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Last active November 23, 2016 21:51
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Utilities for working with Sodar files.
Taylor Mutch,
Revision date - 11/22/2016
Utilities for working with the VALCEX data.
timestamp in this context will refer to either a Sodar timestamp (e.x. 120314124500),
or a datetime.datetime object (e.x. datetime(2012, 3, 14, 12, 45))
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import datetime
import sqlite3
import io
#x = np.arange(12).reshape(2,6)
#con = sqlite3.connect(":memory:", detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES)
#cur = con.cursor()
#cur.execute("create table test (arr array)")
months = [None, "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
# tags for direction, speed, SDR (timestamp) and height in .sdr file
TAGS = {'DCL', 'VCL', 'SDR', 'H '}
"speed": 0,
"direction": 1
def plural_names(bands):
""" Allow for plural names to be used """
result = dict()
other_names = {band+'s':bands[band] for band in bands.keys()}
return result
# Meta information for the data structure
MAX_TIMESTAMPS = 288 # 288 5-minute periods in 1 day
NO_DATA = -1
NIGHT_START_INDEX = 18*60//5 # start at 1800
NIGHT_STOP_INDEX = NIGHT_START_INDEX + 12*60//5 + 1 # stop at 0600 the next day, +1 gives us 0600 included in the night reading
def read_sdr(filepath):
Base file reader. Returns raw Sodar data
@return Heights, timestamps, speeds and directions each as 1D or 2D arrays
with open(os.path.abspath(filepath)) as datafile:
data = datafile.readlines()
timestamps = list()
speeds = list()
directions = list()
heights = list()
for line in data:
tag = line[:3]
if tag in TAGS:
if tag == 'H ' and len(heights) == 0:
heights = [int(j) for j in line.strip().split()[1:]]
elif tag == 'VCL':
speeds.append([float(j) for j in line.strip().split()[1:]])
elif tag == 'DCL':
directions.append([float(j) for j in line.strip().split()[1:]])
elif tag == 'SDR':
# Check that everything is as it should be
assert(len(speeds) == len(directions) == len(timestamps))
return heights, timestamps, speeds, directions
def timestamp_to_datetime(timestamp):
""" Convert Sodar timestamp to datetime.datetime object """
t = str(timestamp)
year = int(t[:2])
month = int(t[2:4])
day = int(t[4:6])
hour = int(t[6:8])
minute = int(t[8:10])
return datetime.datetime(year,month,day,hour,minute)
def name_to_datetime(name):
""" Generates a datetime.datetime object based on Sodar file name/date """
year = 2000 # years aren't important in names, unless there are cross year data (i.e. midnight on Dec. 31)
if (os.path.isfile(name)):
date = filepath.split(os.sep).split('.')[0]
return datetime.datetime(year, int(date[0:2]), int(data[2:4]))
return datetime.datetime(year, int(name[0:2]), int(name[2:4]))
def datetime_to_name(timestamp):
""" Reproduces a MMDD name for Sodar files from datetime.datetime object """
mm = timestamp.month
if mm < 10:
mm = '0{mm}'.format(mm=mm)
mm = str(mm)
dd =
if dd < 10:
dd = '0{dd}'.format(dd=dd)
dd = str(dd)
return mm + dd
class _FakeSource(object):
""" A stand-in/filler class for representing missing data.
Name implies that this class is interior to the class,
and should therefore not be used outside of the class
def __init__(self, name, heights, timestamps): = str(name)
self.heights = heights = np.empty((len(SODAR_FIELDS.keys()), MAX_TIMESTAMPS, len(self.heights)))
self.timestamps = timestamps[:]
# adjust timestamps month and days to match the name
for i in range(len(self.timestamps)):
adjusted_timestamp = str(self.timestamps[i])
adjusted_timestamp = adjusted_timestamp[0:2] + + adjusted_timestamp[6:len(adjusted_timestamp)]
self.timestamps[i] = int(adjusted_timestamp)
class SodarCollection(object):
A collection of Sodar records from a directory of data sources.
