-5c1c-4003-a18d-9b981d45de87
JS: 07-24 19:04:04.969 INFO [HttpRequest parseNetworkResponse]
JS: ������ Response: 200
JS: 07-24 19:04:05.073 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location:1001
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.957453,-18.534107 acc=1 et=+53m5s909ms alt=1.0 vel=0.0 bear=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:04:05.141 WARN [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult]
JS: ⚠️ Failed to find SingleLocationRequest
JS: 07-24 19:04:05.183 INFO [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ℹ️ Location availability: true
JS: 07-24 19:04:05.192 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy]
JS: ✅ DESTROY: bff3336a-5c1c-4003-a18d-9b981d45de87
JS: 07-24 19:04:05.279 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location:1002
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.957453,-18.534107 acc=4 et=+53m6s906ms alt=1.0 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:04:05.318 INFO [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult]
JS: ������ Acquired providerchange position
JS: 07-24 19:04:05.348 DEBUG [TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] 3.9
JS: 07-24 19:04:05.484 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist]
JS: ✅ INSERT: 01912479-358a-416d-85dd-aa854a15281a
JS: 07-24 19:04:05.535 DEBUG [HttpService flush]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ HTTP Service
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:04:05.593 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first]
JS: ✅ Locked 1 records
JS: 07-24 19:04:05.626 INFO [HttpService createRequest]
JS: ������ POST: 01912479-358a-416d-85dd-aa854a15281a
JS: 07-24 19:04:05.648 INFO [HttpRequest parseNetworkResponse]
JS: ������ Response: 200
JS: 07-24 19:04:05.674 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy]
JS: ✅ DESTROY: 01912479-358a-416d-85dd-aa854a15281a
JS: 07-24 19:04:08.203 DEBUG [LocationService onHeartbeat] ❤️
JS: 07-24 19:04:08.265 INFO [BackgroundGeolocationService a]
JS: ������ setPace: false → true
JS: 07-24 19:04:08.276 INFO [BackgroundGeolocationService a]
JS: ������ setPace: false → true
JS: 07-24 19:04:08.359 INFO [BackgroundGeolocationService j]
JS: ������ Stop heartbeat
JS: 07-24 19:04:08.431 INFO [BackgroundGeolocationService j]
JS: ������ Stop heartbeat
JS: 07-24 19:04:08.770 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════�
JS: eLocationResult]
JS: ������ Acquired current position
JS: 07-24 19:04:09.608 DEBUG [TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] 3.9
JS: 07-24 19:04:09.664 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first]
JS: ✅ Locked 1 records
JS: 07-24 19:04:09.738 DEBUG [TSLocationManager incrementOdometer] 43916.563
JS: 07-24 19:04:09.764 INFO [HttpService createRequest]
JS: ������ POST: 984a3f48-6b1e-4d01-9f11-695a556e375b
JS: 07-24 19:04:09.861 INFO [HttpRequest parseNetworkResponse]
JS: ������ Response: 200
JS: 07-24 19:04:09.887 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location:1003
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.957453,-18.534107 acc=4 et=+53m10s949ms alt=1.0 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:04:09.887 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist]
JS: ✅ INSERT: 0b0c3b4b-aca7-428b-9e22-b39563d584ac
JS: 07-24 19:04:09.949 WARN [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult]
JS: ⚠️ Failed to find SingleLocationRequest
JS: 07-24 19:04:10.011 INFO [HttpService flush]
JS: ℹ️ HttpService is busy
JS: 07-24 19:04:10.011 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location:1004
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.957453,-18.534107 acc=4 et=+53m10s949ms alt=1.0 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:04:10.019 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy]
JS: ✅ DESTROY: 984a3f48-6b1e-4d01-9f11-695a556e375b
JS: 07-24 19:04:10.115 WARN [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult]
JS: ⚠️ Failed to find SingleLocationRequest
JS: 07-24 19:04:10.180 INFO [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ℹ️ Location availability: true
JS: 07-24 19:04:10.191 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first]
JS: ✅ Locked 1 records
JS: 07-24 19:04:10.215 INFO [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ℹ️ Location availability: true
JS: 07-24 19:04:10.229 INFO [HttpService createRequest]
JS: ������ POST: 0b0c3b4b-aca7-428b-9e22-b39563d584ac
JS: 07-24 19:04:10.261 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location:1006
JS: ╠════���════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.957453,-18.534107 acc=4 et=+53m11s943ms alt=1.0 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:04:10.295 INFO [HttpRequest parseNetworkResponse]
JS: ������ Response: 200
JS: 07-24 19:04:10.380 INFO [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult]
JS: ������ Acquired motionchange position
JS: 07-24 19:04:10.549 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy]
JS: ✅ DESTROY: 0b0c3b4b-aca7-428b-9e22-b39563d584ac
JS: 07-24 19:04:10.560 DEBUG [TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] 3.9
JS: 07-24 19:04:10.695 DEBUG [TSLocationManager incrementOdometer] 43916.563
JS: 07-24 19:04:10.751 INFO [TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates]
JS: ������ Location-services: ON
JS: 07-24 19:04:10.935 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist]
