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Last active November 21, 2022 21:30
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Simple cellular-automata-based liquid flow simulation, implemented in SQL

Simple cellular-automata-based liquid flow simulation, implemented in SQL

Loosely based on The SQL code in fluid.sql should work with any contemporary version of PostgreSQL.

  1. In fluid.sql, uncomment one of the few initial fluid container scenarios (they start with \COPY input(cells) FROM stdin). A sample container has already been uncommented for you. Feel free to create your own.

  2. Run the SQL code, e.g., via

    $ psql -f fluid.sql

    to obtain a CSV file fluid.csv which represents the state of the container and its fluid as the latter changes over time.

  3. Visualize the liquid flow in your terminal by feeding the CSV file into Python script

    $ python3 fluid.csv

CleanShot 2022-11-21 at 16 51 06

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# Render the 1D liquid flow simulation generated by fluid-1D.sql
# (output in CSV format: ‹iter›|‹x›|‹ground›|‹water›, sorted by ‹iter›, ‹x›)
# Usage: ./ ‹CSV file›
import sys
import csv
import math
import time
from contextlib import contextmanager
# frames per second
FPS = 30
# a column of height 8 is rendered with h/8×█ (base) and a residual character ∊ ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ (top)
def column(h):
return (int(h / 8), [None, '▁','▂','▃','▄','▅','▆','▇'][int(h) % 8])
def stone(cell):
return cell == '░'
# build ground[iter][x] and water[iter][x] from CSV input
with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
lines = [line.rstrip() for line in f]
ground = [ int(row[2]) for row in csv.reader(lines) ]
water = [ float(row[3]) for row in csv.reader(lines) ]
# width/height of scenario (in characters)
width = max([ int(row[1]) for row in csv.reader(lines) ])
height = int(max([ gw[0] + gw[1] for gw in zip(ground,water) ]) / 8) + 1
ground = [ ground[i:i+width] for i in range(0, len(ground), width) ]
water = [ water[i:i+width] for i in range(0, len(water) , width) ]
# number of iterations
iters = len(ground)
# ANSI terminal escape codes
esc = chr(27)
cls = esc + "[2J" + esc + "[0;0H"
alt = esc + "[?1049h"
org = esc + "[?1049l"
# liquid/solid colors
liquid = esc + "[34;1m"
solid = esc + "[0m"
# switch to alternate terminal buffer while rendering
def alternate():
print(alt, end='')
print(org, end='')
# render the grids for all iterations
# NB: each grids[‹iter›] is a list of column strings (flip that by 90° for screen rendering)
grids = [[]] * iters
for iter, gs in enumerate(ground):
grids[iter] = [[]] * width
# render ground
for x, g in enumerate(gs):
(base, _) = column(g)
grids[iter][x] = '░' * base
for iter, ws in enumerate(water):
# render water on top of ground
for x, w in enumerate(ws):
(base, top) = column(w)
grids[iter][x] += '█' * base
if top:
grids[iter][x] += top
grids[iter][x] = grids[iter][x].ljust(height, ' ')
with alternate():
# screen rendering
for iter, grid in enumerate(grids):
print(cls + 'iteration #' + str(iter))
for y in range(height, 0, -1):
for x in range(0, width):
cell = grids[iter][x][y-1]
print((solid if stone(cell) else liquid) + cell, end='')
print('\n', end='')
if iter == 0:
time.sleep(1 / FPS)
-- Liquid flow simulation
-- (example of a cell automaton in which a cell is influenced by as well
-- as influences its neighbours)
-- Loosely based on
-- Visualize using ./ ‹CSV output file›
-- Initial world
-- One cell of the autmaton = one column (ground + water) in the world
x int NOT NULL, -- x coordinate
ground int NOT NULL CHECK (ground % 8 = 0), -- elevation at point x (divisible by 8, because of character-based rendering)
water numeric NOT NULL, -- water volume at point x
-- A repertoire of initial worlds
y serial,
cells text NOT NULL
-- \COPY input(cells) FROM stdin
-- ░▄ ▄░
-- ░██ ██░
-- ░██ ██░
-- ░██ ██░
-- ░██ ██░
-- ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
-- \.
-- \COPY input(cells) FROM stdin
-- ░ ███░
-- ░ █████░
-- ░ █████░
-- ░ █████░
-- ░ █████░
-- ░ █████░
-- ░ █████░
-- ░ █████░
-- ░ █████░
-- ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
-- \.
\COPY input(cells) FROM stdin
░ █████ ░
░ █████ ░
░ █████ ░
░ █████ ░
░ █████ ░
░ █████ ░
░ █████ ░
░ █████ ░
░ █████ ░
-- \COPY input(cells) FROM stdin
-- ░ ░
-- ░ ░
-- ░ ░
-- ░████████ ████████░
-- ░████████ ████████░
-- ░████████ ████████░
-- ░████████ ████████░
-- ░████████ ████████░
-- ░████████ ████████░
-- ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
-- \.
-- \COPY input(cells) FROM stdin
-- ░ ▄░
-- ░ ████░
