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Created December 22, 2020 08:13
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Benchmarks for various interpretation techniques
extern crate test;
mod tree {
type BNode = Box<Node>;
pub enum Node {
If(BNode, BNode, BNode),
Minus(BNode, BNode),
Add(BNode, BNode),
LessEqual(BNode, BNode),
/// Call fibonacci again.
impl Node {
pub fn execute(&self, recurse: &BNode, parameter: i64) -> i64 {
let x = |node: &Self| node.execute(recurse, parameter);
match self {
Node::If(a, b, c) => if x(a) == 1 { x(b) } else { x(c) }
Node::Minus(l, r) => x(l) - x(r),
Node::Add(l, r) => x(l) + x(r),
Node::LessEqual(l, r) => (x(l) <= x(r)) as i64,
Node::Recurse(p) => recurse.execute(recurse, x(p)),
Node::Literal(v) => *v,
Node::Parameter => parameter,
pub fn compile(&self) -> Box<dyn Fn(&Context, i64) -> i64> {
match self {
Node::If(a, b, c) => {
let a = a.compile();
let b = b.compile();
let c = c.compile();
Box::new(move |ctx, p| if a(ctx, p) == 1 { b(ctx, p) } else { c(ctx, p) })
Node::Minus(l, r) => {
let l = l.compile();
let r = r.compile();
Box::new(move |c, p| l(c, p) - r(c, p))
Node::Add(l, r) => {
let l = l.compile();
let r = r.compile();
Box::new(move |c, p| l(c, p) + r(c, p))
Node::LessEqual(l, r) => {
let l = l.compile();
let r = r.compile();
Box::new(move |c, p| (l(c, p) <= r(c, p)) as i64)
Node::Recurse(p) => {
let p = p.compile();
Box::new(move |c, pa| (c.recurse)(c, p(c, pa)))
Node::Literal(v) => {
let v = *v;
Box::new(move |_, _| v)
Node::Parameter => Box::new(|_, p| p),
pub struct Context {
pub recurse: Box<dyn Fn(&Context, i64) -> i64>,
pub fn tree() -> BNode {
pub fn execute(n: i64) -> i64 {
let tree = tree();
tree.execute(&tree, n)
pub fn compile() -> Context {
let f = tree().compile();
let c = Box::new(move |c: &Context, p: i64| f(c, p));
Context { recurse: c }
pub fn run(c: &Context, n: i64) -> i64 {
(c.recurse)(c, n)
mod single {
use std::rc::Rc;
type Label = usize;
pub enum Single {
LessEqual(usize, usize, usize),
Minus(usize, usize, usize),
Add(usize, usize, usize),
BranchTrue(usize, Label),
Recurse(usize, usize),
Literal(usize, i64),
pub fn code() -> Vec<Single> {
// if n <= 1
Single::Literal(1, 1),
Single::LessEqual(2, 0, 1),
Single::BranchTrue(2, 12),
// f(n - 1)
Single::Literal(3, 1),
Single::Minus(4, 0, 3),
Single::Recurse(5, 4),
// f(n - 2)
Single::Literal(6, 2),
Single::Minus(7, 0, 6),
Single::Recurse(8, 7),
// return +
Single::Add(9, 5, 8),
// return 1
Single::Literal(10, 1),
pub fn execute(codes: &Vec<Single>, n: i64) -> i64 {
// let mut frame: Vec<i64> = vec![0; 11];
let mut frame: [i64; 11] = [0; 11];
let mut current = 0;
loop {
// Changing to get_unchecked_mut for all array indexes
// creates only a little improvement.
