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Created January 23, 2020 06:37
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use std::io::{Cursor, Write};
use goblin::elf::{self, Elf};
use goblin::mach::*;
use scroll::{IOwrite, Pwrite, SizeWith};
use crate::PAGE_SIZE;
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct Segment {
name: [u8; 16],
address: u64,
size: u64,
offset: u64,
file_size: u64,
protections: u32,
impl Segment {
pub fn name(mut self, name: &[u8]) -> Self {[].copy_from_slice(name);
pub fn address(mut self, address: u64) -> Self {
self.address = address;
pub fn size(mut self, size: u64) -> Self {
self.size = size;
pub fn offset(mut self, offset: u64) -> Self {
self.offset = offset;
pub fn file_size(mut self, file_size: u64) -> Self {
self.file_size = file_size;
pub fn protections(mut self, protection: u32) -> Self {
self.protections |= protection;
pub fn build(self) -> load_command::SegmentCommand64 {
load_command::SegmentCommand64 {
cmd: load_command::LC_SEGMENT_64,
cmdsize: load_command::SIZEOF_SEGMENT_COMMAND_64 as u32,
vmaddr: self.address,
vmsize: self.size,
fileoff: self.offset,
filesize: self.file_size,
maxprot: self.protections,
initprot: self.protections,
nsects: 0,
flags: 0,
#[derive(Debug, Pwrite, IOwrite, SizeWith)]
struct UnixThreadCommand {
command: u32,
command_size: u32,
flavor: u32,
count: u32,
thread_state: [u64; 21],
impl UnixThreadCommand {
const STATE_COUNT: usize = 21;
pub fn new(instruction_address: u64) -> Self {
use std::mem::size_of;
const X86_THREAD_STATE64: u32 = 4;
const STATE_SIZE: usize = size_of::<[u64; UnixThreadCommand::STATE_COUNT]>();
const STATE_COUNT: usize = STATE_SIZE / size_of::<u32>();
const INSTRUCTION_REGISTER: usize = 16;
let mut thread_state = [0; Self::STATE_COUNT];
thread_state[INSTRUCTION_REGISTER] = instruction_address;
UnixThreadCommand {
command: load_command::LC_UNIXTHREAD,
command_size: size_of::<Self>() as u32,
flavor: X86_THREAD_STATE64,
count: STATE_COUNT as u32,
struct LoadCommands {
zero: load_command::SegmentCommand64,
header: load_command::SegmentCommand64,
segments: Vec<load_command::SegmentCommand64>,
thread: UnixThreadCommand,
impl LoadCommands {
pub fn new(segments: Vec<load_command::SegmentCommand64>, thread: UnixThreadCommand) -> Self {
let zero = Segment::default().name(b"__PAGEZERO").size(super::PAGE_SIZE as u64).build();
let header = Segment::default().name(b"__TEXT").address(super::PAGE_SIZE as u64)
.protections(constants::VM_PROT_EXECUTE | constants::VM_PROT_READ).build();
LoadCommands { zero, header, segments, thread }
pub fn size_count(&self) -> (u32, usize) {
.chain(self.segments.iter().map(|command| command.cmdsize))
.fold((0, 0), |(size, count), command_size| (size + command_size, count + 1))
pub fn write(self, target: &mut Cursor<Vec<u8>>) -> crate::Result<()> {
self.segments.into_iter().try_for_each(|segment| target.iowrite(segment))?;
fn segments(executable: &Elf) -> Vec<load_command::SegmentCommand64> {
.filter(|header| header.p_type == elf::program_header::PT_LOAD)
.map(|header| Segment::default().name(b"__TEXT").address(header.p_vaddr)
fn protections(header: &elf::ProgramHeader) -> u32 {
let mut protections = 0;
if header.is_executable() { protections |= constants::VM_PROT_EXECUTE };
if header.is_write() { protections |= constants::VM_PROT_WRITE };
if header.is_read() { protections |= constants::VM_PROT_READ };
fn fill_page(offset: &mut usize, bytes: &mut Vec<u8>) {
if *offset % super::PAGE_SIZE == 0 { return; }
let alignment = PAGE_SIZE - (*offset % super::PAGE_SIZE);
let length = bytes.len() + alignment;
bytes.resize(length, 0);
*offset += alignment;
pub fn translate(executable: &Elf, data: &[u8]) -> crate::Result<Vec<u8>> {
let thread = UnixThreadCommand::new(executable.entry);
let mut commands = LoadCommands::new(segments(executable), thread);
let (size, command_count) = commands.size_count();
let mut bytes = Vec::new();
let mut offset = header::SIZEOF_HEADER_64 + size as usize;
commands.header.filesize = offset as u64;
fill_page(&mut offset, &mut bytes);
for segment in &mut commands.segments {
let file_end = (segment.fileoff + segment.filesize) as usize;
let slice = &data[segment.fileoff as usize..file_end];
segment.fileoff = offset as u64;
offset += bytes.write(slice)?;
fill_page(&mut offset, &mut bytes);
let mut target = Cursor::new(Vec::new());
target.iowrite(header::Header {
magic: header::MH_MAGIC_64,
cputype: constants::cputype::CPU_TYPE_X86_64,
cpusubtype: constants::cputype::CPU_SUBTYPE_X86_64_ALL,
filetype: header::MH_EXECUTE,
ncmds: command_count,
sizeofcmds: size,
flags: header::MH_NOUNDEFS,
reserved: 0,
commands.write(&mut target)?;
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