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Last active October 31, 2018 00:12
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A class for creating grids and projecting them onto the heart.
Created on 30 MOct, 2018 from mapclientplugins.meshgeneratorstep.
@author: Jesse Khorasanee
import numpy as np
from opencmiss.zinc.field import Field
from opencmiss.zinc.glyph import Glyph
from import Graphics
from scaffoldmaker.utils.zinc_utils import *
from opencmiss.zinc.node import Node
from scaffoldmaker.scaffoldmaker import Scaffoldmaker
class MeshProjection(object):
def __init__(self, region):
self._region = region
self._scene = self._region.getScene()
# self._child_region = region.createChild('grid_plane')
self.startingNumber = 1000
self.globalCoords = []
self.xiCoords = {
'element': [],
'coordinates': [],
'elementID': []
def generateGridPoints4(self, pointsList, number_on_side, plane_normal):
# We generate our grid points by having 4 points that we assign weightings to
# based on how far we are away from them.
# pointsList : a list of four points defined in any 3D space.
# number_on_side : the number of nodes we have on each side of our array (ie 8 nodes if we have a 64 point grid).
# plane_normal : the normal of the plane we are creating points in. EG [0,0,1] for the x,y plane.
# coord_list : a list of the number_on_side^2 (ie 64) points in 3D space.
# eg: [[1 , 0, 0], [1, .06, 0], [1, .12, 0], ... [0, 1, 0]]
# Extra notes:
# The points are selected in a counter clockwise fashion (start anywhere and make a trapezoid counterclockwise)
p1 = pointsList[0]
p2 = pointsList[1]
p3 = pointsList[2]
p4 = pointsList[3]
ns1 = number_on_side - 1
plane_normal_offset = .55 # For offsetting the solver to solve from outside the mesh -> on it
# ^ set this to 0 if you want points on the original plane
grid_coord = []
for i in range(number_on_side):
for j in range(number_on_side):
# Create our weightings (since we are setting points in a ccwise fashion our diagonal is w3
w1 = ((ns1 - i) * (ns1 - j)) / (ns1 ** 2) # top left point ( or first point )
w2 = (j / ns1) * (ns1 - i) / ns1 # top right point ( or second point )
w3 = i * j / (ns1 ** 2) # Diagonal point ( or third point )
w4 = (i / ns1) * (ns1 - j) / ns1 # bottom left point ( or fourth point )
# Use our weightings to find coordinates of our new point
x = p4[0] * w4 + p3[0] * w3 + p2[0] * w2 + p1[0] * w1
y = p4[1] * w4 + p3[1] * w3 + p2[1] * w2 + p1[1] * w1
z = p4[2] * w4 + p3[2] * w3 + p2[2] * w2 + p1[2] * w1
grid_coord.append([x, y, z])
# offset our points if we want to
plane_norm = np.array(plane_normal)
self._plane_norm = plane_norm
coord_list = []
for i in range(len(grid_coord)):
shifted_point = grid_coord[i] + plane_norm * plane_normal_offset
return coord_list
def pointsToNodes(self, grid_list):
fm = self._region.getFieldmodule()
cache = fm.createFieldcache()
coordinates = fm.findFieldByName('coordinates')
coordinates = coordinates.castFiniteElement()
colour = fm.findFieldByName('colour')
colour = colour.castFiniteElement()
nodes = fm.findNodesetByFieldDomainType(Field.DOMAIN_TYPE_NODES)
nodetemplate = nodes.createNodetemplate()
nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1)
for i, grid_point in enumerate(grid_list):
eegNode = nodes.createNode(self.startingNumber + i, nodetemplate)
coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1, grid_point)
def renderNodes(self):
nodePoints = self._scene.createGraphicsPoints()
materialModule = self._scene.getMaterialmodule()
fm = self._region.getFieldmodule()
coordinates = fm.findFieldByName('coordinates')
coordinates = coordinates.castFiniteElement()
nodePointAttr = nodePoints.getGraphicspointattributes()
nodePointAttr.setBaseSize([.02, .02, .02])
cmiss_number = fm.findFieldByName('cmiss_number')
def solveNodes(self):
fm = self._region.getFieldmodule()
cache = fm.createFieldcache()
self.globalCoords = []
self.xiCoords = {
'element': [],
'coordinates': [],
'elementID': []
for i in range(0,64):
self.moveNode(self.startingNumber+ i , plane_normal=self._plane_norm,cache=cache)
def moveNode(self, nodeKey, plane_normal=[0, 1, 0], cache=None):
# moveNode uses dot products combined with opencmiss' evaluateMeshLocation function to solve where a point lies along a given normal (line in 3D).
# usage: Please not that this solver assumes that the user knows where the solution should be in one dimension,
# for example: Where is the closest mesh point at x=0 (normal=[1,0,0]) starting at [1,3,2]?
# Inputs:
# region: the region you wish to solve in (must contain a mesh and a the node you wish to move)
# nodekey: identifier of the node we wish to project onto the mesh
# plane_normal: the direction we wish to project the node onto the mesh
# cache: (optional) pass the cache to this function to enhance performance
# Ouputs:
# new_coords: the new coordinates of the node now that it is on the mesh (or if we could not solve it will be the last iteration)
# Adjust the solving parameters here:
max_iterations = 20
tol = .001
plane_normal_offset = 0
# Re-aquire openzinc variables
fm = self._region.getFieldmodule()
coordinates = fm.findFieldByName('coordinates')
coordinates = coordinates.castFiniteElement()
if cache == None:
cache = fm.createFieldcache()
# Create templates
nodes = fm.findNodesetByFieldDomainType(Field.DOMAIN_TYPE_NODES)
nodetemplate = nodes.createNodetemplate()
nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1)
# Create our first new node for the search
old_node = nodes.findNodeByIdentifier(nodeKey)
[result, old_coords] = coordinates.evaluateReal(cache, 3)
# Create our mesh search
mesh = fm.findMeshByName('mesh3d')
mesh_location = fm.createFieldStoredMeshLocation(mesh)
found_mesh_location = fm.createFieldFindMeshLocation(coordinates, coordinates, mesh)
# shift the point in preparation for first iteration
plane_norm = np.array(plane_normal)
shifted_point = old_coords + plane_norm * plane_normal_offset
coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1, shifted_point.tolist())
# initialise for our solver
it = 1
old_coords = shifted_point
test_coords = [10, 10, 10]
new_coords = shifted_point
while abs(np.linalg.norm(, plane_norm) -, plane_norm))) > tol:
# ^^ test if x and y changes are within tolerence by testing the magnitude of the difference of the dot products
# in the direction of our normal
# Find nearest mesh location using the evaluateMeshLocation function
[el, coords] = found_mesh_location.evaluateMeshLocation(cache, 3)
cache.setMeshLocation(el, coords)
[result, mesh_coords] = coordinates.evaluateReal(cache, 3)
# Update our search location by finding how far we have moved in the plane_normal directoin
new_coords = old_coords + - old_coords, plane_norm) * plane_norm
coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1, new_coords.tolist())
# switch our test coordinates
test_coords = old_coords
old_coords = new_coords
# Break in case we can not converge
it += 1
if it > max_iterations:
print(f'Could not converge on node {nodeKey}')
print(f'Node {nodeKey} was solved in {it-1} iterations')
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