-- ░ ██████░
-- ░░ ░░░ ████████░
-- ░░░ ░░░░░░ █████████░
-- ░░░░░░░░░░░░ █████████░
-- ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
-- \.
TABLE input;
-- Turn input table format into valid initial world
INSERT INTO fluid(x, ground, water)
SELECT col.x,
COALESCE(SUM(8) FILTER (WHERE col.cell = '░') , 0) AS ground,
COALESCE(SUM(array_position(array['▁','▂','▃','▄','▅','▆','▇','█'], col.cell)), 0) AS water
FROM input AS row,
LATERAL string_to_table(row.cells, NULL) WITH ORDINALITY AS col(cell,x)
GROUP BY col.x;
TABLE fluid
-- influence of neighboring cells on position x
CREATE TYPE influence AS (
x int,
Δwater numeric,
Δkinetic numeric
-- Save flow simulation result so that we can copy it to a CSV file below
sim(iter,x,ground,water,kinetic) AS (
SELECT 0 AS iter, f.x, f.ground, f.water, 0.0 AS kinetic
FROM fluid AS f
(-- prepare for multiple references
-- to the recursive table sim
-- ┌────────────────────────────────┐
WITH sim(iter,x,ground,water,kinetic) AS (
SELECT s0.iter + 1 AS iter, s0.x, s0.ground,
-- if cell s0 has not been updated, Δwater ≡ NULL (we then keep our current water volume)
-- ┌───────────────────────┐
s0.water + COALESCE(agg.Δwater , 0) AS water, -- water volume at x
s0.kinetic + COALESCE(agg.Δkinetic, 0) AS kinetic -- kinetic energy at x (< 0: towards left neighbor, > 0: towards right neighbor)
FROM -- first reference to recursive table sim:
-- iterate over all cells s0 to find the changes that apply to it
-- ┌───┐
sim AS s0
-- aggregate all the influences to be applied to current cell s0 (if there are none these yield NULL)
-- ┌─────────────┐ ┌────────────────┐
LATERAL (SELECT infs.x, SUM(infs.Δwater) AS Δwater, SUM(infs.Δkinetic) AS Δkinetic
-- encodes the rules of the fluid flow automaton:
-- the SELECT yields a single array of entries (x,Δwater,Δkinetic)
-- to indicate that the cell at x needs to change
-- its water volum by Δwater and its kinetic energy by Δkinetic
FROM (SELECT (-- flow to the left
-- potential energy
-- ┌───────────────────┐
CASE WHEN s1.ground + s1.water - s1.kinetic > LAG(s1.ground, 1) OVER horizontal + LAG(s1.water, 1) OVER horizontal + LAG(s1.kinetic, 1) OVER horizontal
THEN array[ROW(s1.x-1, LEAST(s1.water, s1.ground + s1.water - s1.kinetic - (LAG(s1.ground, 1) OVER horizontal + LAG(s1.water, 1) OVER horizontal + LAG(s1.kinetic, 1) OVER horizontal)) / 4, 0.0),
ROW(s1.x , -LEAST(s1.water, s1.ground + s1.water - s1.kinetic - (LAG(s1.ground, 1) OVER horizontal + LAG(s1.water, 1) OVER horizontal + LAG(s1.kinetic, 1) OVER horizontal)) / 4, 0.0),
ROW(s1.x-1, 0.0, -LAG(s1.kinetic, 1) OVER horizontal / 2 - LEAST(s1.water, s1.ground + s1.water - s1.kinetic - (LAG(s1.ground, 1) OVER horizontal + LAG(s1.water, 1) OVER horizontal + LAG(s1.kinetic, 1) OVER horizontal)) / 4)
] :: influence[]
-- flow to the right
CASE WHEN s1.ground + s1.water + s1.kinetic > LEAD(s1.ground, 1) OVER horizontal + LEAD(s1.water, 1) OVER horizontal - LEAD(s1.kinetic, 1) OVER horizontal
THEN array[ROW(s1.x+1, LEAST(s1.water, s1.ground + s1.water + s1.kinetic - (LEAD(s1.ground, 1) OVER horizontal + LEAD(s1.water, 1) OVER horizontal - LEAD(s1.kinetic, 1) OVER horizontal)) / 4, 0.0),
ROW(s1.x , -LEAST(s1.water, s1.ground + s1.water + s1.kinetic - (LEAD(s1.ground, 1) OVER horizontal + LEAD(s1.water, 1) OVER horizontal - LEAD(s1.kinetic, 1) OVER horizontal)) / 4, 0.0),
ROW(s1.x+1, 0.0, -LEAD(s1.kinetic, 1) OVER horizontal / 2 + LEAST(s1.water, s1.ground + s1.water + s1.kinetic - (LEAD(s1.ground, 1) OVER horizontal + LEAD(s1.water, 1) OVER horizontal - LEAD(s1.kinetic, 1) OVER horizontal)) / 4)
] :: influence[]
) AS influence
-- second reference to recursive table sim
-- ┌───────┐
FROM sim AS s1
-- window that allows us to inspect cells in the horizontal neighborhood
-- ┌───────────────────────────┐
WINDOW horizontal AS (ORDER BY s1.x)
) AS inf(influence),
-- turn array into table of (x,Δwater,Δkinetic) influence entries
-- ┌───────────────────────────┐
LATERAL unnest(inf.influence) AS infs
GROUP BY infs.x
) AS agg(x, Δwater, Δkinetic)
-- find those influences that relate to current cell s0
-- ┌────────────┐
ON (s0.x = agg.x)
WHERE s0.iter < 300
) -- inner WITH (non-recursive, allow multiple references to table sim)
) -- top-level WITH RECURSIVE
SELECT s.iter, s.x, s.ground, s.water
FROM sim AS s
ORDER BY s.iter, s.x;
TABLE simulation
ORDER BY iter, x
LIMIT 100;
-- Export table simulation in CSV format for rendering in the terminal
-- (see Python program
\COPY simulation TO 'fluid.csv' WITH (FORMAT csv);
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Very good. Though, who needs Python to plot things 😅