JS: ✅ INSERT: 86b9e383-d358-4824-ba0f-4f08bd4410a7
JS: 07-24 19:04:10.975 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location:1005
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.957453,-18.534107 acc=4 et=+53m11s943ms alt=1.0 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:04:10.987 DEBUG [HttpService flush]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ HTTP Service
JS: ╠══════════
JS: AO persist]
JS: ✅ INSERT: 2c2c1a52-9e06-40ad-8229-f5de99e7cd73
JS: 07-24 19:04:11.644 INFO [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ℹ️ Location availability: true
JS: 07-24 19:04:11.714 DEBUG [HttpService flush]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ HTTP Service
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:04:11.830 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first]
JS: ✅ Locked 1 records
JS: 07-24 19:04:11.877 INFO [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ℹ️ Location availability: true
JS: 07-24 19:04:11.883 INFO [HttpService createRequest]
JS: ������ POST: 2c2c1a52-9e06-40ad-8229-f5de99e7cd73
JS: 07-24 19:04:11.994 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location:1005
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.957453,-18.534107 acc=4 et=+53m12s942ms alt=1.0 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:04:12.003 INFO [HttpRequest parseNetworkResponse]
JS: ������ Response: 200
JS: 07-24 19:04:12.024 WARN [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult]
JS: ⚠️ Failed to find SingleLocationRequest
JS: 07-24 19:04:12.162 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy]
JS: ✅ DESTROY: 2c2c1a52-9e06-40ad-8229-f5de99e7cd73
JS: 07-24 19:04:12.302 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.957453,-18.534107 acc=4 et=+53m12s942ms alt=1.0 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:04:12.482 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ Process LocationResult
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:04:12.527 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult]
JS: ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location
JS: 07-24 19:04:12.561 INFO [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ℹ️ Location availability: true
JS: 07-24 19:04:12.656 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.957453,-18.534107 acc=4 et=+53m13s946ms alt=1.0 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:04:12.695 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ Process LocationResult
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:04:12.732 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult]
JS: ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location
JS: 07-24 19:04:12.783 INFO [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ℹ️ Location availability: true
JS: 07-24 19:04:21.816 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.963957,-18.534622 acc=4 et=+53m24s23ms alt=11.89487 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:04:21.843 DEBUG [TSLocationM
JS: lt
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:04:32.062 DEBUG [TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] 3.9
JS: 07-24 19:04:32.078 DEBUG [TSLocationManager incrementOdometer] 45029.375
JS: 07-24 19:04:32.113 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist]
JS: ✅ INSERT: 34bfafff-5254-4106-94ac-11d7e559af14
JS: 07-24 19:04:32.142 DEBUG [HttpService flush]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ HTTP Service
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:04:32.164 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first]
JS: ✅ Locked 1 records
JS: 07-24 19:04:32.182 INFO [HttpService createRequest]
JS: ������ POST: 34bfafff-5254-4106-94ac-11d7e559af14
JS: 07-24 19:04:32.199 INFO [HttpRequest parseNetworkResponse]
JS: ������ Response: 200
JS: 07-24 19:04:32.221 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy]
JS: ✅ DESTROY: 34bfafff-5254-4106-94ac-11d7e559af14
JS: 07-24 19:04:42.108 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.959902,-18.538227 acc=4 et=+53m44s304ms alt=19.0 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:04:42.128 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ Process LocationResult
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:04:42.142 DEBUG [TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] 3.9
JS: 07-24 19:04:42.160 DEBUG [TSLocationManager incrementOdometer] 45832.402
JS: 07-24 19:04:42.206 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist]
JS: ✅ INSERT: 5f8f2d4a-f0dc-4c45-834d-914288fd631d
JS: 07-24 19:04:42.235 DEBUG [HttpService flush]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ HTTP Service
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:04:42.306 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first]
JS: ✅ Locked 1 records
JS: 07-24 19:04:42.323 INFO [HttpService createRequest]
JS: ������ POST: 5f8f2d4a-f0dc-4c45-834d-914288fd631d
JS: 07-24 19:04:42.359 INFO [HttpRequest parseNetworkResponse]
JS: ������ Response: 200
JS: 07-24 19:04:42.490 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy]
JS: ✅ DESTROY: 5f8f2d4a-f0dc-4c45-834d-914288fd631d
JS: 07-24 19:07:05.338 DEBUG [BackgroundGeolocationService onActivityRecognitionResult] still (100%)
JS: 07-24 19:07:05.383 DEBUG [BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] YES
JS: 07-24 19:07:05.484 INFO [BackgroundGeolocationService onActivityRecognitionResult]
JS: ������ Stop-timeout timer initiated (5 min)...
