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Created February 27, 2013 18:11
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  • Save TechnotronicOz/5050117 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save TechnotronicOz/5050117 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Modernizr.load [
load: "//"
complete: ->
Modernizr.load "js/vendor/jquery-1.9.1.min.js" unless window.jQuery
load: ["//"]
complete: ->
load: ["js/compiled.js", "js/main.js"]
complete: ->
#window.appView = new hawk.views.App()
window.appRouter = new hawk.router.App()
window.homeGalleryItems = new hawk.collections.HomeGallery([
imgSmall: "images/1.jpg"
imgLarge: "img/1lg.jpg"
url: "#1"
title: "Title 1"
description: "Description 1"
imgSmall: "images/2.jpg"
imgLarge: "img/2lg.jpg"
url: "#2"
title: "Title 2"
description: "Description 2"
imgSmall: "images/3.jpg"
imgLarge: "img/3lg.jpg"
url: "#3"
title: "Title 3"
description: "Description 3"
window.homeGallery = new hawk.views.HomeGallery({ collection: homeGalleryItems })
window.hawk =
views: {}
models: {}
collections: {}
router: {}
helpers: {}
hawk.helpers.vent = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events)
hawk.helpers.template = (id) ->
_.template( $('#' + id).html() )
### -----------------------------------------
Model: HomeGalleryView
----------------------------------------- ###
hawk.models.HomeGalleryView = Backbone.Model.extend
imgSmall: ''
imgLarge: ''
url: ''
title: ''
description: ''
### -----------------------------------------
Collection: HomeGallery
Related Model: HomeGalleryView
----------------------------------------- ###
hawk.collections.HomeGallery = Backbone.Collection.extend
model: hawk.models.HomeGalleryView
### -----------------------------------------
View: General App View
----------------------------------------- ###
hawk.views.App = Backbone.View.extend
initialize: ->
render: ->
#window.homeGallery = new hawk.views.HomeGallery()
loadBody: ->
$('body').addClass 'loaded'
loadBackstretch: ->
$('body').backstretch ["img/bg/bg1.jpg", "img/bg/bg2.jpg", "img/bg/bg3.jpg", "img/bg/bg4.jpg", "img/bg/bg5.jpg", "img/bg/bg6.jpg"],
duration: 5000
fade: 750
### -----------------------------------------
View: Home Gallery - Home Page Images
----------------------------------------- ###
hawk.views.HomeGallery = Backbone.View.extend
initialize: ->
#load gallery images
console.log 'views.HomeGallery initialized'
@collection.on('add', @addOne, @)
render: ->
@collection.each(@addOne, @)
return @
el: $('#grid')
events: ->
'click .view a' : 'openModal'
loadGallery: ->
$('#grid').fadeIn 'slow'
loadHoverfold: (args)->
if not $(args).length then return false
if Modernizr.csstransforms3d and Modernizr.csstransitions then $(args).hoverfold()
openModal: (e) ->
console.log 'openModal', e.currentTarget.href
addOne: (item) ->
window.itemView = new hawk.views.HomeGalleryItem({ model: item })
@$el.append( itemView.render().$el )
### -----------------------------------------
View: Home Gallery Photo Items
----------------------------------------- ###
hawk.views.HomeGalleryItem = Backbone.View.extend
tagName: 'div'
className: 'view'
template: hawk.helpers.template('view-template')
initialize: ->
#@model.on('change', @render, @)
render: ->
template = @template( @model.toJSON() )
return @
### -----------------------------------------
----------------------------------------- ###
hawk.router.App = Backbone.Router.extend
'': 'default'
'contact': 'openContact'
'work': 'openWork'
'work/:id': 'openProject'
'about': 'openAbout'
openContact: ->
console.log 'openContact'
openWork: ->
console.log 'openWork'
openProject: (id) ->
console.log 'openProject: ' + id
openAbout: ->
console.log 'openAbout'
default: ->
console.log 'default'
initialize: ->
window.appView = new hawk.views.App()
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