select i, chart
  (select min(iter) as lo, max(iter) as hi from simulation) as lohi,
  lateral generate_series(lo, hi) as s(i),
  lateral (
      -- This part is what you can modify to adapt to your own needs
      -- Your data producing query here 
      source (key, value) as (
        select x, water + 1
        from simulation
        where iter = i
      -- Some configuration items:
      constants as (
          -- the height of the y axis
          15 as height, 
          -- the width of the x axis, if normalise_x, otherwise, ignored
          20 as width, 
          -- the bar characters
          '##' as characters,
          -- the characters between bars
          ' ' as separator,
          -- the padding of the labels on the y axis
          10 as label_pad, 
          -- whether to normalise the data on the x axis by
          -- - filling gaps (if int, bigint, numeric, timestamp, 
          --   timestamptz)
          -- - scaling the x axis to "width"
          false as normalise_x
      -- The rest doesn't need to be touched
      -- Pre-calculated dimensions of the source data
      source_dimensions (kmin, kmax, kstep, vmin, vmax) as (
          min(key), max(key), 
          (max(key) - min(key)) / max(width), 
          min(water), max(water)
        from source, constants, simulation
      -- Normalised data, which fills the gaps in case the key data
      -- type can be generated with generate_series (int, bigint, 
      -- numeric, timestamp, timestamptz)
      source_normalised (key, value) as (
        select k, coalesce(sum(source.value), 0)
        from source_dimensions
          cross join constants
          cross join lateral 
            generate_series(kmin, kmax, kstep) as t (k)
          left join source 
            on source.key >= t.k and source.key < t.k + kstep
        group by k
      -- Replace source_normalised by source if you don't like the 
      -- normalised version
      actual_source (i, key, value) as (
        select row_number() over (order by key), key, value 
        from source_normalised, constants
        where normalise_x
        union all
        select row_number() over (order by key), key, value
        from source, constants
        where not normalise_x
      -- Pre-calculated dimensions of the actual data
      actual_dimensions (
        kmin, kmax, kstep, vmin, vmax, width_or_count
      ) as (
          min(key), max(key), 
          (max(key) - min(key)) / max(width), 
          min(vmin), max(vmax), 
            when every(normalise_x) then least(max(width), count(*)::int) 
            else count(*)::int
        from actual_source, constants, source_dimensions
      -- Additional convenience
      dims_and_consts as (
          temp as (
            select *, 
            (length(characters) + length(separator)) 
              * width_or_count as bar_width
          from actual_dimensions, constants
        select *,
          (bar_width - length(kmin::text) - length(kmax::text)) 
            as x_label_pad
        from temp
      -- A cartesian product for all (x, y) data points
      x (x) as (
        select generate_series(1, width_or_count) from dims_and_consts
      y (y) as (
        select generate_series(1, height) from dims_and_consts
      -- Rendering the ASCII chart
      chart (rn, chart) as (
          lpad(y * (vmax - vmin) / height || '', label_pad) 
            || ' | '
            || string_agg(
                   when height * actual_source.value / (vmax - vmin) 
                     >= y then characters 
                   else repeat(' ', length(characters)) 
                 end, separator 
                 order by x
          x left join actual_source on actual_source.i = x, 
          y, dims_and_consts
        group by y, vmin, vmax, height, label_pad
        union all
          repeat('-', label_pad) 
            || '-+-'
            || repeat('-', bar_width)
        from dims_and_consts
        union all
          repeat(' ', label_pad) 
            || ' | '
            || case
                 when x_label_pad < 1 then ''
                 else kmin || repeat(' ', x_label_pad) || kmax 
        from dims_and_consts
    select chart
    from chart
    order by rn desc
  ) as c

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Teggy commented Nov 21, 2022

Hilarious, Lukas! That leaves rendering the ground column only. A proper choice of characters ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█' and this is ready to go SQL-only.

[ The original simulation was part of a university course on SQL. There's a limit to how much SQL a student can stomach at a time. 🙃 ]

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That leaves rendering the ground column only

Yeah, I did have a stacked bar chart rendering somewhere, but I couldn't find it, so I figured water only will be good enough for now.

Agreed on the stomaching part 😅

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