JS: 07-24 19:07:05.532 INFO [BackgroundGeolocationService g]
JS: ������ Begin stop timer
JS: 07-24 19:08:30.968 INFO [BackgroundGeolocation <init>]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ BackgroundGeolocation adapter
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:08:31.020 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO dbh]
JS: ✅ Opened database
JS: 07-24 19:08:31.049 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO prune]
JS: ℹ️ PRUNE -1 days
JS: 07-24 19:08:31.161 DEBUG [GeofenceDAO dbh]
JS: ✅ Opened database
JS: 07-24 19:08:31.197 INFO [BackgroundGeolocation <init>]
JS: ������ Connecting to GooglePlayServices...
JS: 07-24 19:08:38.743 INFO [Settings print]
JS: ╔════════════════��
JS: mplate": "",
JS: "geofenceTemplate": "",
JS: "persist": true,
JS: "maxDaysToPersist": 1,
JS: "maxRecordsToPersist": -1,
JS: "locationsOrderDirection": "ASC",
JS: "httpTimeout": 60000,
JS: "geofenceProximityRadius": 1000,
JS: "geofenceInitialTriggerEntry": true,
JS: "stopOnTerminate": false,
JS: "startOnBoot": false,
JS: "heartbeatInterval": 5,
JS: "foregroundService": false,
JS: "notificationTitle": "",
JS: "notificationText": "Location Service activated",
JS: "notificationColor": "",
JS: "notificationIcon": "",
JS: "notificationSmallIcon": "",
JS: "notificationLargeIcon": "",
JS: "forceReloadOnLocationChange": false,
JS: "forceReloadOnMotionChange": false,
JS: "forceReloadOnGeofence": false,
JS: "forceReloadOnBoot": false,
JS: "forceReloadOnHeartbeat": false,
JS: "forceReloadOnSchedule": false,
JS: "stopAfterElapsedMinutes": 0,
JS: "schedule": [],
JS: "configureUrl": "",
JS: "configureInterval": -1,
JS: "debug": false,
JS: "logLevel": 5,
JS: "logMaxDays": 3
JS: }╚═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:08:48.522 INFO [Settings print]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ BackgroundGeolocation Settings
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: {
JS: "isMoving": false,
JS: "enabled": false,
JS: "odometer": 45832.402,
JS: "schedulerEnabled": false,
JS: "trackingMode": "location",
JS: "distanceFilter": 50,
JS: "desiredAccuracy": 0,
JS: "desiredOdometerAccuracy": 100,
JS: "locationUpdateInterval": 1000,
JS: "fastestLocationUpdateInterval": 10000,
JS: "locationTimeout": 60,
JS: "deferTime": 0,
JS: "disableElasticity": false,
JS: "activityRecognitionInterval": 10,
JS: "minimumActivityRecognitionConfidence": 75,
JS: "triggerActivities": "in_vehicle, on_bicycle, on_foot, running, walking",
JS: "disableStopDetection": false,
JS: "stationaryRadius": 25,
JS: "stopTimeout": 5,
JS: "stopOnStationary": false,
JS: "url": "http:\/\/\/maxorderb\/en\/userTrack",
JS: "method": "POST",
JS: "autoSync": true,
JS: "autoSyncThreshold": 0,
JS: "batchSync": false,
JS: "maxBatchSize": -1,
JS: "params": {
JS: "userId": "13",
JS: "orderId": "233"
JS: },
JS: "headers": {},
JS: "extras": {},
JS: "httpRootProperty": "location",
JS: "locationTemplate": "",
JS: "geofenceTemplate": "",
JS: "persist": true,
JS: "maxDaysToPersist": 1,
JS: "maxRecordsToPersist": -1,
JS: "locationsOrderDirection": "ASC",
JS: "httpTimeout": 60000,
JS: "geofenceProximityRadius": 1000,
JS: "geofenceInitialTriggerEntry": true,
JS: "stopOnTerminate": false,
JS: "startOnBoot": false,
JS: "heartbeatInterval": 5,
JS: "foregroundService": false,
JS: "notificationTitle": "",
JS: "notificationText": "Location Service activated",
JS: "notificationColor": "",
JS: "notificationIcon": "",
JS: "notificationSmallIcon": "",
JS: "notificationLargeIcon": "",
JS: "forceReloadOnLocationChange": false,
JS: "forceReloadOnMotionChange": false,
JS: "forceReloadOnGeofence": false,
JS: "forceReloadOnBoot": false,
JS: "forceReloadOnHeartbeat": false,
JS: "forceReloadOnSchedule": false,
JS: "stopAfterElapsedMinutes": 0,
JS: "schedule": [],
JS: "configureUrl": "",
JS: "configureInterval": -1,
JS: "debug": false,
JS: "logLevel": 5,
JS: "logMaxDays": 3
JS: }╚═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:08:48.912 INFO [BackgroundGeolocation onConnected]
JS: ✅ Google Play Services: connected (version code:10084000)
JS: 07-24 19:08:49.148 DEBUG [HttpService flush]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ HTTP Service
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:08:49.239 INFO [HttpService flush]
JS: ℹ️ HttpService is busy
JS: 07-24 19:08:49.401 INFO [BackgroundGeolocationService onStartCommand]
JS: ╔══════════════════════
JS: ══════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location:1001
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.959902,-18.538398 acc=4 et=+57m53s811ms alt=3.635449 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:08:58.519 DEBUG [BackgroundGeolocationService onActivityRecognitionResult] still (100%)
JS: 07-24 19:08:58.660 INFO [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult]