# ************* Accessing each timestamp ************** #
each entry in a band is a timestamp
each timestamp has values, starting from height 0 to height max_height
Timestamp values are stored in self.timestamps (raw values in self._timestamps),
and the index of the timestamp is used as the accessor into the larger dataset
I.e. values at index 0 are at height[0], and values at index[33] are at height[33]
--> data[band][timestamp_idx][value]
E.x. Accessing a row of data
Import everything
>>> from sodar_utils import *
build collection
>>> sodars = SodarCollection('path/to/sodar/station')
Get timestamp
>>> timestamp = timestamp_to_datetime(120312125500)
>>> timestamp_idx = sodars.timestamps.index(timestamp)
... or equivalently
>>> timestamp = 120312125500
>>> timestamp_idx = sodars._timestamps.index(timestamp)
Now access the data
>>> row_data = sodars.dataset[0][timestamp_idx]
>>> print(row_data)
# or as a normal python list
>>> print(row_data.tolist())
def __init__(self, directory, make_db=False):
# build independent data sources = directory.split(os.sep)[-1]
#self.sources = list()
sources = list()
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): # since our naming convention is mmdd, order of the files guarantees the order we have valid timestamp orders
for path in files:
if path.split('.')[-1] in ['sdr', 'SDR']:
sources.append(Sodar(os.path.join(root, path)))
assert(len(sources) > 0) # don't create collection if no sources were found
self.sources = list()
self._base_timestamp = sources[0].name
current_day = name_to_datetime(self._base_timestamp)
if len(sources) > 0:
for i in range(1, len(sources)):
next_day = name_to_datetime(sources[i].name)
delta = next_day - current_day
# Test if we need to insert sources for missing dates between actual sources
if delta.days > 1:
# dates missing, add fake sources up until next_day
fake_source_date = current_day + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
while fake_source_date < next_day:
fake_name = datetime_to_name(fake_source_date)
fake_source_date += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
current_day = name_to_datetime(sources[i].name)
# now connect the data sources
self.dataset = None
self._timestamps = list() # _timestamps are the raw timestamps
self.heights = list()
for source in self.sources:
if self.dataset is None:
self.dataset =
self.heights = source.heights # collect heights once, should be uniform accross all sources
a = self.dataset
b =
self.dataset = np.concatenate((a,b), axis=1) # we want to join along the time axis
self._timestamps += source.timestamps
self._day_index = [i*MAX_TIMESTAMPS for i in range(len(self.sources))]
self._night_index = [
'name': self.sources[i].name,
'start': self._day_index[i] + NIGHT_START_INDEX,
'stop': self._day_index[i] + NIGHT_STOP_INDEX
} for i in range(len(self.sources) - 1)] # -1 since we don't have data for the morning after the last timestamp
# Generate datetime.datetime objects for all the timestamps
self.timestamps = [timestamp_to_datetime(timestamp) for timestamp in self._timestamps]
# Assert that there exists exactly 5 minutes between each record across all sources,
# and that they are in the proper order
for i in range(1, len(self.timestamps)):
a = self.timestamps[i-1]
b = self.timestamps[i] - datetime.timedelta(minutes=5)
assert(a == b)
if make_db:
generate_db(os.path.join(directory, 'sodar_collection.db'))
def source_dates(self, use_all=False):
""" Return the dates for all the valid sources. Excludes non-data sources if use_all = False"""
return [ for source in self.sources if type(source) == Sodar or use_all]
def night_array(self, band, partial=False, use_all=False, select_nights=None):
""" Returns a 2-Tuple of a list of 2D arrays for all nights for the given band, and the accessor data associated with it as a dictionary
@param partial Flag whether to include nights where either the evening or morning readings are missing.
@param use_all Flag whether to include all nights, regardless of any other settings.
@param nights A list of nights to return. Ignores flags if parameter is a list and has valid night dates/names.
# List that will contain our dictionaries
night_index = list()
# Logic for responding to parameters
if select_nights is not None and type(select_nights) is list: # Select only those nights asked for
for night in self._night_index:
for selected_night in select_nights:
if night['name'] == selected_night:
elif use_all: # Get everything
night_index = self._night_index
for i in range(1, len(self.sources)): # Choose every source where evening and morning are valid (partial) sources
if (type(self.sources[i-1]) == Sodar and type(self.sources[i]) == Sodar):
elif (partial and (type(self.sources[i-1]) is Sodar or type(self.sources[i]) is Sodar)):
if (len(night_index) == 0):
raise ValueError("No nights were available. True using 'partial' or 'use_all' set to 'True' to see if values exist at all.")
