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Last active August 11, 2022 16:11
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Ignore fixable eslint rules


Because I don't want my editor to give me visual warnings about rules that I only added for the --fix functionality.

eslint --rule 'no-extra-boolean-cast: 0' --rule 'no-extra-parens: 0' --rule 'no-extra-semi: 0' --rule 'no-regex-spaces: 0' --rule 'no-unsafe-negation: 0' --rule 'curly: 0' --rule 'dot-location: 0' --rule 'dot-notation: 0' --rule 'eqeqeq: 0' --rule 'no-else-return: 0' --rule 'no-extra-bind: 0' --rule 'no-extra-label: 0' --rule 'no-floating-decimal: 0' --rule 'no-implicit-coercion: 0' --rule 'no-multi-spaces: 0' --rule 'no-unused-labels: 0' --rule 'no-useless-return: 0' --rule 'wrap-iife: 0' --rule 'yoda: 0' --rule 'strict: 0' --rule 'no-undef-init: 0' --rule 'array-bracket-newline: 0' --rule 'array-bracket-spacing: 0' --rule 'array-element-newline: 0' --rule 'block-spacing: 0' --rule 'brace-style: 0' --rule 'capitalized-comments: 0' --rule 'comma-dangle: 0' --rule 'comma-spacing: 0' --rule 'comma-style: 0' --rule 'computed-property-spacing: 0' --rule 'eol-last: 0' --rule 'func-call-spacing: 0' --rule 'function-paren-newline: 0' --rule 'implicit-arrow-linebreak: 0' --rule 'indent: 0' --rule 'jsx-quotes: 0' --rule 'key-spacing: 0' --rule 'keyword-spacing: 0' --rule 'linebreak-style: 0' --rule 'lines-around-comment: 0' --rule 'lines-between-class-members: 0' --rule 'multiline-comment-style: 0' --rule 'new-parens: 0' --rule 'newline-per-chained-call: 0' --rule 'no-lonely-if: 0' --rule 'no-multiple-empty-lines: 0' --rule 'no-trailing-spaces: 0' --rule 'no-unneeded-ternary: 0' --rule 'no-whitespace-before-property: 0' --rule 'nonblock-statement-body-position: 0' --rule 'object-curly-newline: 0' --rule 'object-curly-spacing: 0' --rule 'object-property-newline: 0' --rule 'one-var: 0' --rule 'one-var-declaration-per-line: 0' --rule 'operator-assignment: 0' --rule 'operator-linebreak: 0' --rule 'padded-blocks: 0' --rule 'padding-line-between-statements: 0' --rule 'prefer-object-spread: 0' --rule 'quote-props: 0' --rule 'quotes: 0' --rule 'semi: 0' --rule 'semi-spacing: 0' --rule 'semi-style: 0' --rule 'sort-vars: 0' --rule 'space-before-blocks: 0' --rule 'space-before-function-paren: 0' --rule 'space-in-parens: 0' --rule 'space-infix-ops: 0' --rule 'space-unary-ops: 0' --rule 'spaced-comment: 0' --rule 'switch-colon-spacing: 0' --rule 'template-tag-spacing: 0' --rule 'unicode-bom: 0' --rule 'wrap-regex: 0' --rule 'arrow-body-style: 0' --rule 'arrow-parens: 0' --rule 'arrow-spacing: 0' --rule 'generator-star-spacing: 0' --rule 'no-confusing-arrow: 0' --rule 'no-useless-computed-key: 0' --rule 'no-useless-rename: 0' --rule 'no-var: 0' --rule 'object-shorthand: 0' --rule 'prefer-arrow-callback: 0' --rule 'prefer-const: 0' --rule 'prefer-destructuring: 0' --rule 'prefer-numeric-literals: 0' --rule 'prefer-template: 0' --rule 'rest-spread-spacing: 0' --rule 'sort-imports: 0' --rule 'template-curly-spacing: 0' --rule 'yield-star-spacing: 0'
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