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Created August 22, 2017 15:44
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Comparison of multiplicity polymorphic vs linear monad
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module LMonad where
import GHC.Prim
import qualified Unsafe.Coerce as NonLinear
import qualified GHC.Types as T
import Prelude hiding (return, (>>=), (>>), IO)
import qualified Prelude as P
import qualified System.IO as IO
class LMonad m where
return :: a ⊸ m a
(>>=) :: m a ⊸ (a ⊸ m b) ⊸ m b
(>>) :: Comonoid a => m a ⊸ m b ⊸ m b
ma >> mb = ma >>= \a -> next (del a) mb
next :: () ⊸ m b ⊸ m b
next () mb' = mb'
main :: P.IO ()
main = toIO test
test :: IO ()
test = do
h <- openFile "LMonadMonomorphic.hs" IO.ReadMode
Unrestricted content <- readLines h
fromIO (mapM_ putStrLn content)
readLines :: IO.Handle ⊸ IO [String]
readLines h = go h [] where
go :: IO.Handle ⊸ [String] -> IO [String]
go h' ls = do
(h'', Unrestricted eof) <- hIsEOF h'
choose eof h''
(\h''' -> do
() <- hClose h'''
return (Unrestricted $ reverse ls))
(\h''' -> do
(h'''', Unrestricted ln) <- hReadLine h'''
go h'''' (ln : ls))
type IO a = IOL (Unrestricted a)
newtype IOL a = IOL (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #))
runIOL :: IOL a ⊸ State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
runIOL (IOL f) w = f w
instance LMonad IOL where
return a = IOL (\w -> (# w, a #))
m >>= f = IOL (\w -> matchUnboxedLin w (runIOL m) (\w' a -> runIOL (f a) w'))
openFile :: FilePath -> IO.IOMode -> IOL IO.Handle
openFile path mode = fromIOLin (IO.openFile path mode)
hReadLine :: IO.Handle ⊸ IOL (IO.Handle, Unrestricted String)
hReadLine handle = fromIOLin (unsafeCastLinear almost handle)
where almost h = (h,) . Unrestricted <$> IO.hGetLine h
hIsEOF :: IO.Handle ⊸ IOL (IO.Handle, Unrestricted Bool)
hIsEOF handle = fromIOLin (unsafeCastLinear almost handle)
where almost h = (h,) . Unrestricted <$> IO.hIsEOF h
hClose :: IO.Handle ⊸ IOL ()
hClose handle = fromIOLin (unsafeCastLinear IO.hClose handle)
data Unrestricted a where
Unrestricted :: a -> Unrestricted a
class Comonoid a where
del :: a ⊸ ()
dup :: a ⊸ (a, a)
instance Comonoid () where
del () = ()
dup () = ((), ())
instance Comonoid (Unrestricted a) where
del (Unrestricted _) = ()
dup (Unrestricted a) = (Unrestricted a, Unrestricted a)
choose :: Bool -> a ⊸ (a ⊸ b) -> (a ⊸ b) -> b
choose True v f _ = f v
choose False v _ f = f v
fromIOLin :: P.IO a ⊸ IOL (a)
fromIOLin (T.IO f) = IOL f
toIO :: IO a -> P.IO a
toIO (IOL f) = T.IO (\w -> case f w of (# w', Unrestricted a #) -> (# w', a #))
fromIO :: P.IO a -> IOL (Unrestricted a)
fromIO (T.IO f) = IOL (\w -> case f w of (# w', a #) -> (# w', Unrestricted a #))
unsafeCoerce :: a ⊸ b
unsafeCoerce = NonLinear.unsafeCoerce NonLinear.unsafeCoerce
unsafeCastLinear :: (a -> b) ⊸ (a ⊸ b)
unsafeCastLinear = unsafeCoerce
