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Forked from nickmain/8queens.html
Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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<script type="text/javascript">
function makeContext() { return { choices:[], trail:[], halted:false }; }
// Push a new choice point onto the stack
function pushChoice( ctx, choiceThunk ) {
ctx.choices.unshift( { thunk:choiceThunk, trailIndex:ctx.trail.length } );
// Change the choice point on the top of the stack
function setChoice( ctx, choiceThunk ) {
ctx.choices[0].thunk = choice-thunk;
// Pop the top choice point and return it
function popChoice( ctx ) {
if( ctx.choices.length > 0 ) {
return ctx.choices.shift();
return false;
// Whether there are any choice-points
function hasChoices( ctx ) {
return (ctx.choices.length > 0);
// Back-track to next available choice
function backtrack( ctx ) {
//console.log( "backtrack " + ctx );
if( ctx.choices.length > 0 ) {
var choice = ctx.choices[0];
undoBindings( ctx.trail, choice.trailIndex );
return choice.thunk;
return false;
// Make a variable
function Variable() {}
Variable.prototype.value = false;
Variable.prototype.valueOf = function() { return this.value; }
Variable.prototype.toString = function() { return this.value ? "{" + this.value + "}" : "VAR"; }
function isVariable( v ) {
return ( typeof v === "object"
&& v.constructor === Variable );
function Struct(name,args) { = name;
this.args = args;
Struct.prototype.toString = function() { return + "(" + this.args.toString() + ")"; }
function isStruct( v ) {
return ( typeof v === "object"
&& v.constructor === Struct );
// Pairs
function Pair( car, cdr ) { = car;
this.cdr = cdr;
Pair.prototype.toString = function() { return "pair<" + + "," + this.cdr + ">"; }
function isPair( v ) {
return ( v && v.constructor === Pair );
var Empty = { toString:function(){ return "Empty"; }} ; //empty list
// Undo variable bindings from the given index
function undoBindings( trail, index ) {
var trailSize = trail.length;
for( var i = index; i < trailSize; i++ ) {
delete trail[i].value;
trail.length = index;
function trampoline( fn ) {
while( fn ) {
fn = fn();
//console.log( "fn=" + fn );
//console.log( "trampoline exiting" );
// Chase Variable contents until non-var or unbound
function dereferenceTerm( maybeVar ) {
while( isVariable( maybeVar ) ) {
var value = maybeVar.value;
if( value ) maybeVar = value;
else break;
return maybeVar;
// Unify two terms
// If unification succeeds return true.
// If unification fails then undo all bindings back to the initial index and return false.
function unify( ctx, a, b ) {
var baseIndex = ctx.trail.length;
if( unifyTrail( ctx.trail, a, b ) ) return true;
undoBindings( ctx.trail, baseIndex );
return false;
// Unify two terms and push new bindings on to the trail.
function unifyTrail( trail, a, b ) {
if( a == b ) return true; //takes care of numbers, atoms and strings
//lists and improper lists
if( isPair(a) && isPair(b) ) {
if( unifyTrail( trail,, )) return unifyTrail( trail, a.cdr, b.cdr );
return false;
if( isStruct(a) && isStruct(b)
&& ==
&& a.args.length == b.args.length ) {
for( var i = 0; i < a.args.length; i++ ) {
if( ! unifyTrail( trail, a.args[i], B.args[i] )) return false;
return true;
if( isVariable(a) || isVariable(b) ) {
a = dereferenceTerm(a);
b = dereferenceTerm(b);
var ref;
var other;
if( isVariable(a) ) {
ref = a;
other = b;
else if( isVariable(b) ) {
ref = b;
other = a;
else {
return unifyTrail( trail, a, b );
//make variable binding
ref.value = other;
trail.push( ref );
return true;
return false;
function arrayToList( ary ) {
var list = Empty;
for( var i = ary.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
list = new Pair( ary[i], list );
return list;
function listToArray( list ) {
list = dereferenceTerm(list);
var ary = [];
while( isPair(list) ) {
ary.push( dereferenceTerm( );
list = dereferenceTerm(list.cdr);
return ary;
function test() {
var start =;
var solns = 0;
for( var i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
solns = 0;
run_queens( function(a) { solns++; } );
var end =;
var log = document.getElementById( "log" );
log.innerHTML += "Time = " + ((end-start)/10) + "<br />";
