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Created December 14, 2020 21:51
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21:17:00 <BATAL> Hello, I have a question as far as doing a clean exit on the PuTTY wjere my Bot does not get get ruined.
21:17:21 <BATAL> What is the right command to exit PuTTY in order not to mess up the eggdrop
21:17:23 <BATAL> ?
21:18:09 <TheGuardian> if you start eggdrop in the shell with the command ./eggdrop eggdrop.conf, it will run in the background
21:18:30 <TheGuardian> so, exiting the shell won't terminate the process
21:18:34 <BATAL> ok and what if i exit PuTTY
21:18:39 <BATAL> ok i see
21:18:51 <BATAL> why do i get a problem in the DCC chat on mirc then
21:19:00 <BATAL> where the bot mentions in the chat
21:19:06 <BATAL> cannot read file
21:19:12 <BATAL> error
21:19:17 <BATAL> or cannot write file
21:19:20 <TheGuardian> what's the exact error?
21:19:27 <BATAL> i have it on my laptop
21:19:32 <BATAL> dang
21:19:53 <BATAL> the bot does not let the bogus script for example run
21:20:00 <BATAL> cause it says cannot write file
21:20:06 <BATAL> for exampe line 77
21:20:12 <BATAL> cannot write file
21:20:31 <TheGuardian> that's a script issue, not an eggdrop issue
21:21:03 <BATAL> so how can i fix this issue
21:21:20 <BATAL> is there a command i can use on irc or PuTTY
21:21:27 <BATAL> to fix it
21:22:56 <TheGuardian> you can contact the dev or paste the script somewhere (preferably on with the error description. then you can paste the URL here and if someone knows/wants to fix it, they can reply there
21:24:20 <BATAL> so if i paste the message issue that pops up on this site
21:24:28 <BATAL> it can figure the probelm?
21:24:34 <TheGuardian> also the complete output of the error (including the previous lines) would be useful
21:24:37 <BATAL> i never used past.tclhelp
21:24:46 <BATAL> i see
21:24:55 <BATAL> so paste it all on the site you just gave me
21:25:03 <BATAL> ?
21:25:17 <TheGuardian> I don't even know yet what's the error about
21:25:30 <BATAL> ok so you know how in the dcc chat
21:25:35 <BATAL> between the master and the bot
21:25:44 <BATAL> every now and then it shows writing file
21:25:44 <TheGuardian> we need the entire output before the error too, so we can see if it's a script/configuration issue
21:25:54 <BATAL> where it seems like i is saving some settings
21:26:15 <BATAL> when i start the trivia script
21:26:21 <BATAL> the bot responds in the dcc chat
21:26:28 <BATAL> with cannot write file
21:26:30 <BATAL> 77 for example
21:26:32 <BATAL> or 31
21:26:39 <TheGuardian> that's not enough
21:26:42 <BATAL> ok i see
21:26:49 <TheGuardian> we need the complete output of the error
21:26:52 <BATAL> i will look it up from my laptop tongiht
21:27:25 <BATAL> what is a safe way to end the dcc chat with the bot
21:27:31 <BATAL> the command to do so?
21:27:56 <BATAL> on mirc for example
21:27:56 <TheGuardian> just telling the line error or something like that, isn't enough. we need to know if it's the script saving something and that there's a wrong variable or a variable that's not loaded or if it's a configuration issue when the bot saves it's own user file or something
21:28:00 <BATAL> without causing issues
21:28:15 <TheGuardian> usually, type: .quit
21:28:23 <BATAL> ok i see
21:28:24 <BATAL> thanks
21:28:31 <BATAL> how about to restart the bot
21:28:44 <BATAL> is the the same restarting it on PuTTY and from mirc
21:28:45 <BATAL> ?