JS: ������ Acquired motionchange position
JS: 07-24 19:08:58.676 DEBUG [BackgroundGeolocation isMainActivityActive] YES
JS: 07-24 19:08:58.710 DEBUG [TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] 3.9
JS: 07-24 19:08:58.896 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist]
JS: ✅ INSERT: 75af197e-22fa-45f5-9255-509b72a77082
JS: 07-24 19:08:59.235 INFO [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ℹ️ Location availability: true
JS: 07-24 19:08:59.312 DEBUG [HttpService flush]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ HTTP Service
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:08:59.464 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location:1001
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.959902,-18.538398 acc=4 et=+57m54s485ms alt=3.635449 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:08:59.510 WARN [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult]
JS: ⚠️ Failed to find SingleLocationRequest
JS: 07-24 19:08:59.526 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first]
JS: ✅ Locked 1 records
JS: 07-24 19:08:59.565 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location:1001
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.959902,-18.538398 acc=4 et=+57m55s517ms alt=3.635449 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:08:59.569 INFO [HttpService createRequest]
JS: ������ POST: 75af197e-22fa-45f5-9255-509b72a77082
JS: 07-24 19:08:59.648 WARN [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult]
JS: ⚠️ Failed to find SingleLocationRequest
JS: 07-24 19:08:59.777 DEBUG [LocationService onHeartbeat] ❤️
JS: 07-24 19:09:00.208 INFO [HttpRequest parseNetworkResponse]
JS: ������ Response: 200
JS: 07-24 19:09:00.226 INFO [BackgroundGeolocationService a]
JS: ������ setPace: false → true
JS: 07-24 19:09:00.229 INFO [BackgroundGeolocationService a]
JS: ������ setPace: false → true
JS: 07-24 19:09:00.281 INFO [HttpService flush]
JS: ℹ️ HttpService is busy
JS: 07-24 19:09:00.373 INFO [BackgroundGeolocationService j]
JS: ������ Stop heartbeat
JS: 07-24 19:09:00.413 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy]
JS: ✅ DESTROY: 75af197e-22fa-45f5-9255-509b72a77082
JS: 07-24 19:09:00.441 INFO [BackgroundGeolocationService j]
JS: ������ Stop heartbeat
JS: 07-24 19:09:00.579 DEBUG [LocationService onHeartbeat] ❤️
JS: 07-24 19:09:01.798 INFO [BackgroundGeolocationService a]
JS: ������ setPace: true → true
JS: 07-24 19:09:01.812 INFO [BackgroundGeolocationService a]
JS: ������ setPace: true → true
JS: 07-24 19:09:01.935 INFO [BackgroundGeolocationService j]
JS: ������ Stop heartbeat
JS: 07-24 19:09:01.960 INFO [BackgroundGeolocationService j]
JS: ������ Stop heartbeat
JS: 07-24 19:09:02.593 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location:1003
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Locatio
JS: ion
JS: 07-24 19:09:04.934 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first]
JS: ✅ Locked 1 records
JS: 07-24 19:09:05.525 DEBUG [TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] 3.9
JS: 07-24 19:09:05.577 INFO [HttpService createRequest]
JS: ������ POST: 81938608-e913-41f5-9b37-b7414f0bf208
JS: 07-24 19:09:05.629 DEBUG [TSLocationManager incrementOdometer] 45832.402
JS: 07-24 19:09:05.809 INFO [HttpRequest parseNetworkResponse]
JS: ������ Response: 200
JS: 07-24 19:09:05.892 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy]
JS: ✅ DESTROY: 81938608-e913-41f5-9b37-b7414f0bf208
JS: 07-24 19:09:05.925 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location:1003
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.959902,-18.538398 acc=4 et=+58m3s787ms alt=3.635449 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:09:06.061 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist]
JS: ✅ INSERT: befb7894-c361-4810-aaa5-2cb96d3135d6
JS: 07-24 19:09:06.081 WARN [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult]
JS: ⚠️ Failed to find SingleLocationRequest
JS: 07-24 19:09:06.334 DEBUG [HttpService flush]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ HTTP Service
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:09:06.421 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location:1004
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.959902,-18.538398 acc=4 et=+58m3s787ms alt=3.635449 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:09:06.559 INFO [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult]
JS: ������ Acquired motionchange position
JS: 07-24 19:09:06.567 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first]
JS: ✅ Locked 1 records
JS: 07-24 19:09:06.589 DEBUG [TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] 3.9
JS: 07-24 19:09:06.628 INFO [HttpService createRequest]
JS: ������ POST: befb7894-c361-4810-aaa5-2cb96d3135d6