log.innerHTML += "Count = " + solns + "<br />";
function clear() {
var log = document.getElementById( "log" );
log.innerHTML = "";
function solutions() {
var log = document.getElementById( "log" );
log.innerHTML = "";
run_queens( function(a) { log.innerHTML += listToArray(a) + "<br />"; } );
function run_queens( callback ) {
var ctx = makeContext();
var A = new Variable();
trampoline( function() {
return board_1( ctx, function() {
return queens_1( ctx, function() {
return backtrack( ctx );
}, A );
}, A );
function board_1( ctx, cont, A ) {
if( unify( ctx, arrayToList([
new Struct( "/", [1, new Variable()] ),
new Struct( "/", [2, new Variable()] ),
new Struct( "/", [3, new Variable()] ),
new Struct( "/", [4, new Variable()] ),
new Struct( "/", [5, new Variable()] ),
new Struct( "/", [6, new Variable()] ),
new Struct( "/", [7, new Variable()] ),
new Struct( "/", [8, new Variable()] )
]), A )) {
return cont;
return backtrack(ctx);
function queens_1( ctx, cont, A ) {
A = dereferenceTerm(A);
pushChoice( ctx, function() {
popChoice( ctx ); //no more clauses
var Row, Col, Rest;
var success;
if( isVariable(A) ) {
Row = new Variable();
Col = new Variable();
Rest = new Variable();
unify( ctx, new Pair( new Struct("/",[Row,Col]), Rest), A );
success = true;
else if( isPair(A) && isStruct(
&& == "/" && == 2 ) {
Row = dereferenceTerm([0]);
Col = dereferenceTerm([1]);
Rest = dereferenceTerm(A.cdr);
success = true;
else success = false;
if( success ) {
return function() {
return queens_1( ctx, function() {
return member_2( ctx, function() {
return safe_2( ctx, cont, new Struct("/",[Row,Col]), Rest );
}, Col, arrayToList([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]));
}, Rest );
return backtrack( ctx );
if( A === Empty ) return cont;
return backtrack( ctx );
function safe_2( ctx, cont, A, B ) {
A = dereferenceTerm(A);
B = dereferenceTerm(B);
pushChoice( ctx, function() {
popChoice( ctx ); //no more clauses
var Row, Col, Row1, Col1, Rest;
var success;
if( isVariable(A) ) {
Row = new Variable();
Col = new Variable();
unify( ctx, new Struct("/",[Row,Col]), A );
success = true;
else if( isStruct(A) && == "/" && A.args.length == 2 ) {
Row = dereferenceTerm(A.args[0]);
Col = dereferenceTerm(A.args[1]);
success = true;
else success = false;
if( success ) {
if( isVariable(B) ) {
Row1 = new Variable();
Col1 = new Variable();
Rest = new Variable();
unify( ctx, new Pair( new Struct("/",[Row1,Col1]), Rest), B );
success = true;
else if( isPair(B) && isStruct(
&& == "/" && == 2 ) {
Row1 = dereferenceTerm([0]);
Col1 = dereferenceTerm([1]);
Rest = dereferenceTerm(B.cdr);
success = true;
else success = false;
if( success
&& Col != Col1
&& (Col1 - Col) != (Row1 - Row)
&& (Col1 - Col) != (Row - Row1)) {
return function() { return safe_2( ctx, cont, new Struct("/", [Row, Col] ) , Rest ); }
return backtrack( ctx );
if( B === Empty ) return cont;
return backtrack( ctx );
function member_2( ctx, cont, A, B ) {
//console.log( "member_2 " + A.toString() + " " + B.toString() );
A = dereferenceTerm(A);
B = dereferenceTerm(B);
pushChoice( ctx, function() {
//console.log( "member_2.2 " + A.toString() + " " + B.toString() );
popChoice( ctx ); //no more clauses
var Tail;
var success;
if( isVariable(B) ) {
Tail = new Variable();
unify( ctx, new Pair( new Variable(), Tail ), B );
success = true;
else if( isPair(B) ) {
Tail = dereferenceTerm( B.cdr );
success = true;
else success = false;
if( success ) return function() { return member_2( ctx, cont, A, Tail ); }
return backtrack( ctx );
//console.log( "member_2.1 " + A.toString() + " " + B.toString() );
if( isPair(B) && unify( ctx, A, )) {
//console.log( "OK " + cont );
return cont;
return backtrack( ctx );
var ctx = makeContext();
var A = new Variable();
trampoline( member_2( ctx,
function() { console.log( "A=" + A.value ); return backtrack( ctx ); },
arrayToList([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]) ));
<a href="javascript:test()">Test</a> |
<a href="javascript:solutions()">Solutions</a> |
<a href="javascript:clear()">Clear</a>
<hr />
<div id="log"></log>
#lang racket
(define (make-context)
(vector null ; 0 choice stack
null ; 1 undo trail
#f ; 2 halted ?
