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Last active October 7, 2015 12:02
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How to setup Quassel (IRC Client) to look nice
###Want a really cool IRC client?
###Then follow these EZPZ steps!
1. Head on over [here]( and download the `client`. Install it. You do not need to install the `core` module.
2. Head over to this Gist and copy all the text. Create a new file in your `documents` folder and name it `whateveryouwant.qss`. ![File](
3. Hit `F7` (or `Settings > Configure Quassel...`) and check the `Use Custom Stylesheet` option. Browse for `whateveryouwant.qss` and select it for use. Change the `Client Style` from `<System Default>` to `[Plastique|Fusion]`. ![Interface Settings](
4. This is where we will setup your `Chat Lists`.
1. Go to `View > Chat Lists > Configure Chat Lists`.
2. Create 2 chat lists: One called **Channels** and the other called **PMs**. Set the checkboxes as you see in the below images. ![Channels]( ![Queries/PMs](
3. Now that you have done that, those lists should appear in your client, but probably not in the best places. Drag the title bars of the lists over to the right side. ![Dragging](
4. You can drag lists onto other lists to create tabs. Drag them to the edge to have a 50/50 split. ![Tabs](
5. Now to setup your `Time Stamps`.
1. Press `F7` (or `Settings > Configure Quassel`) then head to `Chat View`.
2. Find the option called `Timestamp Format` and set it to `[hh:mm]`. ![Time Stamps](
3. Exit the settings window and drag the column splitter between the timestamps and the usernames to fit correctly. ![Splitter](
6. Now for your fonts.
1. Press `F7` (or `Settings > Configure Quassel`) then head to `Chat View`.
2. Find the option called `Custom Chat Window Font` and set it to `Consolas 12pt`. ![Chat Window Font](
3. Head to `Input Widget` and find the option `Custom Font`. Set it to `Consolas 12pt`. ![Input Widget Font](
###The final result
Your final result if you followed all these steps exactly should look something like this.
![Final Result](
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