JS: 07-24 19:09:06.688 DEBUG [TSLocationManager incrementOdometer] 45832.402
JS: 07-24 19:09:06.763 INFO [HttpRequest parseNetworkResponse]
JS: ������ Response: 200
JS: 07-24 19:09:06.812 INFO [TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates]
JS: ������ Location-services: ON
JS: 07-24 19:09:06.878 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy]
JS: ✅ DESTROY: befb7894-c361-4810-aaa5-2cb96d3135d6
JS: 07-24 19:09:06.990 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist]
JS: ✅ INSERT: f61e1bd4-aee9-48b9-9e01-d189c6d7a29b
JS: 07-24 19:09:07.032 DEBUG [HttpService flush]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ HTTP Service
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:09:07.046 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location:1002
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.959902,-18.538398 acc=4 et=+58m3s787ms alt=3.635449 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:09:07.096 WARN [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult]
JS: ⚠️ Failed to find SingleLocationRequest
JS: 07-24 19:09:07.110 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first]
JS: ✅ Locked 1 records
JS: 07-24 19:09:07.144 INFO [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ℹ️ Location availability: true
JS: 07-24 19:09:07.172 INFO [HttpService createRequest]
JS: ������ POST: f61e1bd4-aee9-48b9-9e01-d189c6d7a29b
JS: 07-24 19:09:07.255 INFO [Location
JS: 4 et=+58m4s821ms alt=3.635449 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:09:07.804 WARN [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult]
JS: ⚠️ Failed to find SingleLocationRequest
JS: 07-24 19:09:07.892 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location:1002
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.959902,-18.538398 acc=4 et=+58m4s821ms alt=3.635449 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:09:07.934 WARN [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult]
JS: ⚠️ Failed to find SingleLocationRequest
JS: 07-24 19:09:08.116 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location:1006
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.959902,-18.538398 acc=4 et=+58m4s821ms alt=3.635449 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:09:08.162 INFO [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult]
JS: ������ Acquired current position
JS: 07-24 19:09:08.185 DEBUG [TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] 3.9
JS: 07-24 19:09:08.281 DEBUG [TSLocationManager incrementOdometer] 45832.402
JS: 07-24 19:09:08.344 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist]
JS: ✅ INSERT: 3ec992ec-3a51-4299-9624-a5f2d895c73f
JS: 07-24 19:09:08.347 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location:1004
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.959902,-18.538398 acc=4 et=+58m5s846ms alt=3.635449 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:09:08.425 WARN [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult]
JS: ⚠️ Failed to find SingleLocationRequest
JS: 07-24 19:09:08.467 DEBUG [HttpService flush]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ HTTP Service
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:09:08.529 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location:1008
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.959902,-18.538398 acc=4 et=+58m5s846ms alt=3.635449 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:09:08.600 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first]
JS: ✅ Locked 1 records
JS: 07-24 19:09:08.603 INFO [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult]
JS: ������ Acquired motionchange position
JS: 07-24 19:09:08.627 INFO [HttpService createRequest]
JS: ������ POST: 3ec992ec-3a51-4299-9624-a5f2d895c73f
JS: 07-24 19:09:08.647 DEBUG [TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] 3.9
JS: 07-24 19:09:08.675 INFO [HttpRequest parseNetworkResponse]
JS: ������ Response: 200
JS: 07-24 19:09:08.789 DEBUG [TSLocationManager incrementOdometer] 45832.402
JS: 07-24 19:09:08.843 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy]
JS: ✅ DESTROY: 3ec992ec-3a51-4299-9624-a5f2d895c73f
JS: 07-24 19:09:08.881 INFO [TSLocationManager removeLocationUpdates]
JS: ������ Location-services: OFF
JS: 07-24 19:09:08.930 INFO [TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates]
JS: ������ Location-services: ON
JS: 07-24 19:09:09.376 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist]
JS: ✅ INSERT: 68afe983-1099-4012-84c7-774c086091f9
JS: 07-24 19:09:09.409 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ Locati
JS: 4 19:09:09.943 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location:1009
