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Last active May 19, 2023 15:25
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In this lesson, you will learn how to submit a theme to the WordPress repository.


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Understand the theme requirements before submitting a theme
  • Submit a theme using a zip file
  • Update a theme while waiting for review
  • Understand the review status and result
  • Submit theme updates once approved

Target Audience

This lesson is intended for the following audience

  • Developers

Prerequisite Skills

Participants will get the most from this lesson if they have familiarity with

Materials Needed

Participants will need a theme to upload.

Notes for the Presenter

  • Participants should check their themes using the theme requirments before submitting a theme. Errors could result in rejection.

Lesson Outline

  • Highlight the theme requirements
  • Discuss the trac ticket system
  • Demonstrate how to submit a theme
  • Discuss the status during the review process
  • Demonstrate how to update a theme while waiting for review
  • Demonstrate how to upload a theme update after approval

Example Lesson

Theme requirements It is important for theme developers to review their own themes using the theme requirements. 3 or more issues can result in rejection.

Trac ticket system WordPress themes review uses the trac ticket system to keep track throughout the review process. The theme developer can expect the following after submitting a theme.

  • The ticket will be provided for your theme after submitting a theme. Your theme will be sorted into the NEW queue with the ticket number.
  • When a reviewer starts to review your theme, your theme will be moved to the Tickets Under Review queue. You will also receive an email as the status progress.

Uploading a theme First, it is recommended to read the Getting Started page. It describes the benefit of submitting a theme to the WordPress directory and the summary of the guidelines and resources.

A theme can be uploaded on the Upload Your Theme page. A theme must be a compressed zip file. Select a theme zip file, and agree with the three terms before uploading a theme.

Note: Make sure to have a correct name under Theme Name in the header section in style.css. The theme name and slug cannot be changed once a theme is uploaded.


Status on the trac system There are several status changes throughout the review process. Each time the status changes, the theme author receives a notification email.

  • New - A theme is uploaded successfully, and a ticket was created. It is not assigned a reviewer yet.
  • Reviewing - A reviewer was assigned, and it is under review.
  • Closed theme (Live) - A theme was approved and live on the directory.
  • Closed theme (not-approved) - A theme was not approved

Update a theme while waiting for review If a theme developer finds corrections while still waiting for review, upload the theme as the previous step on the Upload Your Theme page. It is recommended to update the changelog and version in style.css and readme.txt.

Theme developers must not upload themes while the theme is still in production. It is considered as a placeholder or a queue stander and causes the queue clogging.

Updating a theme after it is approved and it is already in the directory Theme developers can update the theme the same way using the Upload Your Theme page. It is recommended to update the changelog and version in style.css and readme.txt.

What’s next Updating a theme using SVN (Link not yet available)


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azhiya commented May 19, 2022

Hi @kafleg, I've uploaded this to Learn:

I don't know if the following did not show up on the original template but there are a few things missing

  • Readiness Questions
  • Exercises
  • Assessment/Quiz
  • Please confirm the duration of the lesson plan? Is it 15/30/45/60/90 mins?
  • Please confirm the instruction type. Is it:
    --Show & Tell

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Hi @azhiya Thank you for checking. Please see below for the missing contents.

Once a theme is developed, check the requirements, and ready to submit the theme, ask participants to create a zip file and submit it via the theme submit page.

(1) How do I submit a theme?
a. By sending an email attachment
b. By uploading a zipped theme file on
c. By sending a URL to my portfolio website

Answer: b

(2) How do I track the review status once a theme is uploaded?
a. Using the trac ticket system
b. Contacting the reviewer by emails
c. No progress status until a theme is approved

Answer: a

Why do you submit a theme to the WordPress directory?
You can help website owners and the WordPress community by sharing your design and development skills.

Readiness Questions
Did you check all the requirements and create a zip file?

The duration of the lesson plan
15 mins.

The instruction type

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azhiya commented May 19, 2022

Thanks @TeBenachi I've updated it and asked one of the team reps to do a final check.

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Great! Thank you for letting me know @azhiya

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