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Last active December 20, 2015 07:59
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  • Save Tehnix/6096904 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Tehnix/6096904 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Benchmarking of several list construction methods with filtering applied.
import time
import itertools
def test_results(tests, times_to_run_tests, *args):
# Fetch the results and save the value of the fastest function
fastest = None
results = []
for fn in tests:
name = ""
res = 0
for i in range(times_to_run_tests):
test = fn(*args)
res += test["time"]
name = test["name"]
avg = res / times_to_run_tests
results.append({"average": avg, "name": name})
print "| {0: <20} | {1: >12} | {2: >18} s | {3: >23} % |".format(
name, times_to_run_tests, avg, "???"
if fastest is None or avg < fastest:
fastest = avg
# Print the table of results
header = "| {0: <20} | {1: <12} | {2: <20} | {3: <25} |".format(
"Function name", "Times tested", "Average running time", "Speed compared to fastest"
separator = "+" + ("-" * (len(header) - 2)) + "+"
print separator
print header
print separator
for result in sorted(results, key=lambda x: x["average"]):
print "| {0: <20} | {1: >12} | {2: >18} s | {3: >23} % |".format(
result["name"], times_to_run_tests, result["average"], round((result["average"] / fastest * 100), 2)
print separator
def test_it(fn):
"""Decorator to return function info and time results."""
def testing(*args):
name = fn.__name__
doc_string = fn.__doc__
start = time.time()
total_time = round((time.time() - start), 5)
return {"name": name, "description": doc_string, "time": total_time}
return testing
def list_comprehension(particles):
"""Use a list comprehension to filter the objects in the particles list."""
l = [x for x in particles if not x.dead and (x.on_step() or True)]
def filter_lambda(particles):
"""Use the filter function with a lambda to filter the objects in the particles list."""
l = filter(lambda x: not x.dead and (x.on_step() or True), particles)
def filter_function(particles):
"""Use the filter function with a predefined checking function to filter the objects in the particles list."""
def check(x):
if not x.dead:
return True
return False
l = filter(check, particles)
def itertools_ifilter(particles):
"""Use itertools.ifilter to filter and construct a new list from the particles list."""
l = []
for particle in itertools.ifilter(lambda x: not x.dead and (x.on_step() or True), particles):
class Particle(object):
def __init__(self):
self.dead = False
def on_step(self):
list_size = 10000000
particles = []
for i in range(list_size):
p = Particle()
print "Done constructing list, performing tests..."
tests = [
test_results(tests, 5, particles)
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | Function name | Times tested | Average running time | Speed compared to fastest |
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | list_comprehension | 5 | 3.31077 s | 100.0 % |
# | filter_function | 5 | 3.373938 s | 101.91 % |
# | filter_lambda | 5 | 3.442364 s | 103.97 % |
# | itertools_ifilter | 5 | 5.619166 s | 169.72 % |
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
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