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TeaDrivenDev / AutoFixture_Intro_de.cs
Last active October 19, 2020 18:36
Warum sehen AutoFixture-Tests so seltsam aus, und welche Vorteile hat das?
/* v1.0.1
* TL;DR: AutoFixture rockt.
* Folgendes ist der Versuch einer Erklärung, warum Unit Tests mit AutoFixture so seltsam aussehen
* und welche Vorteile das hat.
* Der Code ist so am Stück lauffähig, wenn folgende externen Referenzen eingebunden sind:
TeaDrivenDev /
Last active January 4, 2016 10:09
Comparison of a small MSCRM plugin implemented in C# and F#

As requested by several people on Twitter after I mentioned that the C# implementation is 27 lines, and the F# version saves only two lines over this (which is mainly because there isn't much to save at all). In the mean time, I actually managed to shave off two more lines because the last method call incidentally returns void.

Please note that the plugin as such is not very useful; I'm mainly trying to get an F# plugin to run within MSCRM in the first place.


	using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
	using System;
// This....
QueryByAttribute qba = new QueryByAttribute("entityName")
ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("fieldA", "fieldB")
// There may be several of these lines
qba.AddAttributeValue("fieldC", "fieldCValue");
TeaDrivenDev / NestedLets.fs
Created March 11, 2014 21:25
F# composition root with lots of single and with nested lets
// old
let ComposeSimple serviceProvider configuration =
let (context, organizationService, _, _) = DecomposeServiceProvider serviceProvider
let configurationXml = XElement.Parse configuration
let getRecordName = GetRecordName organizationService
let regardingLookups() = ConfiguredRegardingLookups configurationXml
let listFindingRegardingObject() = ListFindingRegardingObject regardingLookups (GetFullRecordImage(context))
let regardingObject = NameAddedRegardingObject getRecordName listFindingRegardingObject
TeaDrivenDev / UpdateExercismProject.fsx
Created May 10, 2016 00:23
F# script to add the files for a new F# problem to an .fsproj file
I am using Visual Studio to solve the F# problems on, and I found it tedious
to always add the same files (test file, new code file, readme, plus a folder for better
organization) after each `exercism fetch`, so I automated that.
As it is, this assumes that the .fsproj file is in `exercism\fsharp`. When run, it compares
the subdirectories present with the folders in the .fsproj file, and for any that are
missing in the project file, it adds the `*Test(s).fs` and `` files as well as
creating a new .fs file for the problem solution. It also adds a `module` line with the
respective file name (which is correct most of the time; only occasionally, the module the
TeaDrivenDev / VSExtensions.txt
Created June 10, 2016 22:24
These are the Visual Studio extensions I'm more or less actively using. Descriptions are from the VSIX where I had nothing else to say. All are free (usually open source) on the VS gallery, except where marked as commercial.
Provides a toolbar dropdown box to switch between startup projects. -- VS 2015 has that too, but that doesn't recognize F# projects
Productivity Power Tools 2015
Color coded document tabs by file extension or project, various information in the scroll bar, column guides, etc.
Augments Visual Studio's built-in difference viewer with 'from' and 'to' revision sliders. Accessible from the 'Tools' menu, CodeLineage allows easy access to a cumulative diff view between file revisions. Supports SVN, Perforce, Git and Mercurial.
TeaDrivenDev / Fsharp.ahk
Created August 3, 2016 18:56
AutoHotkey script for F# development
; In case you think you may need Caps Lock again at some point,
; we'll move it over to Win+Caps Lock
SetCapsLockState, AlwaysOff
If GetKeyState("CapsLock", "T") = 1
SetCapsLockState, AlwaysOff
TeaDrivenDev / ArguInteropExample.fsx
Last active September 25, 2016 16:57
Simple example how to hide Argu command line parsing behind an interface for use from .NET languages other than F#
open Argu
type CliArguments =
| Yes
| Name of string
| Value of int
with interface IArgParserTemplate with
member s.Usage =
match s with
| Yes -> "specify"
TeaDrivenDev / Prelude.fsx
Created November 3, 2016 04:01
F# functions I use a lot, mostly in prototyping; functionally correct, not necessarily efficient.
open System
let asFst second first = first, second
let asSnd first second = first, second
let swap (a, b) = b, a
type FullJoinResult<'TLeft, 'TRight> =
| LeftOnly of 'TLeft
| RightOnly of 'TRight
#r @"..\packages\FSharp.Data\lib\net40\FSharp.Data.dll"
open FSharp.Data
let OverviewUrl = @""
type Page = HtmlProvider<OverviewUrl>