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Created October 27, 2023 17:45
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Dune crash stacktrace and _build/log
Internal error, please report upstream including the contents of _build/log.
("Syntax identifier is unset",
{ name = "menhir"
; supported_versions =
{ version_map =
{ 1 : map { 0 : (1, 0); 1 : (1, 4) }
; 2 : map { 0 : (1, 4); 1 : (2, 2) }
; deleted_in = map {}
; context =
{ "pform decoding environment" :
{ syntax_version = (3, 0)
; vars =
{ "-verbose" : Deleted_in Nothing,(3, 0),[]
; "<" :
First_dep,(1, 0),[ "Use a named dependency instead:\n\
\ (deps (:x <dep>) ...)\n\
\ ... %{x}\n\
; "@" : Renamed_in Deps,(1, 0),"targets"
Renamed_in Arch_sixtyfour,(1, 0),"arch_sixtyfour"
; "CC" : Renamed_in Cc,(1, 0),"cc"
; "CPP" : Renamed_in Cpp,(1, 0),"cpp"
; "CXX" : Renamed_in Cxx,(1, 0),"cxx"
; "MAKE" : Renamed_in Make,(1, 0),"make"
; "OCAML" : Renamed_in Ocaml,(1, 0),"ocaml"
; "OCAMLC" : Renamed_in Ocamlc,(1, 0),"ocamlc"
; "OCAMLOPT" : Renamed_in Ocamlopt,(1, 0),"ocamlopt"
; "PA_CPP" : Renamed_in Pa_cpp,(1, 0),"pa_cpp"
; "ROOT" :
Renamed_in Workspace_root,(1, 0),"workspace_root"
Renamed_in Project_root,(1, 0),"project_root"
; "^" : Renamed_in Targets,(1, 0),"deps"
; "arch_sixtyfour" : No_info Arch_sixtyfour
; "architecture" : Since Architecture,(1, 10)
; "cc" : No_info Cc
; "ccomp_type" : Since Ccomp_type,(3, 0)
; "context_name" : No_info Context_name
; "corrected-suffix" : No_info Corrected_suffix
; "cpp" : No_info Cpp
; "cxx" : No_info Cxx
; "deps" : Since Deps,(1, 0)
; "ext_asm" : No_info Ext_asm
; "ext_dll" : No_info Ext_dll
; "ext_exe" : No_info Ext_exe
; "ext_lib" : No_info Ext_lib
; "ext_obj" : No_info Ext_obj
; "ext_plugin" : Since Ext_plugin,(2, 4)
; "ignoring_promoted_rules" :
Since Ignoring_promoted_rules,(1, 10)
; "impl-files" : No_info Impl_files
; "inline_tests" : No_info Inline_tests
; "input-file" : Since Input_file,(1, 0)
; "intf-files" : No_info Intf_files
; "library-name" : No_info Library_name
; "make" : No_info Make
; "model" : Since Model,(1, 10)
; "null" : No_info Dev_null
; "ocaml" : No_info Ocaml
; "ocaml_bin" : No_info Ocaml_bin_dir
; "ocaml_version" : No_info Ocaml_version
; "ocaml_where" : No_info Ocaml_stdlib_dir
; "ocamlc" : No_info Ocamlc
; "ocamlopt" : No_info Ocamlopt
; "os_type" : Since Os_type,(1, 10)
; "pa_cpp" : No_info Pa_cpp
; "partition" : Since Partition,(3, 8)
; "profile" : No_info Profile
; "project_root" : Since Project_root,(1, 0)
; "system" : Since System,(1, 10)
; "target" : Since Target,(1, 11)
; "targets" : Since Targets,(1, 0)
; "test" : No_info Test
; "toolchains" : Since Toolchain,(3, 0)
; "workspace_root" : No_info Workspace_root
; macros =
{ "bin" : No_info "Bin"
; "bin-available" : Since "Bin_available",(3, 0)
; "cma" : Since Artifact Lib byte,(2, 0)
; "cmi" : Since Artifact Mod cmi,(2, 0)
; "cmo" : Since Artifact Mod cmo,(2, 0)
; "cmx" : Since Artifact Mod cmx,(2, 0)
; "cmxa" : Since Artifact Lib native,(2, 0)
; "coq" : No_info "Coq_config"
; "dep" : Since "Dep",(1, 0)
; "env" : Since "Env",(1, 4)
; "exe" : No_info "Exe"
; "findlib" :
Lib { lib_exec = false; lib_private = false },
(1, 0),"lib"
; "lib" :
No_info Lib { lib_exec = false; lib_private = false }
; "lib-available" : No_info "Lib_available"
; "lib-private" :
Lib { lib_exec = false; lib_private = true },
(2, 1)
; "libexec" :
No_info Lib { lib_exec = true; lib_private = false }
; "libexec-private" :
Lib { lib_exec = true; lib_private = true },(2, 1)
; "ocaml-config" : No_info "Ocaml_config"
; "path" : Renamed_in "Dep",(1, 0),"dep"
; "path-no-dep" : Deleted_in "Path_no_dep",(1, 0),[]
; "read" : No_info "Read"
; "read-lines" : No_info "Read_lines"
; "read-strings" : No_info "Read_strings"
