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Created June 2, 2022 09:30
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//! This is a simple example implementation of an interpreter
//! Originally it used a series of tail calls as a substitue for computed goto.
//! See here:
//! It has since been rewritten to use a simple switch statement
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const Opcode = enum(u8) {
const BytecodeInsn = packed struct {
opcode: Opcode,
oparg: u8 = 0,
const Value = union(enum) {
integer: i32,
/// The context for an instruction.
pub const InsnCtx = struct {
oparg: u8,
ip: [*]const BytecodeInsn,
stack_ptr: [*]Value,
frame_ctx: *const CurrentFrameCtx,
fn stack_size(self: *InsnCtx) usize {
const byte_diff = @ptrToInt(self.stack_ptr) - @ptrToInt(self.frame_ctx.stack.ptr);
return byte_diff / @sizeOf(Value);
fn push(self: *InsnCtx, val: Value) void {
assert(self.stack_size() < self.frame_ctx.stack.len);
self.stack_ptr[0] = val;
self.stack_ptr += 1;
fn pop(self: *InsnCtx) Value {
assert(self.stack_size() > 0);
self.stack_ptr -= 1;
return self.stack_ptr[0];
/// Marker value
const InsnDone = struct {
return_value: ?Value = null,
fn verify_continue(self: InsnDone) void {
assert(self.return_value == null);
// We unpack the fields of `InsnCtx` so everything is passed in registers
const RawDispatchFn = fn (
oparg: u8,
ip: [*]const BytecodeInsn,
stack_ptr: [*]Value,
frame_ctx: *const CurrentFrameCtx,
) InsnDone;
/// Extra frame context
/// Pretend this structure has a lot of values
const CurrentFrameCtx = struct {
name: []const u8,
/// All posisble values on the stack
stack: []Value,
bytecode: []const BytecodeInsn,
ip: u32,
inline fn dispatch_next(ctx: *InsnCtx) InsnDone {
ctx.ip += 1;
return dispatch_direct(ctx);
inline fn dispatch_direct(ctx: *InsnCtx) InsnDone {
// decode next oparg
ctx.oparg = ctx.ip[0].oparg;
return InsnDone{};
/// Wrap a `fn(*InsnCtx) InsnDone` -> RawDispatchFn
/// This is needed to get the correct signature
/// (which is needed to pass things in registers)
fn wrap_eval_func(comptime tgt: fn (*InsnCtx) InsnDone) RawDispatchFn {
const wrapper = struct {
fn wrapped(
oparg: u8,
ip: [*]const BytecodeInsn,
stack_ptr: [*]Value,
frame_ctx: *const CurrentFrameCtx,
) InsnDone {
var ctx = InsnCtx{
.oparg = oparg,
.ip = ip,
.stack_ptr = stack_ptr,
.frame_ctx = frame_ctx,
return @call(
.{ .modifier = .always_inline },
return wrapper.wrapped;
fn eval(ctx: *InsnCtx) Value {
// decode first oparg
ctx.oparg = ctx.ip[0].oparg;
while (true) {
evalLoop: switch (ctx.ip[0].opcode) {
.LOAD_IMM => {
continue :evalLoop ctx.ip[0].opcode;
.POP => {
continue :evalLoop ctx.ip[0].opcode;
.ADD, .SUB, .MUL => {
continue :evalLoop ctx.ip[0].opcode;
.PRINT => {
continue :evalLoop ctx.ip[0].opcode;
.RETURN => {
const done = @"return"(ctx);
if (done.return_value) |value| {
return value;
} else {
fn load_imm(
ctx: *InsnCtx,
) InsnDone {
ctx.push(Value{ .integer = @bitCast(i8, ctx.oparg) });
return dispatch_next(ctx);
fn pop(
ctx: *InsnCtx,
) InsnDone {
_ = ctx.pop();
return dispatch_next(ctx);
/// One unified function for all arithmetic operations.
/// This is because I'm lazy ;)
fn arithop(
ctx: *InsnCtx,
) InsnDone {
const opcode = ctx.ip[0].opcode;
const a = ctx.pop();
const b = ctx.pop();
const res: Value = switch (a) {
.integer => |aval| switch (b) {
.integer => |bval| handleInt: {
const res = switch (opcode) {
.ADD => aval +% bval,
.SUB => aval -% bval,
.MUL => aval *% bval,
else => unreachable,
break :handleInt Value{ .integer = res };
return dispatch_next(ctx);
fn print(
ctx: *InsnCtx,
) InsnDone {
const a = ctx.pop();
switch (a) {
.integer => |val| {
std.debug.print("{}\n", .{val});
return dispatch_next(ctx);
fn @"return"(
ctx: *InsnCtx,
) InsnDone {
// done with retrned
const val = ctx.pop();
return InsnDone{ .return_value = val };
fn unimpl_opcode(
ctx: *InsnCtx,
) InsnDone {
std.debug.panic("Unimplemented opcode: `{s}`", .{@tagName(ctx.ip[0].opcode)});
const SAMPLE_BYTECODE: []const BytecodeInsn = &[_]BytecodeInsn{
.{ .opcode = .LOAD_IMM, .oparg = 2 },
.{ .opcode = .LOAD_IMM, .oparg = 40 },
.{ .opcode = .ADD },
.{ .opcode = .PRINT },
// load dummy value for return
.{ .opcode = .LOAD_IMM, .oparg = 0 },
.{ .opcode = .RETURN },
fn interpret(name: []const u8, bytecode: []const BytecodeInsn) void {
var stack: [8]Value = undefined;
var frame = CurrentFrameCtx{
.stack = &stack,
.bytecode = bytecode,
.ip = 0, // start here
.name = name,
var ctx = InsnCtx{
.oparg = 0,
.ip = bytecode.ptr,
.stack_ptr = frame.stack.ptr,
.frame_ctx = &frame,
// begin dispatch loop
_ = eval(&ctx);
pub fn main() !void {
interpret("sample", SAMPLE_BYTECODE);
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