21:29:07 <TheGuardian> you should probably read the docs? on DCC chat is the same as telnet. so, .restart
21:29:22 <BATAL> i thought it was rehash
21:29:22 <BATAL> lol
21:29:44 <BATAL> so rehash & restart are different
21:29:51 <TheGuardian> .rehash is just to refresh bot configuration (regarding some settings)
21:30:00 <BATAL> ok gotcha
21:30:02 <TheGuardian> other settings need a complete restart
21:30:10 <BATAL> i see
21:30:16 <BATAL> any good sites for telnet docs
21:30:25 <BATAL> since u said it is like dcc
21:30:29 <BATAL> on mirc
21:30:44 <TheGuardian> eggdrop itself, with the .help command
21:31:04 <BATAL> ok great thank you TheGuardian
21:31:17 <BATAL> i will be back tonight with the exact error message
21:31:22 <TheGuardian> you're welcome
21:31:57 <BATAL> when do we have to do chmod
21:32:00 <BATAL> ?
21:32:24 <BATAL> for example on bogus trivia scipt site it mentions it
21:32:29 <TheGuardian> when you run into an eggdrop error, always provide the complete output, the script that's causing the error (if script related). unfortunately we are no Wizards and we can't just guess :)
21:32:47 <BATAL> true :)
21:32:51 <BATAL> 100&
21:33:44 <BATAL> this command for example (chmod -R 700 eggdrop)
21:33:53 <BATAL> i do not get what it is for
21:34:22 <TheGuardian> usually you don't need to do such thing
21:34:29 <BATAL> oh ok
21:34:49 <mezen> dont do that BATAL, it's a bad advice
21:35:06 <BATAL> why?
21:35:11 <TheGuardian> you just need to unpack the script in the same directory as where the eggdrop is, connected with the user that owns the process
21:35:37 <mezen> 700 means read/write/execute for all files/folders only for user
21:35:47 <BATAL> when i install eggdrop 1.8.4 i end up with 2 folders under my shell usernam
21:36:03 <mezen> all files are not executables or rewritables
21:36:08 <BATAL> eggdrop & eggdrop 1.8.4
21:36:11 <TheGuardian> the source folder and the installation folder
21:36:14 <BATAL> i see
21:36:27 <mezen> -R means recursively
21:36:33 <TheGuardian> eggdrop = installation folder.. eggdrop-1.8.4 = source folder
21:37:15 <BATAL> wherei put the scitp then should
21:37:23 <BATAL> where to copy/paste it
21:37:41 <BATAL> whivh pone of these folders
21:37:49 <mezen> where you want BATAL
21:37:56 <BATAL> either works
21:37:57 <BATAL> ?
21:38:00 <BATAL> or both
21:38:02 <TheGuardian> when you install eggdrop with the normal commands (./configure, make config, make, make install), each file will have the right permissions in the installation folder
21:38:35 <TheGuardian> usually scripts go into the scripts folder inside the install folder
21:38:38 <mezen> BATAL, it's very often to put scripts under eggdrop/scripts
21:38:53 <BATAL> what about the folder with eggdrop 1.8.4
21:39:03 <BATAL> do not paste the scipt files there?
21:39:09 <mezen> but it's up to you to put them wherever you want, just in eggdrop.conf use source /the/path/to/the/script.tcl
21:39:29 <TheGuardian> and you load them, by adding a: source "scripts/script_name.tcl" at the end of the bot configuration file
21:40:08 <BATAL> i get that part
21:40:23 <BATAL> but i was wondering where to copy/paste the scipt files
21:40:35 <BATAL> there are 2 eggdrop folders
21:40:38 <TheGuardian> BATAL: no. the source folder is just needed to compile/recompile a bot
21:40:59 <TheGuardian> unless stated by the script/module, you don't put anything in the source folder
21:41:23 <BATAL> the say [Upload the following files to your bot's /scripts directory]
21:41:30 <BATAL> the tcl files
21:41:46 <BATAL> like [ t-2.tcl :Main BogusTrivia tcl game script]
21:41:53 <BATAL> for example etc...
