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Created June 14, 2024 10:35
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Simple_TTS_Gui_OpenAI_streamlit πŸ“„=πŸ€–=>πŸŽ™


This is a simple GUI for the OpenAI Text-to-Speech API. This is an example of a Streamlit app that uses the OpenAI API to convert text to speech. The app allows users to enter text in a chat input field, which is then converted to speech using the OpenAI API. The app displays the chat history and the corresponding audio files. The app uses the OpenAI Python client library to interact with the OpenAI API. The app also uses the Streamlit chat input and audio components to create a chat interface for the user. The app is a simple example of how to use the OpenAI API with Streamlit to create a text-to-speech application.

To run the app, you need to install the following libraries:

  • streamlit

  • openai

  • numpy

You can install the libraries using the following command:

pip install streamlit openai numpy

After that, you can run the app like this:

  • Make sure to be in the same directory as the file.

  • Use the appropriate python environment with the libraries installed.

  • Be sure to have an OpenAI API key. You can get one by creating an account on the OpenAI platform. And then create an API key in the API section of your account. This is a paid service, so be careful with the usage of the API and do not share your API key. And set usage limits of the API in your account to avoid any unexpected charges.

  • Replace the API key in the file with your own API key. (line 71 of the file

  • Run the app using the following command in the terminal:

streamlit run

Or the complete path to the file IMPORTANT: The OpenAI API is a paid service. Generating approximately 10 minutes of audio costs around 0.5€ (0.6$). So be careful with the usage of the API and do not share your API key.

Set usage limits of the API in your account to avoid any unexpected charges. I'm not responsible for any misuse of the API. This is more an example of how to use the API with Streamlit.

For more information about the OpenAI API, you can visit the official website:

And for more information about the Streamlit library, you can visit the official website:

Author: Clement TIFFON
Date: 14-06-2023
Description: This is a simple GUI for the OpenAI Text-to-Speech API. This is an example of a Streamlit app that uses the OpenAI API to convert text to speech. The app allows users to enter text in a chat input field, which is then converted to speech using the OpenAI API. The app displays the chat history and the corresponding audio files. The app uses the OpenAI Python client library to interact with the OpenAI API. The app also uses the Streamlit chat input and audio components to create a chat interface for the user. The app is a simple example of how to use the OpenAI API with Streamlit to create a text-to-speech application.
to run the app, you need to install the following libraries:
- streamlit
- openai
- numpy
You can install the libraries using the following command:
pip install streamlit openai numpy
Affter that, you can run the app like this :
- be sure to be in the same directory as the file (using the cd command)
- use the appriopriate python environment with the libraries installed
- run the app using the following command in the terminal :
>>> streamlit run
the app will open in your default browser and you can use it to convert text to speech using the OpenAI API.
IMPORTANT : the OpenAI API is a paid service. For generate like 10 min of audio that cost aproximatly 0.5€ (0.6$). So be careful with the usage of the API. And /!\ don't share your API key /!\
PUT USAGE LIMITS OF THE API in your account to avoid any bad surprise. I'm not responsible for any misuse of the API. this is more an example of how to use the API with Streamlit.
for more information about the OpenAI API, you can visit the official website:
and for more information about the Streamlit library, you can visit the official website:
import streamlit as st
from pathlib import Path
from openai import OpenAI
from datetime import datetime
import os
import logging
# make the current working directory the same as the directory of the script
format='%(asctime)s - %(message)s')
# Configure logging to write to a file, including the level and format of the log messages"Starting the app") # Log the start of the app"Current working directory: {Path.cwd()}"
) # Log the current working directory
f"Path to audio files directory: {Path.cwd().joinpath('audio_files')}")
Path_audio_files = Path.cwd().joinpath("audio_files")
# Create the directory if it doesn't exist the parents argument is to create the parent directories if they don't exist and the exist_ok argument is to avoid raising an error if the directory already exists
Path_audio_files.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Path("audio_files").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
st.title("Simple TTS GUI") # Title of the app
st.write("This is a simple GUI for the OpenAI Text-to-Speech API."
) # Description of the app
import numpy as np
# Check if 'chat_input' and 'audio_files' are in the session state
# If not, initialize them as empty lists
if "chat_input" not in st.session_state: # session state is a dictionary that persists across reruns of the script
st.session_state.chat_input = []
if "audio_files" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.audio_files = []
# Create a text input field for the user to enter text
prompt = st.chat_input("Enter text to convert to speech:")
# Initialize OpenAI client
client = OpenAI(
) # Replace ... with your OpenAI API key Go to to get your API key
if "file_count" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.file_count = 1
if prompt:
# Add the user's input to the chat_input session state
st.session_state.chat_input.append(prompt)"User input: {prompt}") # Log the user input
with st.spinner("Converting text to speech..."):
timestamp ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
filename = f"A{st.session_state.file_count}_{timestamp}.mp3"
speech_file_path = Path.cwd() / "audio_files" / filename
# make an request to the OpenAI API to convert the text to speech
response ="tts-1",
# stream the response to a file and read the file
with open(speech_file_path, 'rb') as f:
audio_file ="AI response : making audio file {filename}"
) # Log the AI response
# Add the audio file to the audio_files session state
# add the audio file to the session state
with st.sidebar:
st.session_state.file_count += 1
# Display chat history
for i in range(len(st.session_state.chat_input)):
with st.chat_message('user'):
with st.chat_message('ai', avatar="πŸ€–"):[i])
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