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Last active October 24, 2017 09:32
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Clojure cinemabooker
(ns learningclojure.core
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))
(def welcome-message "
These are supported commands:
- show
- book <row> <col>
- quit
(defn setup-row [] (into [] (for [_ (range 10)] "_")))
(defn setup-map []
(into [] (for [x (range 10)]
(defn seat-string [seat]
(str/join ["[" seat "]"]))
(defn row-string [row]
(str (str/join (map seat-string row)) "\n"))
(defn seat-map-string
"Prints the current data to the screen."
(str/join (map row-string seat-map)))
(defn book-seat [seat-map row col]
[row-index (dec row)
col-index (dec col)
old-row (seat-map row-index)
new-row (assoc old-row col-index "X")]
(assoc seat-map row-index new-row)))
(defn ask-question [question]
(print (str/join [question ": "]))
(defn is-book? [answer]
(= answer "book"))
(defn is-quit? [answer]
(= answer "quit"))
(defn String->Number [str]
(let [n (clojure.edn/read-string str)]
(if (number? n) n nil)))
(defn handle-positive-action [seat-map answer]
(let [args (str/split answer #" ")]
(if (is-book? (args 0))
(String->Number (args 1))
(String->Number (args 2)))
(do (print (seat-map-string seat-map))
(defn -main
[& args]
(print welcome-message)
(loop [seat-map (setup-map)]
(let [answer (ask-question "Enter command")]
(println "")
(if-not (is-quit? answer)
(recur (handle-positive-action seat-map answer))))))
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