21:42:09 <BATAL> i do no know which to pic
21:42:14 <BATAL> to paate them in
21:42:25 <TheGuardian> and a small tip: when you compile a bot, when comes to the last command (make install) use the following: make install DEST=$HOME/botname
21:42:46 <BATAL> what does this do?
21:44:26 <TheGuardian> imagine that your bot is named BATABOT.. with `make install DEST=$HOME/BATABOT`, it will install all the files into the folder named BATABOT instead the default `eggdrop` folder
21:45:00 <TheGuardian> so that way, you can install several bots in the same $HOME directory and you always know which bot you're editing
21:45:10 <BATAL> oh sweet
21:45:13 <BATAL> i like that idea
21:45:15 <BATAL> thanks :)
21:45:20 <BATAL> makes things easier
21:45:55 <BATAL> so do not do (make install) alone
21:46:06 <BATAL> add that to it [make install DEST=$HOME/BATABOT]
21:46:07 <BATAL> ?
21:46:37 <TheGuardian> otherwise you need to create a user for each bot, because by default, when you compile/recompile eggdrop it will overwrite the entire `eggdrop`
21:47:09 <BATAL> ok am still confused as far as where to copy/paste the tcl script files by bogus for example
21:47:10 <TheGuardian> instead just `make install` do `make install DEST=$HOME/BOTNAME`
21:47:18 <BATAL> in the eggdrop 1.8.4 or just eggdrop
21:47:28 <TheGuardian> forget the source folder
21:47:30 <BATAL> ok i understood that part
21:47:33 <TheGuardian> nothing goes there
21:47:42 <BATAL> so where can i copy/past the script files
21:47:46 <BATAL> that they asked for
21:47:50 <BATAL> for the script to work?
21:48:13 <TheGuardian> you want always to put scripts in the install folder (by default, eggdrop), and inside the scripts folder
21:48:27 <BATAL> ok great
21:49:06 <TheGuardian> then follow the instructions of the script of how to load it, etc
21:49:08 <BATAL> you know a lot TheGuardian
21:49:17 <BATAL> so do not do any of these commands
21:49:24 <mezen> BATAL, that's obvious, the installation folder is where you edit the configuration file eggdrop.conf
21:49:28 <BATAL> a. chmod -R 700 eggdrop
21:49:29 <BATAL> b. chmod 711 while in the home directory of your shell.
21:49:38 <TheGuardian> nope, don't do that
21:49:39 <BATAL> right?
21:49:48 <BATAL> ok and what is the harm to that?
21:49:56 <BATAL> i just wanna understand it
21:49:57 <BATAL> ;p;
21:49:59 <BATAL> lol
21:50:06 <TheGuardian> eggdrop gives the correct files permissions to each file upon installing
21:50:11 <BATAL> i see
21:50:29 <BATAL> why does the script devloper mention that
21:50:52 <TheGuardian> you don't want to give executable permission to a file that should not have it
21:50:59 <TheGuardian> it's just a matter of security
21:51:13 <BATAL> so someone can hack my bot
21:51:15 <BATAL> with that
21:51:16 <BATAL> ?
21:51:18 <BATAL> being opened
21:51:29 <TheGuardian> they can't just like that
21:51:45 <TheGuardian> but sometimes, some permissions can pose a security risk
21:52:02 <BATAL> i see what you mean
21:52:06 <BATAL> thanks for letting me know
21:52:43 <mezen> the intention of the script's author was to give write permissions to involved files
21:52:51 <BATAL> i see
21:53:08 <mezen> that command will act on all the whole files in the eggdrop folder
21:53:22 <BATAL> what is the difference between [./eggdrop -m <config file>] & [./eggdrop -n <config file>]
21:53:32 <BATAL> oh ok mezen got you
21:53:42 <TheGuardian> BATAL: if I told you to, as root, type the following > :(){ :|:& };:
21:53:44 <BATAL> i get confused which to use to run it
21:53:47 <TheGuardian> would you do it?
