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Created March 1, 2023 06:49
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include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/config/config.php'; // MMDVMDash Config
include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/mmdvmhost/tools.php'; // MMDVMDash Tools
include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/mmdvmhost/functions.php'; // MMDVMDash Functions
include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/config/language.php'; // Translation Code
// Check if the config file exists
if (file_exists('/etc/pistar-css.ini')) {
// Use the values from the file
$piStarCssFile = '/etc/pistar-css.ini';
if (fopen($piStarCssFile,'r')) { $piStarCss = parse_ini_file($piStarCssFile, true); }
// Set the Values from the config file
if (isset($piStarCss['Lookup']['Service'])) { $callsignLookupSvc = $piStarCss['Lookup']['Service']; } // Lookup Service "QRZ" or "RadioID"
else { $callsignLookupSvc = "RadioID"; } // Set the default if its missing // Set the default if its missing
} else {
// Default values
$callsignLookupSvc = "RadioID";
// Safety net
if (($callsignLookupSvc != "RadioID") && ($callsignLookupSvc != "QRZ")) { $callsignLookupSvc = "RadioID"; }
// Setup the URL(s)
$idLookupUrl = "";
if ($callsignLookupSvc == "RadioID") { $callsignLookupUrl = ""; }
if ($callsignLookupSvc == "QRZ") { $callsignLookupUrl = ""; }
<b><?php echo $lang['last_heard_list'];?></b>
<th><a class="tooltip" href="#"><?php echo $lang['time'];?> (<?php echo date('T')?>)<span><b>Time in <?php echo date('T')?> time zone</b></span></a></th>
<th><a class="tooltip" href="#"><?php echo $lang['mode'];?><span><b>Transmitted Mode</b></span></a></th>
<th style="min-width:14ch"><a class="tooltip" href="#"><?php echo $lang['callsign'];?><span><b>Callsign</b></span></a></th>
<th><a class="tooltip" href="#"><?php echo $lang['target'];?><span><b>Target, D-Star Reflector, DMR Talk Group etc</b></span></a></th>
<th><a class="tooltip" href="#"><?php echo $lang['src'];?><span><b>Received from source</b></span></a></th>
<th><a class="tooltip" href="#"><?php echo $lang['dur'];?>(s)<span><b>Duration in Seconds</b></span></a></th>
<th><a class="tooltip" href="#"><?php echo $lang['loss'];?><span><b>Packet Loss</b></span></a></th>
<th><a class="tooltip" href="#"><?php echo $lang['ber'];?><span><b>Bit Error Rate</b></span></a></th>
$i = 0;
for ($i = 0; ($i <= 19); $i++) { //Last 20 calls
if (isset($lastHeard[$i])) {
$listElem = $lastHeard[$i];
if ( $listElem[2] ) {
$utc_time = $listElem[0];
$utc_tz = new DateTimeZone('UTC');
$local_tz = new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get ());
$dt = new DateTime($utc_time, $utc_tz);
$local_time = $dt->format('H:i:s M jS');
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td align=\"left\">$local_time</td>";
echo "<td align=\"left\">".str_replace('Slot ', 'TS', $listElem[1])."</td>";
if (is_numeric($listElem[2])) {
if ($listElem[2] > 9999) { echo "<td align=\"left\"><a href=\"".$idLookupUrl.$listElem[2]."\" target=\"_blank\">$listElem[2]</a></td>"; }
else { echo "<td align=\"left\">".$listElem[2]."</td>"; }
} elseif (!preg_match('/[A-Za-z].*[0-9]|[0-9].*[A-Za-z]/', $listElem[2])) {
echo "<td align=\"left\">$listElem[2]</td>";