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.959902,-18.538398 acc=4 et=+58m5s846ms alt=3.635449 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:09:10.004 DEBUG [HttpService flush]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ HTTP Service
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:09:10.055 INFO [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult]
JS: ������ Acquired motionchange position
JS: 07-24 19:09:10.103 DEBUG [TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] 3.9
JS: 07-24 19:09:10.128 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first]
JS: ✅ Locked 1 records
JS: 07-24 19:09:10.151 DEBUG [TSLocationManager incrementOdometer] 45832.402
JS: 07-24 19:09:10.172 INFO [HttpService createRequest]
JS: ������ POST: d45189bd-f55b-46ec-9533-8a411b737ed7
JS: 07-24 19:09:10.203 INFO [TSLocationManager removeLocationUpdates]
JS: ������ Location-services: OFF
JS: 07-24 19:09:10.208 INFO [HttpRequest parseNetworkResponse]
JS: ������ Response: 200
JS: 07-24 19:09:10.295 INFO [TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates]
JS: ������ Location-services: ON
JS: 07-24 19:09:10.354 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy]
JS: ✅ DESTROY: d45189bd-f55b-46ec-9533-8a411b737ed7
JS: 07-24 19:09:10.426 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist]
JS: ✅ INSERT: b513e6fe-0ebf-430c-a904-59ceed0ac481
JS: 07-24 19:09:10.477 DEBUG [HttpService flush]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ HTTP Service
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:09:10.484 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location:1006
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.959902,-18.538398 acc=4 et=+58m5s846ms alt=3.635449 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:09:10.682 WARN [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult]
JS: ⚠️ Failed to find SingleLocationRequest
JS: 07-24 19:09:10.685 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first]
JS: ✅ Locked 1 records
JS: 07-24 19:09:10.714 INFO [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ℹ️ Location availability: true
JS: 07-24 19:09:10.791 INFO [HttpService createRequest]
JS: ������ POST: b513e6fe-0ebf-430c-a904-59ceed0ac481
JS: 07-24 19:09:10.822 INFO [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ℹ️ Location availability: true
JS: 07-24 19:09:10.836 INFO [HttpRequest parseNetworkResponse]
JS: ������ Response: 200
JS: 07-24 19:09:10.872 INFO [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ℹ️ Location availability: true
JS: 07-24 19:09:10.903 INFO [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ℹ️ Location availability: true
JS: 07-24 19:09:10.931 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy]
JS: ✅ DESTROY: b513e6fe-0ebf-430c-a904-59ceed0ac481
JS: 07-24 19:09:10.971 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location:1008
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.959902,-18.538398 acc=4 et=+58m6s964ms alt=3.635449 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:09:10.988 WARN [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult]
JS: ⚠️ Failed to find SingleLocationRequest
JS: 07-24 19:09:11.053 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════�
JS: .172 WARN [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult]
JS: ⚠️ Failed to find SingleLocationRequest
JS: 07-24 19:09:11.205 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location:1008
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.959902,-18.538398 acc=4 et=+58m7s981ms alt=3.635449 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:09:11.227 WARN [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult]
JS: ⚠️ Failed to find SingleLocationRequest
JS: 07-24 19:09:11.285 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location:1007
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.959902,-18.538398 acc=4 et=+58m7s981ms alt=3.635449 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:09:11.322 WARN [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult]
JS: ⚠️ Failed to find SingleLocationRequest
JS: 07-24 19:09:11.343 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location:1009
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.959902,-18.538398 acc=4 et=+58m7s981ms alt=3.635449 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:09:11.363 WARN [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult]
JS: ⚠️ Failed to find SingleLocationRequest
JS: 07-24 19:09:11.384 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.959902,-18.538398 acc=4 et=+58m8s907ms alt=3.635449 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:09:11.401 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ Process LocationResult
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:09:11.418 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult]