21:54:17 <BATAL> i do not understand what you mean sorry
21:55:02 <TheGuardian> -n switch runs the bot on foreground (no forking). -m switch is to create a new userfile
21:55:15 <BATAL> so first do the -m
21:55:18 <BATAL> and after that
21:55:21 <BATAL> always use the -n
21:55:22 <BATAL> ?
21:55:26 <TheGuardian> nope
21:55:37 <BATAL> or there is another command to use always to run it after the intial?
21:55:51 <TheGuardian> use ./eggdrop -m eggdrop.conf to create the userfile
21:55:52 <BATAL> this command confuses me always lol
21:55:55 <BATAL> ok
21:55:58 <BATAL> then
21:56:08 <BATAL> 2nd 3rd times etc...
21:56:08 <TheGuardian> then, always ./eggdrop eggdrop.condlf
21:56:14 <TheGuardian> eggdrop.conf*
21:56:16 <BATAL> ok i see
21:56:21 <BATAL> that clears it for me
21:56:26 <mezen> -n is for debug only, to see why the bot cannot connect for example
21:56:32 <BATAL> ok gotcha
21:56:36 <BATAL> thanks
21:56:40 <TheGuardian> ^ couldn't say it better
21:56:49 <BATAL> the config annoys me
21:56:52 <BATAL> takes time to do
21:57:00 <BATAL> i did it 2 times and messed it up at the end
21:57:06 <BATAL> i have to it again now lol
21:57:06 <TheGuardian> everything takes time to do :P
21:57:12 <BATAL> right lol
21:57:25 <BATAL> what is a good protection script i can install on my bot to protect my channel
21:57:26 <BATAL> ?
21:57:36 <TheGuardian> also, always change the eggdrop.conf to something like botname.conf
21:57:57 <TheGuardian> to avoid the configuration file to be overwritten when recompiling the bot
21:58:13 <BATAL> and do that with the comand you told me already right?
21:58:46 <BATAL> this one [make install DEST=$HOME/BATABOT]
21:58:50 <BATAL> that is how to do it?
21:59:00 <BATAL> but put my bot name instead of batabot
21:59:39 <mezen> mmm
21:59:45 <BATAL> this is gonna sound stupid but what does [compling bot mean] exactly?
21:59:57 <BATAL> reloading it
22:00:00 <BATAL> ?
22:00:09 <mezen> no
22:00:39 <BATAL> running configuration again?
22:00:44 <BATAL> after edits
22:00:46 <mezen> compiling the bot means transforming the source code in 'C' to an executable
22:01:03 <mezen> it's the passage from eggdrop-1.8.4 to eggdrop
22:01:04 <BATAL> ok i see
22:01:10 <BATAL> from outty to irc for example
22:01:12 <BATAL> putty
22:01:17 <BATAL> right?
22:01:58 <TheGuardian> compiling is the whole ./configure, make config, make, make install
22:02:02 <mezen> nope, it has nothing to do with putty
22:02:23 <BATAL> ok i get it now
22:02:49 <mezen> it's just transforming the code in C language to machine language (binary)
22:03:01 <BATAL> so how to do htis again [also, always change the eggdrop.conf to something like botname.conf] ?
22:03:09 <BATAL> ok mezen makes sense
22:03:12 <TheGuardian> that's compiling. when we talk about recompiling, is when you edit something on the source code and you compile it again (hence recompile)
22:03:13 <BATAL> thanks
22:03:23 <mezen> the command to rename a file is mv
22:03:32 <mezen> mv eggdrop.conf mybot.conf
22:03:41 <BATAL> nice
22:03:43 <BATAL> that makes it easy
22:03:59 <mezen> it can also be used for eggdrop folder
22:04:14 <TheGuardian> then, instead using ./eggdrop eggdrop.conf you use ./eggdrop mybot.conf
22:04:16 <mezen> in case you missed that DEST=$HOME/BATABOT
22:04:23 <BATAL> great
22:04:26 <mezen> you can do: mv eggdrop BATBOT
22:04:29 <BATAL> you guys are amazing!