} else {
if (strpos($listElem[2],"-") > 0) { $listElem[2] = substr($listElem[2], 0, strpos($listElem[2],"-")); }
if ( $listElem[3] && $listElem[3] != ' ' ) {
echo "<td align=\"left\"><div style=\"float:left;\"><a href=\"".$callsignLookupUrl.$listElem[2]."\" target=\"_blank\">$listElem[2]</a>/$listElem[3]</div> <div style=\"text-align:right;\">&#40;<a href=\"!call=".$listElem[2]."*\" target=\"_blank\">GPS</a>&#41;</div></td>";
} else {
echo "<td align=\"left\"><div style=\"float:left;\"><a href=\"".$callsignLookupUrl.$listElem[2]."\" target=\"_blank\">$listElem[2]</a></div> <div style=\"text-align:right;\">&#40;<a href=\"!call=".$listElem[2]."*\" target=\"_blank\">GPS</a>&#41;</div></td>";
if (strlen($listElem[4]) == 1) { $listElem[4] = str_pad($listElem[4], 8, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT); }
if ( substr($listElem[4], 0, 6) === 'CQCQCQ' ) {
echo "<td align=\"left\">$listElem[4]</td>";
} else {
$tgname = $listElem[4];
$base = "";
$lhurl = "";
switch ($tgname) {
case "TG 95":
$tgname = "95 Australia, New Zealand"; break;
case "TG 31621":
$tgname = "31621 HRCC"; break;
case "TG 3126":
$tgname = "3126 Michigan"; break;
case "TG 5301":
$tgname = "5301 ZL 1 Regional"; break;
case "TG 5302":
$tgname = "5302 ZL 2 Regional"; break;
case "TG 5303":
$tgname = "5303 ZL 3 Regional"; break;
case "TG 5304":
$tgname = "5304 ZL 4 Regional"; break;
case "TG 310997":
$tgname = "31997 Parrot"; break;
case "TG 98003":
$tgname = "98003 Reddit"; break;
echo "<td align=\"left\"><strong><a href=\"$lhurl\" target=\"blank\" >".str_replace(" ","&nbsp;", $tgname)."</a></strong><br/>$listElem[1]</td>";
if ($listElem[5] == "RF"){
echo "<td style=\"background:#1d1;\">RF</td>";
echo "<td>$listElem[5]</td>";
if ($listElem[6] == null) {
// Live duration
$utc_time = $listElem[0];
$utc_tz = new DateTimeZone('UTC');
$now = new DateTime("now", $utc_tz);
$dt = new DateTime($utc_time, $utc_tz);
$duration = $now->getTimestamp() - $dt->getTimestamp();
$duration_string = $duration<999 ? round($duration) . "+" : "&infin;";
echo "<td colspan =\"3\" style=\"background:#f33;\">TX " . $duration_string . " sec</td>";
} else if ($listElem[6] == "DMR Data") {
echo "<td colspan =\"3\" style=\"background:#1d1;\">DMR Data</td>";
} else if ($listElem[6] == "POCSAG Data") {
echo "<td colspan =\"3\" style=\"background:#1d1;\">POCSAG Data</td>";
} else {
echo "<td>$listElem[6]</td>";
// Colour the Loss Field
if (floatval($listElem[7]) < 1) { echo "<td>$listElem[7]</td>"; }
elseif (floatval($listElem[7]) == 1) { echo "<td style=\"background:#1d1;\">$listElem[7]</td>"; }
elseif (floatval($listElem[7]) > 1 && floatval($listElem[7]) <= 3) { echo "<td style=\"background:#fa0;\">$listElem[7]</td>"; }
else { echo "<td style=\"background:#f33;\">$listElem[7]</td>"; }
// Colour the BER Field
if (floatval($listElem[8]) == 0) { echo "<td>$listElem[8]</td>"; }
elseif (floatval($listElem[8]) >= 0.0 && floatval($listElem[8]) <= 1.9) { echo "<td style=\"background:#1d1;\">$listElem[8]</td>"; }
elseif (floatval($listElem[8]) >= 2.0 && floatval($listElem[8]) <= 4.9) { echo "<td style=\"background:#fa0;\">$listElem[8]</td>"; }
else { echo "<td style=\"background:#f33;\">$listElem[8]</td>"; }
echo "</tr>\n";
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