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Created August 11, 2019 17:14
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OpenCV Contour Tree Iteration Class
# import for instances returned from class methods
from __future__ import annotations
import sys
from typing import Optional, List, Any
import cv2
from cars.colab.model.Global import CvRect
from cars.colab.util import Units
from import Cv, Colors
class CvContourNode:
_hierarchy = None
_contours = None
def parse(cls, hierarchy, contours) -> CvContourNode:
# get the actual inner list of hierarchy descriptions
hierarchy = hierarchy[0]
cls._hierarchy = hierarchy
cls._contours = contours
root = CvContourNode()
cls._parse_hierarchy_item(0, root)
return root
def _parse_hierarchy_item(cls, index, parent) \
-> CvContourNode:
h_item = cls._hierarchy[index]
h_next = h_item[0]
h_first_child = h_item[2]
node = CvContourNode(parent)
node.contour = cls._contours[index]
node.level = parent.level + 1
# process siblings
has_sibling = h_next >= 0
if has_sibling:
cls._parse_hierarchy_item(h_next, node.parent)
# process children
has_child = h_first_child >= 0
if has_child:
cls._parse_hierarchy_item(h_first_child, node)
return node
def __init__(self, parent: Optional[CvContourNode] = None) -> None:
self.parent: Optional[CvContourNode] = parent
self.children: List[CvContourNode] = []
self.level: int = 0
self.contour: Any = None
def flatten(self, level=-1, level_modulo=0, result=[]):
:param level:
:param result:
:param level_modulo: ALL = 0, ODD = 1, EVEN = 2
:return: flat array of contours
for node in self.children:
node.flatten(level, level_modulo, result)
return result
def draw(self, image, level_offset=0, level_modulo=1, level_color=None,
thickness: int = 1):
if level_color is None:
level_color = [Colors.MAGENTA, Colors.RED, Colors.BLUE,
for i in range(4, 100):
# draw the current contour
if self.contour is not None:
is_valid = (self.level + level_offset) % level_modulo == 0
if is_valid:
rect: CvRect = cv2.boundingRect(self.contour)
p1, p2, = Units.rect_to_points(rect)
cv2.rectangle(image, p1, p2, level_color[self.level], thickness)
# iterate through children
for node in self.children:
node.draw(image, level_offset, level_modulo, level_color, thickness)
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