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Get validator duties (find largest gap in which to update for that $0.04 it will save/benefit you)
import json
import math
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import requests
def main(validators_indices, eth2_api_url="http://localhost:5052/eth/v1/"):
def api_get(endpoint):
return requests.get(f"{eth2_api_url}{endpoint}").json()
def api_post(endpoint, data):
return"{eth2_api_url}{endpoint}", data).json()
head_slot = int(api_get("beacon/headers/head")["data"]["header"]["message"]["slot"])
epoch = head_slot // SLOTS_PER_EPOCH
cur_epoch_data = api_post(f"validator/duties/attester/{epoch}", json.dumps(validators_indices))[
next_epoch_data = api_post(
f"validator/duties/attester/{epoch + 1}", json.dumps(validators_indices)
genesis_timestamp = 1606824023
attestation_duties = {}
for d in (*cur_epoch_data, *next_epoch_data):
attestation_duties.setdefault(int(d["slot"]), []).append(d["validator_index"])
attestation_duties = {k: v for k, v in sorted(attestation_duties.items()) if k > head_slot}
all_proposer_duties = api_get(f"validator/duties/proposer/{epoch}")["data"]
validators_indices_set = set(validators_indices)
duties = attestation_duties.copy()
for s in all_proposer_duties:
slot = int(s["slot"])
if slot <= head_slot:
prop_index = int(s["validator_index"])
if prop_index in validators_indices_set:
duties.setdefault(slot, []).append(f"{prop_index} (proposal)")
duties = dict(sorted(duties.items()))
# Also insert (still unknown) attestation duties at epoch after next,
# assuming worst case of having to attest at its first slot
first_slot_epoch_p2 = (epoch + 2) * SLOTS_PER_EPOCH
attestation_duties[first_slot_epoch_p2] = []
print(f"Calculating attestation/proposal slots and gaps for validators:")
print(f" {validators_indices}")
print("\nUpcoming voting/proposal slots and gaps")
print("(Gap in seconds)")
print("(slot/epoch - time range - validators)")
print("*" * 80)
prev_end_time =
# Floor to seconds
prev_end_time = datetime(*datetime.utctimetuple(prev_end_time)[:6])
# Current epoch gaps
cur_epoch_gap_store = {"longest_gap": timedelta(seconds=0), "gap_time_range": (None, None)}
overall_gap_store = cur_epoch_gap_store.copy()
next_epoch_start_slot = (epoch + 1) * SLOTS_PER_EPOCH
next_epoch_start_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(genesis_timestamp + next_epoch_start_slot * 12.0)
in_next_epoch = False
def _update_gap(end, start, gap_store):
gap = end - start
assert gap.total_seconds() >= 0
if gap > gap_store["longest_gap"]:
gap_store["longest_gap"] = gap
gap_store["gap_time_range"] = (end, start)
for slot, validators in duties.items():
slot_start = datetime.fromtimestamp(genesis_timestamp + slot * SECONDS_PER_SLOT)
slot_end = slot_start + timedelta(seconds=SECONDS_PER_SLOT)
suf = ""
if not in_next_epoch and slot >= next_epoch_start_slot:
print("- " * 40)
f"Time until epoch change: {math.floor((next_epoch_start_time - prev_end_time).total_seconds())} seconds"
f"Epoch boundary (proposal duties are not yet known for next epoch): {next_epoch_start_time}"
f"Time until next duty: {math.floor((slot_start - next_epoch_start_time).total_seconds())} seconds"
print("- " * 40)
suf = "(after prev. slot duty or current time)"
_update_gap(next_epoch_start_time, prev_end_time, cur_epoch_gap_store)
in_next_epoch = True
print(f"Gap - {math.floor((slot_start - prev_end_time).total_seconds())} seconds {suf}")
if validators:
f" {slot}/{slot // SLOTS_PER_EPOCH}"
f" - {slot_start.strftime('%H:%M:%S')} until {slot_end.strftime('%H:%M:%S')}"
f" - [{', '.join(validators)}]"
assert slot % SLOTS_PER_EPOCH == 0
_update_gap(slot_start, prev_end_time, overall_gap_store)
if in_next_epoch is False:
_update_gap(slot_start, prev_end_time, cur_epoch_gap_store)
prev_end_time = slot_end
print("\nLongest attestation and proposer duty gap (only current epoch, first):")
longest_gap, gap_time_range = cur_epoch_gap_store.values()
print("*" * 80)
f"{longest_gap.total_seconds()} seconds"
f" ({int(longest_gap.total_seconds()) // SECONDS_PER_SLOT} slots),"
f" from {gap_time_range[1].strftime('%H:%M:%S')}"
f" until {gap_time_range[0].strftime('%H:%M:%S')}"
print("\nLongest attestation gap (first):")
longest_gap, gap_time_range = overall_gap_store.values()
print("*" * 80)
f"{longest_gap.total_seconds()} seconds"
f" ({int(longest_gap.total_seconds()) // SECONDS_PER_SLOT} slots),"
f" from {gap_time_range[1].strftime('%H:%M:%S')}"
f" until {gap_time_range[0].strftime('%H:%M:%S')}"
if __name__ == "__main__":
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Show validator duties of current and next epoch to find largest gap."
parser.add_argument("indices", metavar="index", type=int, nargs="+", help="validator indices")
args = parser.parse_args()
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