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Created October 29, 2015 05:21
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Generate terrain from a service
__author__ = 'Taylor'
Makes a request to our terrain generation server and then outputs a .bin in web-friendly format.
Uses a version of
import os, struct, sys, math, requests
server = 'http://<terrain_server>/<terrain_script>.ashx?'
def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print('Usage: <terrainName>.bin')
output_path = sys.argv[1]
if os.path.exists(output_path):
overwrite_message = '{0} already exists. Overwrite? [y/n] '.format(output_path)
if not input(overwrite_message).lower().startswith('y'):
lat1 = float(input('South Latitude: '))
lat2 = float(input('North Latitude: '))
lng1 = float(input('East Longitude: '))
lng2 = float(input('West Longitude: '))
numlngs = int(input('Number of segments: '))
numlats = int(input('Number of latitude segments (-1 for equal aspect ratio): '))
if (numlats == -1):
payload = {'lat1': str(lat1),
'lat2': str(lat2),
'lng1': str(lng1),
'lng2': str(lng2),
'numlngs': str(numlngs)}
payload = {'lat1': str(lat1),
'lat2': str(lat2),
'lng1': str(lng1),
'lng2': str(lng2),
'numlats': str(numlats),
'numlngs': str(numlngs)}
r = requests.get(server, params=payload)
print('Request successful, writing to ' + output_path + '\n')
except requests.HTTPError:
print('Request failed... a team of highly trained monkeys is on its way!')
max = 0
if (numlats == -1): # Get the correct number of latitudes from the server
form_feed = b'\x0c'
index = 0
myChar = b''
while myChar != form_feed:
myChar = r.content[index:index+1]
if myChar == form_feed:
index +=1
numlats = int(r.content[:index].decode('ascii').split()[5]) # this is the right position for numlats
with open(output_path, 'wb') as f_out:
index = 0
for i in range(1, numlats + 1):
index = len(r.content) - i*4*numlngs # floats are 4 bytes long
floats = struct.unpack('f' * numlngs, r.content[index: index + 4*numlngs])
ints = (math.floor(x) for x in floats)
for val in ints:
if val > max: # get the maxHeight, goes in our new Model object
max = val
f_out.write(struct.pack('H', val))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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