matchUnboxedLin :: State# RealWorld -> (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, c #)) ⊸ (State# RealWorld -> c ⊸ (# State# RealWorld, d #)) ⊸ (# State# RealWorld, d #)
matchUnboxedLin = almost
almost :: State# RealWorld -> (State# RealWorld ⊸ (# State# RealWorld, c #)) -> (State# RealWorld ⊸ c ⊸ (# State# RealWorld, d #)) ⊸ (# State# RealWorld, d #)
almost a f c = case f a of
(# l, r #) -> c l r
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module LMonad where
import qualified Unsafe.Coerce as NonLinear
import GHC.Prim
import qualified GHC.Types as T
import Prelude hiding (return, (>>=), (>>), IO)
import qualified Prelude as P
import qualified System.IO as IO
class LMonad m where
return :: (SingI p) => Arr p a (m p a)
(>>=) :: (SingI p) => m p a ⊸ Arr p a (m q b) ⊸ m q b
(>>) :: m 'Omega a ⊸ m q b ⊸ m q b
a >> b = a >>= \_ -> b
main :: P.IO ()
main = toIO test
test :: IO ()
test = do
h <- openFile "LMonadPolymorphic.hs" IO.ReadMode
content <- readLines h
fromIO (mapM_ putStrLn content)
readLines :: IO.Handle ⊸ IOL 'Omega [String]
readLines h = go h [] where
go :: IO.Handle ⊸ [String] -> IOL 'Omega [String]
go h' ls = do
(h'', eof) <- hIsEOF h'
choose eof h''
(\h''' -> do
() <- hClose h'''
return (reverse ls))
(\h''' -> do
(h'''', ln) <- hReadLine h'''
go h'''' (ln : ls))
type IO = IOL 'Omega
newtype IOL (p :: Multiplicity) a = IOL (State# RealWorld ⊸ (# State# RealWorld, UnrestrictedIf p a #))
runIOL :: IOL p a ⊸ State# RealWorld ⊸ (# State# RealWorld, UnrestrictedIf p a #)
runIOL (IOL f) w = f w
data Multiplicity = One | Omega
type family Arr (p :: Multiplicity) a b = result | result -> a b where
Arr 'One a b = a ⊸ b
Arr 'Omega a b = a -> b
instance LMonad IOL where
return :: forall p a. SingI p => Arr p a (IOL p a)
return = caseF sing where
caseF :: Sing p -> Arr p a (IOL p a)
caseF SOne = \a -> IOL (\w -> (# w, Linear a #))
caseF SOmega = \a -> IOL (\w -> (# w, NotLinear a #))
(>>=) :: forall p q a b. (SingI p) => IOL p a ⊸ Arr p a (IOL q b) ⊸ IOL q b
(>>=) = caseF sing where
caseF :: Sing p -> IOL p a ⊸ Arr p a (IOL q b) ⊸ IOL q b
caseF SOne = \m (f :: a ⊸ IOL q b) -> IOL (\w -> matchUnboxedLin w (runIOL m) (\w' a -> runIOL (f a) w'))
caseF SOmega = \m f -> IOL (\w -> matchUnboxed w (runIOL m) (\w' a -> runIOL (f a) w'))
openFile :: FilePath -> IO.IOMode -> IOL 'One IO.Handle
openFile path mode = fromIOLin (IO.openFile path mode)
hReadLine :: IO.Handle ⊸ IOL 'One (IO.Handle, String)
hReadLine handle = fromIOLin (unsafeCastLinear almost handle)
where almost h = (h,) <$> IO.hGetLine h
hIsEOF :: IO.Handle ⊸ IOL 'Omega (IO.Handle, Bool)
hIsEOF handle = fromIO (unsafeCastLinear almost handle)
where almost h = (h,) <$> IO.hIsEOF h
hClose :: IO.Handle ⊸ IOL 'Omega ()
hClose handle = fromIO (unsafeCastLinear IO.hClose handle)
data Unrestricted a where
Unrestricted :: a -> Unrestricted a
data UnrestrictedIf p a where
Linear :: a ⊸ UnrestrictedIf 'One a
NotLinear :: a -> UnrestrictedIf 'Omega a
