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Created August 28, 2022 05:54
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unofficial and easy to understand documentation for Scilab for academic purposes (WIP)



Scilab Documentation made for academic purposes


Arithmetic operations

eg: 8+3


All operators that can be used

+        Addition
-        subtraction
*        multiplication
/        right division
\        left division 
^ or **  power
'        transpose
=        asignment operator
==       compare two values

Creating and using variables

declaring a variable in scilab is as simple as a=8


if you don't want it to output value of a then write a=8; instead image of a=8;

Adding two variables


in this case, a temporary ans variable is created which holds the value of a+b

variable names in scilab are case sensitive which means A ≠ a

Some pre-defined variables

%i  imaginary number
%e  euler's constant
%pi π constant


comments are group of words that don't affect the execution of a program // this is a comment In scilab // starts a comment

Mathematical functions


Booleans & Logical statements

Booleans are data types which only returns true or false %f or %F - False %t or %T - True

List of all Logical Statements

a&b    logical and      true if both statements are fulfilled
a|b    logical or       true if either of two statements are fulfilled
~a     logical not      negates a given statement
a~=b   not equal to     true if two expressions are different
a<b    less than        true if a is less than b
a<=b   less than equal  true if a is less than or equal to b
a>b    more than        true if a is more than b
a>=b   more than equal  true if a is more than or equal to b

Complex Numbers

real(x)    find real part of x
imag(x)    find imaginary part of x
imult(x)   multiplication by i, the imaginary unit
isreal(x)  returns true if the variable has no complex entry

e.g. of a complex number: 1+%i


Strings are groups of words e.g. a = "String" Two string can be "added" [process of concatenation] e.g.





Arrays are group of variables of same data-type e.g. a=[1,2,3] these are also called vectors in scilab


row matrix

there are two ways to define a row matrix in scilab a = [1 2 3] or a = [1,2,3]


Column matrix

a = [1;2;3]


m x n matrix

every time a new column is to be added an semicolon is used e.g. a = [1,2,3;4,5,6]


empty matrix

matrix with nothing inside a = []

commands related to creating matrices

eye()       identity matrix
linspace    linearly spaced vector
ones()      matrix where all elements are 1
zeros()     matrix where all elements are 0
testmatrix  generate some particular matrices
grand       random number
rand        random number

functions related to matrices

  • size(A) finds the no. of rows and columns of matrix A e.g. [nr,nc] = size(A) where nr is no. of row & nc is no. of columns
size(A, sel)
sel = "1" or "r"       no. of rows
sel = "2" or "c"      no. of column
sel = *                     total no. of elements
  • matrix reshapes a matrix to a different size matrix
  • resize_matrix creates a new matrix with different size

accessing part of a matrix

A(:,:)     whole matrix
A(i:j,k)   elements at rows from i to k, at column k
A(i,j:k)   elements at row i, at columns from j to k
A(i,:)     the row i
A(:,j)     the column j

Disclaimer: This Document isn't affiliated with 'scilab' or 'ESI Group' and is meant for educational purposes

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