22:04:34 <BATAL> :)
22:04:38 <BATAL> i get it now
22:04:48 <BATAL> this stuff is not that easy
22:04:49 <BATAL> lol
22:04:50 <TheGuardian> we just share what we know ;)
22:04:59 <BATAL> how long you guys been on irc for
22:05:00 <BATAL> ?
22:05:11 <BATAL> i started in 2002 and stopped in 2008
22:05:18 <BATAL> came back i n 2019
22:05:19 <TheGuardian> ehm... me, since 98
22:05:23 <BATAL> oh wow
22:05:25 <BATAL> long time
22:05:40 <BATAL> freenode is the only netowrk you are on?
22:05:46 <mezen> TheGuardian, second edition ?
22:05:49 <mezen> :)
22:06:16 <TheGuardian> I'm in more networks than Freenode
22:06:32 <TheGuardian> I also have my own (for testing purposes of IRCd and bots)
22:06:41 <BATAL> ok ok cool
22:06:44 <BATAL> i like dalnet too
22:07:05 <BATAL> do you privde znc's and other stuff?
22:07:11 <BATAL> *provide
22:07:15 <TheGuardian> *cof*it sucks*cof*
22:07:17 <BATAL> or just for your own use
22:07:38 <TheGuardian> I could provide znc
22:07:47 <BATAL> nice
22:07:58 <TheGuardian> actually, I do provide ZNC, but just for friends for the time being
22:08:05 <BATAL> so you have your own vps
22:08:15 <TheGuardian> yep, I do
22:08:25 <BATAL> if i buy one from risingnet for example
22:08:26 <TheGuardian> 3, to be exact
22:08:28 <BATAL> is it hard to set up
22:08:29 <BATAL> ?
22:08:34 <BATAL> oh wow
22:08:35 <BATAL> 3 vps's
22:08:38 <BATAL> haha nice
22:08:46 <TheGuardian> Hetzner is good
22:08:55 <BATAL> what is their site?
22:08:55 <TheGuardian> and have nice prices
22:09:01 <BATAL> lwet me google it
22:09:29 <TheGuardian>
22:09:51 <TheGuardian> I mean, $3/month is nothing
22:10:03 <TheGuardian> and for eggdrop and such is more than enough
22:10:18 <BATAL> how many ip address do they give with that?
22:10:35 <BATAL> $3 is cheap
22:11:10 <TheGuardian> 1 IPv4 and a /64 IPv6
22:11:29 <BATAL> once i buy that
22:11:48 <BATAL> how can i set up the vps to creat a znc for example
22:11:54 <TheGuardian> they accept PayPal
22:11:59 <BATAL> oh great
22:12:28 <TheGuardian> BATAL: you just need to install the needed packages and follow the znc instructions
22:12:49 <TheGuardian> choose Ubuntu 20.04 (easier for newbies)
22:14:07 <BATAL> ok i see
22:14:11 <BATAL> thanks
22:14:26 <BATAL> i will read the info and figure it out
22:15:00 <BATAL> how can i change the bot's nick when it is online
22:15:14 <BATAL> can i type a command through dcc as the master to do so?
22:15:28 <TheGuardian> don't do so
22:15:43 <TheGuardian> change the bot nick in the conf and restart it
22:15:53 <mezen> i have this
22:15:56 <mezen>
22:16:03 <mezen> 20$ a year
22:16:41 <BATAL> ok let me see
22:16:45 <BATAL> chekcing it out
22:16:58 <TheGuardian> 512Mb ram, for eggdrop and so is enough
22:17:00 <mezen> click on HDD servers, cheaper
22:17:12 <TheGuardian> for my needs, I wouldn't be enough ;)
22:17:30 <mezen> I run 2 eggdrops on it
22:17:47 <TheGuardian> my server has 4Gb ram, and 1.5 available ;)
22:17:47 <BATAL> but you cannot have miltiple znc's if you wanted to
22:17:52 <BATAL> like 4 5 6 etc..
