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Created August 23, 2018 13:30
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Disable Execution Plans in Truesight
param (
function get_login_headers() {
$loginuri = "https://$tspshost/tsws/10.0/api/authenticate/login"
$method = "POST"
$postParams = @{username='user';password='password';tenantName='bmcrealm'}
#we will expect a 200 response and pull the authtoken from the json content
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $loginuri -Method $method -Body $postParams
$respjson = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$authtoken = $respjson.response.authToken
$headers = @{
"Pragma" = "no-cache";
"Origin" = "https://$tspshost";
"Authorization" = "authToken $authtoken";
"Content-Type" = "application/json";
"Referer" = "https://$tspshost";
return $headers
function get_exec_plans($appid) {
$uri ="https://$tspshost/tsws/10.0/api/appvis/executionplan/list?application=$appid"
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Headers $headers
$respjson = $response.Content | convertfrom-json
return $respjson
function get_exec_plan_detail($execplan) {
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://$tspshost/tsws/10.0/api/appvis/executionplan/executionById?executionPlanId=$execplan" -Headers $headers
$respjson = $response.Content | convertfrom-json
return $respjson
function disable_exec_plan($execjson,$execplan,$appid) {
$ = 0
$ = "$appid"
$explanname = $($
$appname = $($$appid)
$execjson = $ | ConvertTo-Json
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -uri "https://$tspshost/tsws/10.0/api/appvis/executionplan/save?executionPlanId=$execplan" -Headers $headers -Method "PUT" -Body $execjson
if ($response.StatusCode -eq 200) {
write-host "Disabled [$execplan] $explanname of [$appid] $appname"
return 1
else {
$respjson = $response.Content | convertfrom-json
write-host $respjson.error
return 0
function enable_exec_plan($execjson,$execplan,$appid) {
$ = 1
$ = "$appid"
$explanname = $($
$appname = $($$appid)
$execjson = $ | ConvertTo-Json
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -uri "https://$tspshost/tsws/10.0/api/appvis/executionplan/save?executionPlanId=$execplan" -Headers $headers -Method "PUT" -Body $execjson
if ($response.StatusCode -eq 200) {
write-host "Enabled [$execplan] $explanname of [$appid] $appname"
return 1
else {
$respjson = $response.Content | convertfrom-json
write-host $respjson.error
return 0
#real code starts here
$headers = get_login_headers
$plans = get_exec_plans $appid
foreach ($plan in $ {
$execjson = get_exec_plan_detail $plan.executionPlanId
$disablevalue = disable_exec_plan $execjson $execplanid $appid
if ($disablevalue -eq 1) {
start-sleep 20
$enablevalue = enable_exec_plan $execjson $execplan.executionPlanId $appid
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