let mut next = current + 1;
match &codes[current] {
Single::LessEqual(t, l, r) => frame[*t] = (frame[*l] <= frame[*r]) as i64,
Single::Minus(t, l, r) => frame[*t] = frame[*l] - frame[*r],
Single::Add(t, l, r) => frame[*t] = frame[*l] + frame[*r],
Single::BranchTrue(c, l) => if frame[*c] == 1 { next = *l; }
Single::Parameter(t) => frame[*t] = n,
Single::Recurse(t, p) => frame[*t] = execute(codes, frame[*p]),
Single::Literal(t, l) => frame[*t] = *l,
Single::Return(t) => return frame[*t],
current = next;
pub struct Context {
pub frame: [i64; 11],
pub current: usize,
pub next: usize,
pub recurse: Rc<dyn Fn(&mut Context, i64) -> i64>,
pub fn compile() -> Context {
let mut block: Vec<Box<dyn Fn(&mut Context, i64) -> Option<i64>>> = Vec::new();
for code in code().iter() {
block.push(match code.clone() {
Single::LessEqual(t, l, r) => Box::new(move |ctx, _| {
ctx.frame[t] = (ctx.frame[l] <= ctx.frame[r]) as i64;
Single::Minus(t, l, r) => Box::new(move |ctx, _| {
ctx.frame[t] = ctx.frame[l] - ctx.frame[r];
Single::Add(t, l, r) => Box::new(move |ctx, _| {
ctx.frame[t] = ctx.frame[l] + ctx.frame[r];
Single::BranchTrue(c, l) => Box::new(move |ctx, _| {
if ctx.frame[c] == 1 { = l; }
Single::Parameter(t) => Box::new(move |ctx, p| {
ctx.frame[t] = p;
Single::Recurse(t, p) => Box::new(move |ctx, _| {
let p = ctx.frame[p];
ctx.frame[t] = (ctx.recurse.clone())(ctx, p);
Single::Literal(t, l) => Box::new(move |ctx, _| {
ctx.frame[t] = l;
Single::Return(t) => Box::new(move |ctx, _| {
Context {
frame: [0; 11],
current: 0,
next: 0,
recurse: {
Rc::new(move |ctx, p| {
let ctx = &mut Context {
frame: [0; 11],
current: 0,
next: 0,
recurse: ctx.recurse.clone(),
loop { = ctx.current + 1;
let v = (block.get(ctx.current).unwrap())(ctx, p);
if let Some(v) = v { return v; }
ctx.current =;
pub fn run(c: &mut Context, n: i64) -> i64 {
(c.recurse.clone())(c, n)
pub fn baseline(n: i64) -> i64 {
if n <= 1 { 1 } else { baseline(n - 2) + baseline(n - 1) }
fn main() {
println!("Hello, benchmark!");
println!("Baseline: {}", baseline(32));
println!("Walking: {}", tree::execute(32));
println!("Compile: {}", tree::run(&tree::compile(), 32));
println!("Single: {}", single::execute(&single::code(), 32));
println!("Single Compile: {}", single::run(&mut single::compile(), 32));
// println!("Big: {}", tree::run(&tree::compile(), 42));
mod tests {
use std::hint::black_box;
use test::Bencher;
use super::*;
const N: i64 = 20;
fn bench_tree_execute(bencher: &mut Bencher) {
bencher.iter(|| tree::execute(N));
fn bench_tree_compiled(bencher: &mut Bencher) {
let c = tree::compile();
bencher.iter(|| tree::run(&c, N));
fn bench_baseline(bencher: &mut Bencher) {
bencher.iter(|| baseline(black_box(N)));
fn bench_single(bencher: &mut Bencher) {
let code = &single::code();
bencher.iter(|| single::execute(&code, N));
fn bench_single_compile(bencher: &mut Bencher) {
let ctx = &mut single::compile();
bencher.iter(|| single::run(ctx, N));
Finished bench [optimized] target(s) in 1.18s
Running target/release/deps/bench_execute-4715ccc8dd85a958
running 5 tests
test tests::bench_baseline ... bench: 22,210 ns/iter (+/- 931)
test tests::bench_single ... bench: 471,071 ns/iter (+/- 10,970)
test tests::bench_single_compile ... bench: 1,038,359 ns/iter (+/- 59,626)
test tests::bench_tree_compiled ... bench: 338,726 ns/iter (+/- 41,526)
test tests::bench_tree_execute ... bench: 653,318 ns/iter (+/- 44,373)
test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 5 measured; 0 filtered out
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