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Last active April 17, 2021 21:19
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Forced Sleep demo
#include <Schedule.h>
#include <PolledTimeout.h>
#define WAKE_UP_PIN D3 // D3/GPIO0, can also force a serial flash upload with RESET
// you can use any GPIO for WAKE_UP_PIN except for D0/GPIO16 as it doesn't support interrupts
void IRAM_ATTR wakeupPinIsr() {
schedule_function([]() { Serial.println("GPIO went from HI to LO"); });
void IRAM_ATTR wakeupPinIsrWE() {
schedule_function([]() { Serial.println("GPIO wakeup IRQ"); });
attachInterrupt(WAKE_UP_PIN, wakeupPinIsr, FALLING);
void wakeupCallback() {
schedule_function([]() { Serial.println("wakeup callback was performed"); });
void setup() {
while (!Serial);
pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); // activity and status indicator
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); // turn on the LED
pinMode(WAKE_UP_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); // polled to advance tests, interrupt for Forced Light Sleep
attachInterrupt(WAKE_UP_PIN, wakeupPinIsr, FALLING);
using oneShotYieldMs = esp8266::polledTimeout::timeoutTemplate<false, esp8266::polledTimeout::YieldPolicy::YieldOrSkip>;
oneShotYieldMs gotoSleep(2000);
void loop() {
if (gotoSleep && ESP.forcedLightSleepBegin(10E6, wakeupCallback)) {
// No new timers, no delay(), between forcedLightSleepBegin() and forcedLightSleepEnd().
// Only ONLOW_WE or ONHIGH_WE interrupts work, no edge, that's an SDK or CPU limitation.
// If the GPIO is in wakeup state while attaching the interrupt, it cannot trigger a wakeup,
// but any sleep duration will be honored.
bool wakeupPinIsHigh = digitalRead(WAKE_UP_PIN);
// the GPIO might still bounce to LOW between both digital reads, disabling wakeup
if (wakeupPinIsHigh) attachInterrupt(WAKE_UP_PIN, wakeupPinIsrWE, ONLOW_WE);
wakeupPinIsHigh &= digitalRead(WAKE_UP_PIN);
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // turn the LED off so they know the CPU isn't running
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); // turn on the LED
if (wakeupPinIsHigh) gotoSleep.reset();
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