;; Push a new choice point onto the stack
(define (push-choice! ctx choice-thunk)
(vector-set! ctx 0
(cons (vector choice-thunk ; choice is vector since may want to add other state later
(vector-ref ctx 1)) ; capture the undo-trail for backtracking
(vector-ref ctx 0))))
;; Change the choice point on the top of the stack
(define (set-choice! ctx choice-thunk)
(vector-set! (car (vector-ref ctx 0) 0 choice-thunk)))
;; Pop the top choice point and return it
(define (pop-choice! ctx)
(let ([top (vector-ref ctx 0)])
(if (not (null? top))
(vector-set! ctx 0 (cdr top))
(car top))
;; Whether there are any choice-points
(define (has-choices? ctx) (not (null? (vector-ref ctx 0))))
;; Back-track to next available choice
(define (backtrack ctx)
(let* ([top (vector-ref ctx 0)]
[choice (if (not (null? top)) (car top) #f)])
(if choice
(let ([choice-thunk (vector-ref choice 0)]
[trail-base (vector-ref choice 1)])
(undo-bindings-ctx ctx trail-base)
;; Undo variable bindings after the given one (exclusive), and update the context.
;; Assumes variables are boxes.
(define (undo-bindings-ctx ctx binding)
(undo-bindings (vector-ref ctx 1) binding)
(vector-set! ctx 1 binding))
;; Undo variable bindings from the head to the tail (exclusive)
(define (undo-bindings head tail)
(unless (eq? head tail)
(set-box! (car head) #f) ; undo binding
(undo-bindings (cdr head) tail)))
;; Push a variable binding onto the trail
(define (push-binding ctx variable)
(vector-set! ctx 1 (cons variable (vector-ref ctx 1))))
;; Unify two terms and add to the trail - #t if success, #f otherwise
(define (unify ctx a b)
(let* ([trail-base (vector-ref ctx 1)]
[trail-head (unify-trail trail-base trail-base a b)])
(if trail-head
(begin (when (not (eq? trail-head trail-base))
(vector-set! ctx 1 trail-head))
;; Create a new variable
(define (new-variable) (box #f))
;; Unify two terms and cons new bindings onto the trail-head.
;; If unification succeeds return the new trail-head.
;; If unification fails then undo all bindings back to the trail-base (exclusive)
;; and return #f.
(define (unify-trail trail-head trail-base a b)
;(printf "unify-trail ~a ~a\n" a b)
[(eqv? a b) trail-head] ; takes care of symbols (atoms), numbers and identical objects
[(and (string? a) (string? b) (equal? a b)) trail-head]
; lists and improper lists
[(and (pair? a) (pair? b))
(let ([car-unification (unify-trail trail-head trail-base (car a) (car b))])
(if car-unification
(unify-trail car-unification trail-base (cdr a) (cdr b))
; variables
[(or (box? a) (box? b))
(let ([deref-a (dereference-term a)]
[deref-b (dereference-term b)])
; Determine primary reference and value to unify with it
(let-values ([(ref other) (cond
[(box? deref-a) (values deref-a deref-b)]
[(box? deref-b) (values deref-b deref-a)]
[else (values #f #f)])])
(if ref
; make variable binding and add to trail
(set-box! ref other)
(cons ref trail-head))
; neither is a ref (after dereferencing) - unify
(unify-trail trail-head trail-base deref-a deref-b))))]
; (printf "unify-fail\n")
(undo-bindings trail-head trail-base) #f]))
;; Chase box contents until non-box or empty box
(define (dereference-term maybe-box)
(if (box? maybe-box)
(let ([value (unbox maybe-box)])
(if value
(dereference-term value)
;; Backtrack through all solutions of the given query.