JS: ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location
JS: 07-24 19:09:11.434 INFO [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ℹ️ Location availability: true
JS: 07-24 19:09:11.458 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.959902,-18.538398 acc=4 et=+58m11s948ms alt=3.635449 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:09:11.475 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ Process LocationResult
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:09:11.492 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult]
JS: ℹ️ IGNORED: same as last location
JS: 07-24 19:09:11.513 INFO [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ℹ️ Location availability: true
JS: 07-24 19:09:11.548 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════��
JS: 4 19:09:25.122 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first]
JS: ✅ Locked 1 records
JS: 07-24 19:09:25.138 INFO [HttpService createRequest]
JS: ������ POST: 35764cde-265b-4cce-9ced-91c9f3a98b98
JS: 07-24 19:09:25.156 INFO [HttpRequest parseNetworkResponse]
JS: ������ Response: 200
JS: 07-24 19:09:25.177 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy]
JS: ✅ DESTROY: 35764cde-265b-4cce-9ced-91c9f3a98b98
JS: 07-24 19:09:34.747 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.965565,-18.535823 acc=4 et=+58m36s955ms alt=16.0 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:09:34.765 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ Process LocationResult
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:09:34.783 DEBUG [TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] 3.9
JS: 07-24 19:09:34.802 DEBUG [TSLocationManager incrementOdometer] 47463.0
JS: 07-24 19:09:34.832 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist]
JS: ✅ INSERT: 6de64a30-61f7-434a-9956-059fc030b385
JS: 07-24 19:09:34.863 DEBUG [HttpService flush]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ HTTP Service
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:09:34.901 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first]
JS: ✅ Locked 1 records
JS: 07-24 19:09:34.933 INFO [HttpService createRequest]
JS: ������ POST: 6de64a30-61f7-434a-9956-059fc030b385
JS: 07-24 19:09:34.951 INFO [HttpRequest parseNetworkResponse]
JS: ������ Response: 200
JS: 07-24 19:09:34.978 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy]
JS: ✅ DESTROY: 6de64a30-61f7-434a-9956-059fc030b385
JS: 07-24 19:09:44.776 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.979405,-18.537025 acc=4 et=+58m46s980ms alt=16.763029 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:09:44.790 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ Process LocationResult
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:09:44.805 DEBUG [TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] 3.9
JS: 07-24 19:09:44.822 DEBUG [TSLocationManager incrementOdometer] 49007.223
JS: 07-24 19:09:44.861 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist]
JS: ✅ INSERT: c3b889da-3ab4-463a-bee0-6518c8f4e1e0
JS: 07-24 19:09:44.885 DEBUG [HttpService flush]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ HTTP Service
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:09:44.909 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first]
JS: ✅ Locked 1 records
JS: 07-24 19:09:44.925 INFO [HttpService createRequest]
JS: ������ POST: c3b889da-3ab4-463a-bee0-6518c8f4e1e0
JS: 07-24 19:09:44.938 INFO [HttpRequest parseNetworkResponse]
JS: ������ Response: 200
JS: 07-24 19:09:44.955 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy]
JS: ✅ DESTROY: c3b889da-3ab4-463a-bee0-6518c8f4e1e0
JS: 07-24 19:09:54.787 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔════════════════════�
JS: 19:10:06.915 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.973255,-18.548527 acc=4 et=+59m9s10ms alt=38.388111 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:10:06.951 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ Process LocationResult
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:10:06.977 DEBUG [TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] 3.9
JS: 07-24 19:10:07.004 DEBUG [TSLocationManager incrementOdometer] 51750.813
JS: 07-24 19:10:07.035 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist]
JS: ✅ INSERT: a6658219-72f9-4139-90a4-5500005704aa
JS: 07-24 19:10:07.076 DEBUG [HttpService flush]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ HTTP Service
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:10:07.193 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first]
JS: ✅ Locked 1 records
JS: 07-24 19:10:07.223 INFO [HttpService createRequest]
JS: ������ POST: a6658219-72f9-4139-90a4-5500005704aa
JS: 07-24 19:10:07.264 INFO [HttpRequest parseNetworkResponse]
JS: ������ Response: 200