; "version" : No_info "Version"
; "dune" : (3, 0)
Raised at Stdune__Code_error.raise in file
"otherlibs/stdune/src/", line 10, characters 30-62
Called from Dune_sexp__Decoder.(>>|) in file "src/dune_sexp/", line
137, characters 2-5
Called from Dune_sexp__Decoder.(>>=) in file "src/dune_sexp/"
(inlined), line 131, characters 17-28
Called from Dune_sexp__Syntax.since in file "src/dune_sexp/", line
499, characters 2-310
Called from Dune_sexp__Decoder.(>>>) in file "src/dune_sexp/"
(inlined), line 141, characters 18-29
Called from Dune_rules__Dune_env.Stanza.menhir_flags in file
"src/dune_rules/", line 22, characters 22-82
Called from Dune_sexp__Decoder.field_o in file "src/dune_sexp/",
line 649, characters 23-37
Called from Dune_sexp__Decoder.and+ in file "src/dune_sexp/", line
150, characters 17-28
Called from Dune_sexp__Decoder.and+ in file "src/dune_sexp/", line
149, characters 17-28
Called from Dune_sexp__Decoder.and+ in file "src/dune_sexp/", line
149, characters 17-28
Called from Dune_sexp__Decoder.and+ in file "src/dune_sexp/", line
149, characters 17-28
Called from Dune_sexp__Decoder.and+ in file "src/dune_sexp/", line
149, characters 17-28
Called from Dune_sexp__Decoder.and+ in file "src/dune_sexp/", line
149, characters 17-28
Called from Dune_sexp__Decoder.(>>|) in file "src/dune_sexp/", line
136, characters 17-28
Called from Dune_sexp__Decoder.fields in file "src/dune_sexp/",
line 684, characters 21-53
Called from Dune_sexp__Decoder.and+ in file "src/dune_sexp/", line
150, characters 17-28
Called from Dune_sexp__Decoder.(>>|) in file "src/dune_sexp/", line
136, characters 17-28
Called from Dune_sexp__Decoder.enter.(fun) in file
"src/dune_sexp/", line 384, characters 17-26
Called from Dune_sexp__Decoder.next_with_user_context in file
"src/dune_sexp/" (inlined), line 291, characters 21-50
Called from Dune_sexp__Decoder.enter in file "src/dune_sexp/", line
380, characters 2-232
Called from Dune_sexp__Decoder.repeat.loop in file
"src/dune_sexp/", line 212, characters 17-24
Called from Dune_sexp__Decoder.and+ in file "src/dune_sexp/", line
150, characters 17-28
Called from Dune_sexp__Decoder.and+ in file "src/dune_sexp/", line
149, characters 17-28
Called from Dune_sexp__Decoder.(>>|) in file "src/dune_sexp/", line
136, characters 17-28
Called from Dune_sexp__Decoder.and+ in file "src/dune_sexp/", line
150, characters 17-28
Called from Dune_sexp__Decoder.(>>|) in file "src/dune_sexp/", line
136, characters 17-28
Called from Dune_sexp__Decoder.capture.f in file "src/dune_sexp/",
line 263, characters 23-36
Called from CamlinternalLazy.force_lazy_block in file "",
line 31, characters 17-27
Re-raised at CamlinternalLazy.force_lazy_block in file "",
line 36, characters 4-11
Called from Dune_rules__Workspace.step1 in file
"src/dune_rules/", line 621, characters 17-31
Called from CamlinternalLazy.force_lazy_block in file "",
line 31, characters 17-27
Re-raised at CamlinternalLazy.force_lazy_block in file "",
line 36, characters 4-11
Called from Fiber__Core.O.(>>|).(fun) in file "vendor/fiber/src/",
line 252, characters 36-41
Called from Fiber__Scheduler.exec in file "vendor/fiber/src/",
line 76, characters 8-11
-> required by ("workspace", ())
-> required by ("build-contexts", ())
-> required by ("toplevel", ())
I must not crash. Uncertainty is the mind-killer. Exceptions are the
little-death that brings total obliteration. I will fully express my cases.
Execution will pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I
will unwind the stack along its path. Where the cases are handled there will
be nothing. Only I will remain.
# dune build
# Shared cache: disabled
# Workspace root: /home/kn/foo
# Auto-detected concurrency: 4
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