choose :: Bool -> a ⊸ (a ⊸ b) -> (a ⊸ b) -> b
choose True v f _ = f v
choose False v _ f = f v
toIO :: IO a -> P.IO a
toIO (IOL f) = T.IO (removeUnrestricted f)
fromIOLin :: P.IO a ⊸ IOL 'One a
fromIOLin (T.IO f) = IOL (addRestricted f)
fromIO :: P.IO a ⊸ IO a
fromIO (T.IO f) = IOL (addUnrestricted f)
-- Guess I will just let the bug handle this for now
unsafeCoerce :: a ⊸ b
unsafeCoerce = NonLinear.unsafeCoerce NonLinear.unsafeCoerce
unsafeCastLinear :: (a -> b) ⊸ (a ⊸ b)
unsafeCastLinear = unsafeCoerce
addRestricted :: (State# RealWorld ⊸ (# State# RealWorld, a #)) ⊸ State# RealWorld ⊸ (# State# RealWorld, UnrestrictedIf 'One a #)
addRestricted = almost
almost :: (State# RealWorld ⊸ (# State# RealWorld, a #)) -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, UnrestrictedIf 'One a #)
almost f w = case f w of
(# w', a #) -> (# w', Linear a #)
addUnrestricted :: (State# RealWorld ⊸ (# State# RealWorld, a #)) ⊸ State# RealWorld ⊸ (# State# RealWorld, UnrestrictedIf 'Omega a #)
addUnrestricted = almost
almost :: (State# RealWorld ⊸ (# State# RealWorld, a #)) -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, UnrestrictedIf 'Omega a #)
almost f w = case f w of
(# w', a #) -> (# w', NotLinear a #)
removeUnrestricted :: (State# RealWorld ⊸ (# State# RealWorld, UnrestrictedIf 'Omega a #)) ⊸ State# RealWorld ⊸ (# State# RealWorld, a #)
removeUnrestricted = almost
almost :: (State# RealWorld ⊸ (# State# RealWorld, UnrestrictedIf 'Omega a #)) -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
almost f w = case f w of
(# w', NotLinear a #) -> (# w', a #)
-- Unboxed tuples have to be case matched and case doesn't work for linear types so we
-- cast the function as linear and it seems to work
matchUnboxedLin :: State# RealWorld ⊸ (State# RealWorld ⊸ (# State# RealWorld, UnrestrictedIf 'One c #)) ⊸ (State# RealWorld ⊸ c ⊸ (# State# RealWorld, d #)) ⊸ (# State# RealWorld, d #)
matchUnboxedLin = almost
-- can't be polymorphic over State# Realworld
almost :: State# RealWorld -> (State# RealWorld ⊸ (# State# RealWorld, UnrestrictedIf 'One c #)) -> (State# RealWorld ⊸ c ⊸ (# State# RealWorld, d #)) ⊸ (# State# RealWorld, d #)
almost a f c = case f a of
(# l, Linear r #) -> c l r
matchUnboxed :: State# RealWorld ⊸ (State# RealWorld ⊸ (# State# RealWorld, UnrestrictedIf 'Omega c #)) ⊸ (State# RealWorld ⊸ c -> (# State# RealWorld, d #)) ⊸ (# State# RealWorld, d #)
matchUnboxed = almost
almost :: State# RealWorld -> (State# RealWorld ⊸ (# State# RealWorld, UnrestrictedIf 'Omega c #)) -> (State# RealWorld ⊸ c -> (# State# RealWorld, d #)) ⊸ (# State# RealWorld, d #)
almost a f c = case f a of
(# l, NotLinear r #) -> c l r
data family Sing (a :: k)
data instance Sing (a :: Multiplicity) where
SOne :: Sing 'One
SOmega :: Sing 'Omega
class SingI (p :: k) where
sing :: Sing p
instance SingI 'One where
sing = SOne
instance SingI 'Omega where
sing = SOmega
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