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Created September 20, 2012 17:36
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How to avoid monkey-patching sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.api._as_declarative
import sqlalchemy as sa
import sqlalchemy.ext.declarative
How to avoid monkey-patching sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.api._as_declarative???
@sa.event.listens_for(sa.orm.mapper, "mapper_configured")
def _setup_tefproperties(mapper, class_):
for key, value in class_.__dict__.items():
if isinstance(value, TefProperty):
value._config(class_, key)
_as_declarative_orig = sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.api._as_declarative
def _as_declarative_tef(cls, classname, dict_):
dict_ = dict(dict_)
for key, value in cls.__dict__.items():
if isinstance(value, TefProperty):
dict_[key] = value._config(cls, key)
return _as_declarative_orig(cls, classname, dict_)
sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.api._as_declarative = _as_declarative_tef
Base = sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.declarative_base(mapper=sa.orm.mapper)
engine = sa.create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo = True)
class TefProperty(object):
def _config(self, cls, key):
col = sa.Column(key, self.sqla_type)
setattr(cls, key, col)
return col
class propInt(TefProperty):
sqla_type = sa.types.Integer
class propStr(TefProperty):
sqla_type = sa.types.String
class Foo(Base):
__tablename__ = 'foo'
id = sa.Column( sa.types.Integer, primary_key=True)
intprop = propInt()
strprop = propStr()
Base.metadata.create_all(engine, checkfirst=True)
Session = sa.orm.sessionmaker(
bind = engine,
autocommit = False,
session = Session()
session.query(Foo).filter(Foo.intprop + Foo.intprop, Foo.strprop + Foo.strprop).all()
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Tefnet commented Sep 21, 2012

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