# Slice out the night data we want
band_idx = plural_names(SODAR_FIELDS)[band]
num_nights = len(night_index)
result = None
band_data = self.dataset[band_idx]
for night in night_index:
night_data = band_data[night['start']:night['stop']]
if result is None:
result = night_data
result = np.concatenate((result, night_data), axis=0)
# reshape to size of night and return array and night_index
return (result.reshape(num_nights, NIGHT_SIZE, len(self.heights)),night_index)
def adapt_array(arr):
""" (SoulNibbler)
Adapts a numpy array to fit into a single column entry.
out = io.BytesIO(), arr)
return sqlite3.Binary(
def convert_array(text):
""" Loads a numpy array from a bytes object """
out = io.BytesIO(text)
return np.load(out)
def register_adapters():
# Converts np.array to TEXT when inserting
sqlite3.register_adapter(np.ndarray, adapt_array)
# Converts TEXT to np.array when selecting
sqlite3.register_converter("array", convert_array)
# Converts np.array to TEXT when inserting
#sqlite3.register_adapter(np.ndarray, adapt_array)
# Converts TEXT to np.array when selecting
#sqlite3.register_converter("array", convert_array)
def generate_db(sodars, path):
""" Generate an sqlite3 database from a collection """
con = sqlite3.connect(path, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES|sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES)
with con:
cur = con.cursor()
# we want to store the speeds, directions, datetime for the night
#cur.execute("CREATE TABLE s_collection (id integer primary key, name text)") # TODO - add a table for multiple collections
cur.execute("CREATE TABLE s_array (id integer primary key, night date, speeds array, directions array)")
speeds, _ = sodars.night_array('speeds')
dirs, meta = sodars.night_array('directions')
i = 0
for night in meta:
start = night['start']
stop = night['stop']
night_date = sodars.timestamps[start].date() # builtin's are for date and time, not datetime. We only need the date anyway
night_speeds = speeds[i]
night_dirs = dirs[i]
cur.execute("INSERT INTO s_array VALUES (?,?,?)", (night_date, night_speeds, night_dirs))
i += 1
# test the db
with con:
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT * from s_array")
except sqlite3.Error:
print("An error occurred in fetching data from the db. Db is non-functional.")
def timestamp_to_index(timestamp):
""" Converts Sodar timestamps to dataset indices for a single Sodar source """
time_str = str(timestamp)
return (int(time_str[6:8]) * 60 + int(time_str[8:10])) // 5
class Sodar(object):
A collection of Sodar records from a single source.
# ********************** NOTE *************************** #
-1 is used as the fill value for the datasets.
This accounts for having an uneven number of height points
across different weather conditions / events that cause
no-data gaps to occur
def __init__(self, fp):
def _extract_bands(self, filepath):
Pack SDR data into numpy arrays.
Builds a numpy array with two bands that holds velocity and direction
""" = filepath.split(os.sep)[-1].split('.')[0]
self.heights, self.timestamps, speeds, directions = read_sdr(filepath) = np.empty((len(SODAR_FIELDS.keys()), MAX_TIMESTAMPS, len(self.heights))) # 0 is speeds, 1 is directions
for j in range(len(speeds)):
time_idx = timestamp_to_index(self.timestamps[j])
for i in range(len(speeds[j])):[0][time_idx][i] = speeds[j][i][1][time_idx][i] = directions[j][i]
# At this point we can discard and regenerate the timestamps since
# some can be missing, but now they are filled with NO_DATA for every 5 minute interval
if len(self.timestamps) != MAX_TIMESTAMPS:
# Reassign them based on file name and year
base_timestamp = str(self.timestamps[0])[:6]
date = base_timestamp[:6]
self.timestamps = list()
seconds = '00' # seconds are always 0
for i in range(MAX_TIMESTAMPS):
hours, minutes = divmod(i*5, 60)
if hours < 10:
hours = '0' + str(hours)
hours = str(hours)
if minutes < 10:
minutes = '0' + str(minutes)
minutes = str(minutes)
self.timestamps.append(int(base_timestamp + hours + minutes + '00')) # seconds
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