Coroner Service by Eddlm -
Reason: outdated, closed source, could use improvements and bugs fixed
Improvements: dialogue between the coroners, coroner van driving to the morgue
Jets Intercept When Wanted by iLike2Teabag -
Reason: crashes, outdated, closed source
News Helicopter by iLike2Teabag -
Reason: crashes, outdated
Dialogue System by jedijosh920 -
Reason: outdated, closed source, could use improvements and bugs fixed
Improvements: aim at peds without weapon to greet or antagonize, aim with weopon = only antagonize possible
GoreV by jedijosh920 -
Reason: outdated, closed source, could use improvements and bug fixes
Improvements: more accurate position of the splatter, and maybe add more realsim (blood spilling? bullet penetration?)
Throwing Knifes by jedijosh920 -
Reason: outdated, closed source, could use improvements and bug fixes
Impprovements: make all melee throwable but let them behave differently, add ini to customize damage for each weapon for each body part, make peds behave depending on what kind of melee weapon was thrown and where it hit
Illegal Street Races by jedijosh920 -
Reason: outdated, closed source, could use improvements and bug fixes
Deadeye by jedijosh920 -
Reason: outdated, closed source, could use improvements and bug fixes
Improvements: make customizable how much the time is slowed down
Knockout by jedijosh920 -
Reason: possible crashes, outdated, closed source, could use improvements and bug fixes
Relaxed Driving Style by jedijosh920 -
Reason: outdated, closed source, could use improvements and bug fixes
Improvements: make it a toggable feature rather than auto activated, make it that the vehicle will not change gear (if the vehicle has a manual transmission - old vehicles, bikes, ...) while in relaxed driving style (you can not shift with one hand)
Beta Takedowns by jedijosh920 -
Reason: possible crashes, outdated, closed source, could improvements and bug fixes
Improvements: make the peds behave accurate (no delay) to the takedown, randomize the takedown with a hit or with shooting: if the ped is holding a shooting weapon, take down with bullet so he is dead, if the ped is holding melee or no weapon, take down like in vanilla game and only make him unconscious
Parkour IV by jedijosh920 / Parkour IV plus by LazyA -
Reason: outdated, closed source, could use improvements and bug fixes
Improvements: use better animation
Umbrella Mod by jedijosh920 -
Reason: crashes, outdated, closed source
Real Paramedics by jedijosh920 -
Reason: outdated, closed source, could use improvements and bug fixes
Crawl Injury by jedijosh920 -
Reason: not working anymore, could use improvements and bug fixes
Drag Dead by jedijosh920 -
Reason: outdated, could use improvements and bug fixes
Improvements: maybe add option to carry dead/unconscious like in RDR2 (using the animation from that game or a new one?)
Gangster Aim by jedijosh920 -
Reason: might not work, outdated, closed source, could use improvements and bug fixes,
Improvements: increase recoil if aiming one handed, maybe even give a little damage to the player
Ped Suicide by jedijosh920 -
Reason: outdated, closed source, could use improvements and bug fixes
Improvemnts: make original mod feature (forcing a ped to suicide) optional via ini, add feature that injured fighting peds (chance customizable) shoot themselves in the head if their health is low during fight, add random event for certain peds to jump of bridges, shoot them selves, set them selves on fire, jump out of car or drive against traffic, ... -> can be interupted by player
More Random Events by jedijosh920 -
Reason: outdated, closed source, could use improvements and bug fixes
Improvements: make each category of random event optional via ini
Stance by jedijosh920 -
Reason: outdated, closed source, could use improvements and bug fixes
Improvements: better toggling of different states (Maybe use key combinations for ? key 1 + key 2/3/4 for vanilla stealth(2) crouch(3) prone(4), key 1 alone = normal)
Seats by GTAxPRO - / Sitting Mod by jedijosh920 -
Reason: closed source, could use improvements and bug fixes
Realistic Jet Engines by CamxxCore -
Reason: outdated, closed source
Enhanced Traffic Laws by HKH191 -
Reason: closed source, could use improvements and bug fixes
Improvements: this mod needs way simpler GUI