;; The query is a proc of the form λ(ctx continue).
(define (all-solutions query)
(let ([ctx (make-context)])
(query ctx (thunk (backtrack ctx)))))
(define-syntax with-vars
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ (var-name ... ) body ...)
(let ([var-name (new-variable)]
body ...)]))
(define-syntax init-vars
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ (var-name ... ) body ...)
(begin (set! var-name (new-variable))
body ...)]))
(define (test)
(let ([start (current-inexact-milliseconds)]
[solns null]
[ctx (make-context)])
(let loop ([iteration 1])
(set! solns null)
(board/1 ctx
(thunk (queens/1
(thunk (set! solns (cons (dereference-term A) solns))
(backtrack ctx))
(when (< iteration 1000) (loop (+ iteration 1))))
(printf "Time = ~a\n" (/ (- (current-inexact-milliseconds) start) 1000))
(printf "Count: ~a\n" (length solns))
(define (run_queens/1 ctx continue)
(board/1 ctx
(thunk (queens/1
(thunk (printf "hello ~a\n" A)
(define (board/1 ctx continue A)
(C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8)
(if (unify ctx (list (list '/ 1 C1)
(list '/ 2 C2)
(list '/ 3 C3)
(list '/ 4 C4)
(list '/ 5 C5)
(list '/ 6 C6)
(list '/ 7 C7)
(list '/ 8 C8))
(backtrack ctx))))
(define (queens/1 ctx continue A)
(set! A (dereference-term A))
(thunk (pop-choice! ctx)
(let ([Row #f][Col #f][Rest #f])
(if (match A
[(box _)
(init-vars (Row Col Rest) (unify ctx (cons (list '/ Row Col) Rest) A))]
[(cons (list '/ @Row @Col) @Rest)
(set! Row (dereference-term @Row))
(set! Col (dereference-term @Col))
(set! Rest (dereference-term @Rest))]
[_ #f])
(queens/1 ctx
(member/2 ctx
(safe/2 ctx continue (list '/ Row Col) Rest))
Col '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)))
(backtrack ctx)))))
(if (null? A)
(backtrack ctx)))
(define (safe/2 ctx continue A B)
(set! A (dereference-term A))
(set! B (dereference-term B))
(thunk (pop-choice! ctx)
(let ([Row #f][Col #f][Row1 #f][Col1 #f][Rest #f])
(if (and (match A
[(box _) (init-vars (Row Col) (unify ctx (list '/ Row Col) A))]
[(list '/ @Row @Col)
(set! Row (dereference-term @Row))
(set! Col (dereference-term @Col))]
[_ #f])
(match B
[(box _) (init-vars (Row1 Col1 Rest)
(unify ctx (cons (list '/ Row1 Col1) Rest) B))]
[(cons (list '/ @Row @Col) @Rest)
(set! Row1 (dereference-term @Row))
(set! Col1 (dereference-term @Col))
(set! Rest (dereference-term @Rest))]
[_ #f])
(not (= Col Col1))
(not (= (- Col1 Col) (- Row1 Row)))
(not (= (- Col1 Col) (- Row Row1))))
(safe/2 ctx continue (list '/ Row Col) Rest)
(backtrack ctx)))))
(if (null? B)
(backtrack ctx)))
(define (member/2 ctx continue A B)
(set! A (dereference-term A))
(set! B (dereference-term B))
;; member(X, [Head | Tail]) :- member(X, Tail).
(thunk (pop-choice! ctx) ; no more clauses
(let ([Tail #f])
(if (match B
[(box _) (init-vars (Tail) (unify ctx (cons (new-variable) Tail) B))]
[(cons _ @Tail) (set! Tail (dereference-term @Tail))]
[_ #f])
(member/2 ctx continue A Tail)
(backtrack ctx)))))
; member(X, [X | Tail]).
; X is alias for A
; Tail is never used
(if (match B
[(cons @X _) (unify ctx A @X)]
[_ #f])
(backtrack ctx)))
(λ(ctx continue)
(member/2 ctx
(thunk (printf "member: ~a\n" A)
A '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)))))
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