22:18:14 <TheGuardian> BATAL: one znc can have hundreds of users :)
22:18:29 <BATAL> but they will be considered clones
22:18:31 <BATAL> right?
22:18:40 <TheGuardian> yes.
22:18:47 <BATAL> i see
22:19:03 <TheGuardian> but if you have IPv6, you can give one IP to each user
22:19:22 <TheGuardian> but they'll use the same subnet and in some networks that counts as a clone
22:19:52 <BATAL> oh gotchs
22:19:54 <BATAL> gotcha
22:20:28 <BATAL> so trade bots are done that way i guess
22:20:34 <BATAL> i notice on some irc networks
22:20:40 <BATAL> there are many channels with prak bots
22:20:45 <BATAL> i guess they do this
22:20:55 <BATAL> park bots
22:21:16 <TheGuardian> well, if they're only parked, it's easier to use a znc ;p
22:21:56 <TheGuardian> you can create a znc user and make it connect with just a few IRC commands (yes, you can control znc almost entirely from IRC)
22:22:48 <BATAL> but i saw this dude once
22:23:03 <BATAL> allow like 300 bots log in right after eachother in like a minute or less
22:23:11 <BATAL> to a certain channel
22:23:17 <BATAL> is there a program for that
22:23:21 <BATAL> or he did it manually ?
22:23:31 <mezen> BATAL, shells with vhosts are more expensive than simple vps's
22:23:36 <TheGuardian> that's another thing. and there are bots built for that purpose only
22:23:51 <BATAL> oh ok i see
22:23:54 <BATAL> gotcha mezen
22:23:56 <BATAL> makes sense
22:23:56 <mezen> look at this: with vhosts:
22:25:16 <TheGuardian> or you can always use a free domain from (aka and set up rDNS in your VPS (if you have access to that) ;p
22:25:28 <BATAL> i checked it out mezen
22:25:29 <BATAL> i like it
22:25:40 <BATAL> i did that before
22:25:58 <BATAL> someone allowed me to use my own domain from freenom
22:26:02 <mezen> this one 2:
22:26:11 <BATAL> risingnet is good
22:26:16 <BATAL> i saw it before
22:26:39 <TheGuardian> even Kimsufi's good enough for small things
22:26:52 <TheGuardian> and their dedis aren't expensive at all
22:27:22 <TheGuardian> I don't know how's their support, DDoS protection, etc
22:27:27 <TheGuardian> never used them
22:27:27 <BATAL> rising net probably has the vps ready for users
22:27:49 <TheGuardian> BATAL: all VPS providers give the VPS ready
22:28:03 <TheGuardian> but packages and such must be installed by you
22:28:16 <BATAL> oh i see
22:28:25 <TheGuardian> because they don't know for what purpose the VPS will be used
22:28:28 <BATAL> is there a site to help newbies install the packages?
22:28:33 <BATAL> right
22:28:46 <TheGuardian> so, they give you a default Ubuntu and you build it up
22:28:51 <BATAL> ok gotcha
22:29:10 <BATAL> i would like to see if there is a tutorial for new users to vps
22:29:21 <BATAL> to hook it up and configure it
22:29:22 <TheGuardian> almost all software tells you the packages you need to install to use the software
22:29:27 <BATAL> i see
22:29:47 <TheGuardian> then as root is just a matter of: apt install <package name>
22:30:20 <BATAL> oh ok
22:30:23 <mezen> if you are familiar with linux, that wouldn't be an issue
22:30:42 <mezen> you can install ubuntu in a virtual machine like virtualbox
22:30:43 <BATAL> i do not have much experience with linux
22:30:49 <mezen> and play with it
22:30:51 <BATAL> what if i wanna use windows
22:30:55 <BATAL> can i still work the vps?
