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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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100 Prisoners problem simulation
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap
import scala.util.Random
/* 100 prisoners problem - simulation of various strategies
* Decription at:
* -
* -
object IBSim {
/* Configuration */
val n = 100
val pickCount = (n / 2.0).toInt
/* ------------- */
val nums = (1 to n).toList
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val trialsCount = 10000
testStrategy("Cheat", CheatStrategy.apply, 10)
testStrategy("Random Pick", RandomPickStrategy.apply, trialsCount)
testStrategy("Correlated Pick", CorrelatedPickStrategy.apply, trialsCount)
testStrategy("Traverse Pick", TraversePickStrategy.apply, trialsCount)
def testStrategy(strategyName: String, strategy: (Map[Int, Int] => Boolean), trialsCount: Int) = {
var wins = 0
for (_ <- 1 to trialsCount) {
val boxes = TreeMap.empty[Int, Int] ++ shuffle nums)
if (strategy(boxes)) wins += 1
val proc = (wins / trialsCount.toDouble) * 100
println(s"$strategyName Strategy\nWins = $wins\nEfficiency = $proc%\n")
object CheatStrategy {
def apply(boxes: Map[Int, Int]) = {
val isFoundOwnNumber = nums map {
num =>
val pickedBoxed = Random shuffle nums
(pickedBoxed map boxes) contains num
isFoundOwnNumber forall (_ == true)
object RandomPickStrategy {
def apply(boxes: Map[Int, Int]) = {
val isFoundOwnNumber = nums map {
num =>
val pickedBoxed = (Random shuffle nums) take pickCount
(pickedBoxed map boxes) contains num
isFoundOwnNumber forall (_ == true)
object CorrelatedPickStrategy {
def apply(boxes: Map[Int, Int]) = {
val isFoundOwnNumber = nums map {
num =>
val pickedBoxed = (nums ++ nums).drop(num - 1).take(pickCount)
(pickedBoxed map boxes) contains num
isFoundOwnNumber forall (_ == true)
object TraversePickStrategy {
def apply(boxes: Map[Int, Int]) = {
val isFoundOwnNumber = nums map {
num =>
var picks = List.empty[Int]
var next = num
for (i <- 1 to pickCount) {
val pick = boxes(next)
picks = pick :: picks
next = pick
isFoundOwnNumber forall (_ == true)
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