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N.I.N.A Tokens for Astrophotography

N.I.N.A Astrophotography Tokens

I wanted a place other than the UI to reference tokens for configuring complex sequences. Please comment with any discrepancies or updates.

N.I.N.A Image Naming Tokens

Pulled from the source at nina on branch release/2.0 and commit f19a006.

Token Description
$$DATE$$ Date with format YYYY-MM-DD
$$TIME$$ Time with format HH-mm-ss
$$DATEMINUS12$$ Date shifted back by 12 hours with format YYYY-MM-DD
$$DATETIME$$ Date with format YYYY-MM-DD_HH-mm-ss
$$APPLICATIONSTARTDATE$$ Application start date with format YYYY-MM-DD
$$SEQUENCETITLE$$ Current sequence title
$$TARGETNAME$$ Target name (if available)
$$IMAGETYPE$$ Light, Flat, Dark, Bias, Snapshot
$$ROTATORANGLE$$ Angle of the rotator
$$FILTER$$ Filter name
$$FOCUSERPOSITION$$ Current focuser position
$$FOCUSERTEMP$$ Focuser temperature
$$FRAMENR$$ # of the frame with the format ####
$$TELESCOPE$$ Telescope name
$$BINNING$$ Camera binning
$$CAMERA$$ Camera name
$$EXPOSURETIME$$ Camera exposure time, in seconds
$$TEMPERATURESETPOINT$$ Camera temperature set point
$$SENSORTEMP$$ Camera temperature
$$READOUTMODE$$ Camera readout mode
$$OFFSET$$ Camera offset
$$GAIN$$ Camera gain
$$USBLIMIT$$ Camera USB speed or traffic limit setting
$$SQM$$ Sky Quality Meter Reading
$$STARCOUNT$$ Star count
$$HFR$$ Calculated HFR of the image (HFR detection has to be enabled)
$$RMS$$ Root mean square error of guiding during exposure in arc seconds
$$RMSARCSEC$$ Root mean square error of guiding during exposure in pixels

Groundstation Tokens

Pulled from the source at nina-ground-station for v1.10.6.0 / 30369db.

Global Tokens

Token Description
$$DATE$$ 18/02/2022
$$TIME$$ 16:01:16
$$DATETIME$$ 18/02/2022 16:01:16
$$DATE_UTC$$ 18/02/2022
$$TIME_UTC$$ 21:01:16
$$DATETIME_UTC$$ 18/02/2022 21:01:16
$$UNIX_EPOCH$$ 1645218076
$$FORMAT_DATETIME format$$ Inserts a custom local date and time format. Replace format with any arrangement of date and time format specifiers
$$FORMAT_DATETIME_UTC format$$ Same as $$FORMAT_DATETIME format$$ but uses UTC date and time instead.
$$TARGET_NAME$$ The name of the target being imaged
$$TARGET_RA$$ The right ascension of the target being imaged, in 24 hour format
$$TARGET_DEC$$ The declination of the target being imaged, in sexagesimal format
$$TARGET_RA_DECIMAL$$ The right ascension of the target being imaged, decimal format
$$TARGET_DEC_DECIMAL$$ The declination of the target being imaged, decimal format
$$TARGET_EPOCH$$ The epoch of the target's coordinates
$$INSTRUCTION_SET$$ The name of the enclosing instruction set
$$SYSTEM_NAME$$ The name of the computer
$$USER_NAME$$ The name of the user running N.I.N.A.
$$NINA_VERSION$$ The version of N.I.N.A.
$$GS_VERSION$$ The version of Ground Station

Failure Message Tokens

Token Description
$$FAILED_ITEM$$ The name of the failed instruction
$$FAILED_ITEM_DESC$$ A description of the failed instruction
$$FAILED_ITEM_CATEGORY$$ The category name that the failed instruction belongs to
$$FAILED_ATTEMPTS$$ The number of failed attempts
$$FAILED_INSTR_SET$$ The name of the container that contained the failed instruction
$$ERROR_LIST$$ A comma-separated list of failure reasons. Blank if the reasons are unknown
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