22:31:08 <mezen> sure
22:31:55 <TheGuardian> piece of advice: never use Windows servers :x
22:32:06 <BATAL> risky?
22:32:37 <ivaat> linux is easy
22:32:51 <ivaat> just learn some command lines
22:33:00 <BATAL> i know how to use putty
22:33:01 <BATAL> lol
22:33:08 <ivaat> well thats a start
22:33:11 <BATAL> so maybe linux wouldn't be that tough for me
22:33:19 <BATAL> right
22:33:23 <TheGuardian> stop using putty :p
22:33:30 <TheGuardian> bitvisessh
22:33:33 <BATAL> why TheGuardian
22:33:38 <BATAL> lol
22:33:40 <TheGuardian> it's waaaay better
22:33:56 <TheGuardian> it has SSH and FTP in one single application
22:33:57 <BATAL> bitvisessh
22:33:58 <BATAL> ?
22:34:08 <BATAL> what do we need FTP for?
22:34:17 <BATAL> eggdrops do not require it right?
22:34:25 <TheGuardian>
Bitvise SSH Client Download | Bitvise
22:34:53 <TheGuardian> you need ftp to copy files from your pc to your shell
22:35:13 <TheGuardian> you have both in BiteviseSSH
22:35:18 <BATAL> i use this thing called win something
22:35:20 <BATAL> i forgot lol
22:35:22 <BATAL> on my laptop
22:35:34 <BATAL> when i copy/paste the script file to it
22:35:35 <mezen> winscp ?
22:35:37 <BATAL> yes
22:35:39 <BATAL> right mezen
22:35:47 <BATAL> is winscp ftp?
22:35:55 <TheGuardian> yep
22:36:02 <mezen> it's my favorite sftp client
22:36:04 <BATAL> ok i see what you mean now TheGuardian
22:36:05 <TheGuardian> sort of
22:36:18 <BATAL> winscp is easy to use
22:36:56 <TheGuardian> try BiteviseSSH. after you get the hang of it, you won't return to putty
22:37:19 <mezen> TheGuardian, BitviseSSH requires license purchase right ?
22:37:25 <BATAL> i see
22:37:29 <BATAL> interesting
22:37:51 <BATAL> by the way, how can i change the bot's nick when it is online
22:37:51 <BATAL> , can i type a command through dcc as the master to do so?
22:38:03 <TheGuardian> no. it's free
22:38:05 <BATAL> or change the cofig file
22:38:06 <BATAL> ?
22:38:10 <BATAL> config
22:38:16 <BATAL> i mean edit the nick there
22:38:19 <TheGuardian> .dump <new nick>
22:38:23 <TheGuardian> try that
22:38:30 <BATAL> through dcc chat
22:38:30 <BATAL> ?
22:38:35 <TheGuardian> yes
22:38:40 <BATAL> ok great
22:38:59 <BATAL> do you of a good channel prtoection script for eggdrop
22:38:59 <BATAL> ?
22:39:05 <BATAL> do you know
22:39:11 <TheGuardian> but if you have `set keep-nick` set to 1, it will return to the original nick
22:39:23 <BATAL> so set it to which number
22:39:27 <TheGuardian> allprotection is probably the best
22:39:29 <BATAL> to be able to do the command
22:39:33 <TheGuardian> set it to 0
22:39:38 <BATAL> ok cool
22:39:47 <BATAL> where can i get this script from?
22:40:00 <TheGuardian> Google is your best friend ;)
22:40:08 <BATAL> right lol
22:40:12 <BATAL> let me see
22:40:31 <TheGuardian> it's a bit hard to configure though
22:40:59 <TheGuardian> but, no pain no gain, right?
22:44:52 <BATAL> true
22:45:07 <BATAL> harder setting this allprotection script than the bogus trivia one?
22:45:44 <BATAL> omg
22:45:45 <TheGuardian> probably way harder :)
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