JS: 07-24 19:10:07.290 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy]
JS: ✅ DESTROY: a6658219-72f9-4139-90a4-5500005704aa
JS: 07-24 19:10:16.817 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.964377,-18.539085 acc=4 et=+59m19s24ms alt=17.097998 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:10:16.838 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ Process LocationResult
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:10:16.851 DEBUG [TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] 3.9
JS: 07-24 19:10:16.869 DEBUG [TSLocationManager incrementOdometer] 52829.848
JS: 07-24 19:10:16.898 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist]
JS: ✅ INSERT: bff40b5d-402b-4157-8032-316deac93343
JS: 07-24 19:10:16.925 DEBUG [HttpService flush]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ HTTP Service
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:10:16.947 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first]
JS: ✅ Locked 1 records
JS: 07-24 19:10:16.959 INFO [HttpService createRequest]
JS: ������ POST: bff40b5d-402b-4157-8032-316deac93343
JS: 07-24 19:10:16.972 INFO [HttpRequest parseNetworkResponse]
JS: ������ Response: 200
JS: 07-24 19:10:16.990 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy]
JS: ✅ DESTROY: bff40b5d-402b-4157-8032-316deac93343
JS: 07-24 19:10:30.899 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.962208,-18.540458 acc=4 et=+59m33s42ms alt=12.649504 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:10:30.935 DEBUG [TSLoc
JS: Begin stop timer
JS: 07-24 19:11:57.432 DEBUG [LocationService onLocation]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ LocationService: location
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ ������ Location[fused 65.966055,-18.542862 acc=4 et=+1h0m59s610ms alt=23.035135 vel=0.0]
JS: 07-24 19:11:57.560 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ Process LocationResult
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:11:57.596 DEBUG [TSLocationManager calculateMedianAccuracy] 3.9
JS: 07-24 19:11:57.615 DEBUG [TSLocationManager incrementOdometer] 53522.21
JS: 07-24 19:11:57.647 INFO [BackgroundGeolocationService onLocationResult]
JS: ℹ️ Distance from stoppedAtLocation: 434.83527
JS: 07-24 19:11:57.683 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist]
JS: ✅ INSERT: b8399d4a-4865-495d-bbcb-a2ea9f82b01a
JS: 07-24 19:11:57.703 DEBUG [BackgroundGeolocationService h]
JS: 07-24 19:11:57.784 DEBUG [HttpService flush]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ HTTP Service
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-24 19:11:57.847 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first]
JS: ✅ Locked 1 records
JS: 07-24 19:11:57.866 INFO [HttpService createRequest]
JS: ������ POST: b8399d4a-4865-495d-bbcb-a2ea9f82b01a
JS: 07-24 19:11:57.884 INFO [HttpRequest parseNetworkResponse]
JS: ������ Response: 200
JS: 07-24 19:11:57.909 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy]
JS: ✅ DESTROY: b8399d4a-4865-495d-bbcb-a2ea9f82b01a
JS: 07-27 12:06:51.246 INFO [BackgroundGeolocation <init>]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ BackgroundGeolocation adapter
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-27 12:06:51.373 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO dbh]
JS: ✅ Opened database
JS: 07-27 12:06:51.388 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO prune]
JS: ℹ️ PRUNE -1 days
JS: 07-27 12:06:51.549 DEBUG [GeofenceDAO dbh]
JS: ✅ Opened database
JS: 07-27 12:06:51.626 INFO [BackgroundGeolocation <init>]
JS: ������ Connecting to GooglePlayServices...
JS: 07-27 12:06:51.667 INFO [BootReceiver onReceive]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ BootReceiver: com.imaxem.maxdelivery
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ╟─ android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED
JS: 07-27 12:06:51.734 INFO [BackgroundGeolocation onConnected]
JS: ✅ Google Play Services: connected (version code:10084000)
JS: 07-27 12:08:49.604 INFO [BackgroundGeolocation <init>]
JS: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: ║ BackgroundGeolocation adapter
JS: ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════
JS: 07-27 12:08:49.915 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO dbh]
JS: ✅ Opened database
JS: 07-27 12:08:50.014 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO prune]
JS: ℹ️ PRUNE -1 days
JS: 07-27 12:08:50.629 DEBUG [GeofenceDAO dbh]
JS: ✅ Opened database
JS: 07-27 12:08:51.033 INFO [BackgroundGeolocation <init>]
JS: ������ Connecting to GooglePlayServices...
JS: 07-27 12:09:00.768 INFO [BackgroundGeolocation onConnected]
JS: ✅ Google Play Services: connected (version code:10084000)
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