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Last active May 23, 2024 07:26
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  • Save TechT10n/79b853003f2e9841a18e8b6decd0fd3e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save TechT10n/79b853003f2e9841a18e8b6decd0fd3e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Just a simple bash script to automate extracting & moving a required dll to fix multiplayer sync-error issue.
# All credit for the script to TechT10n
# Credit for writing down the steps for this solution goes to jrbergen, who in turn got the solution from Cytomax55.
# More details here:
# and here:
# Below is the default Steam library location.
# Change the path for STEAM_ROOT if you do not use the default location for your Steam Library (do NOT include the trailing /)
# If the link to download the right version of VCredist changes in the future, you can change the link below.
# Define some colors for fluff / more readable output
GREEN=$(tput setaf 2)
BLUE=$(tput setaf 4)
NORMAL=$(tput sgr0)
RED=$(tput setaf 1)
printf "${BLUE}This script requires sudo permissions to copy to the Steam path, \n"
printf " as well as to change the owner/group for the DLL to the current user.\n"
printf " It shouldn't use sudo permissions for anything else.\n${NORMAL}"
sudo -v # Ask sudo permission to change the user owner/group for the .DLL
mkdir -p tmp
cabextract tmp/vc_redist.x64.exe --dir tmp
cabextract tmp/a10 --dir tmp
cp tmp/${DLL_FILE} .
sudo -n cp tmp/${DLL_FILE} "${STEAM_PATH}/"
rm -rf tmp
GROUP=$(id -g)
if [[ -e "${STEAM_PATH}/${DLL_FILE}" ]]
sudo -n chown ${USER} "${STEAM_PATH}/${DLL_FILE}"
sudo -n chgrp ${GROUP} "${STEAM_PATH}/${DLL_FILE}"
printf "%40s\n" "${RED}Failure:${BLUE} setting the group/owner for the .DLL failed."
printf " Did you provide the right Steam path, and is CoH2 installed via Steam?\n"
printf " If that is not the issue, try performing the script steps manually.${NORMAL}\n\n"
set -e && false # Exit script
if [[ -e "${CHKFILE}" ]]
printf "%40s\n" "${GREEN}Success:${BLUE} ${DLL_FILE} was copied to ${STEAM_PATH}${NORMAL}\n"
printf "%40s\n" "${RED}Failure:${BLUE} ${DLL_FILE} file copy failed. Try performing the script steps manually.${NORMAL}"
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Awesome, Thanks! I'll add a link to your script in my gist.

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