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Last active June 4, 2024 03:44
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Example websocket handler
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
import 'package:web_socket_channel/web_socket_channel.dart';
final _wsProvider = FutureProvider((ref) async {
final ws = YourWebsocket(Uri(/** ... */));
await ws.connect();
return ws;
final streamProvider = StreamProvider<String>((ref) async* {
final ws = await;
final streamConnectionStateProvider =
StreamProvider<ConnectionState>((ref) async* {
final ws = await;
yield* ws.connectionStateStream;
enum ConnectionState {
class YourWebsocket {
final Uri _url;
static const _heartBeatDuration = Duration(seconds: 10);
static const _pongCountdownDuration = Duration(minutes: 1);
Stream<String> get stream =>;
final _streamController = StreamController<String>();
Stream<ConnectionState> get connectionStateStream =>;
final _connectionStateController = StreamController<ConnectionState>();
late WebSocketChannel _websocketChannel;
// a BehaviorSubject would be cleaner, as you can access
// it's last known value for use in the checks below
ConnectionState __connectionState = ConnectionState.disconnected;
ConnectionState get _connectionState => __connectionState;
set _connectionState(ConnectionState value) {
__connectionState = value;
Future<void> connect() async {
if (_connectionState != ConnectionState.disconnected) return;
// beat immediately to guarantee reconnection if connection fails
_connectionState = ConnectionState.connecting;
_websocketChannel = WebSocketChannel.connect(_url);
await _websocketChannel.ready;
// READY //
// disconnect if we don't get a 'pong' for a while
(event) {
if (event is! String) return;
_connectionState = ConnectionState.connected;
if (event == 'pong') {
return; // no reason to let listeners know.
cancelOnError: true,
onError: (Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
// maybe handle errors
debugPrint('Lost WebSocket connection because of an error');
_connectionState = ConnectionState.disconnected;
onDone: () {
debugPrint('Lost WebSocket connection because it was closed');
_connectionState = ConnectionState.disconnected;
/// nukes and reconnects if a 'pong' was not received in a while
Timer? _pongAwaiterTimer;
/// Starts a countdown that will nuke the websocket.
/// Countdown gets pushed back every time this is called
void _pong() {
_pongAwaiterTimer = Timer(
/// sends a ping every while
Timer? _heartBeatTimer;
/// Every little while, send a 'ping'.
/// Every little while, if we are disconnected, cancel timers and reconnect.
/// Running this again will reset the timer
void _heartBeat() {
_heartBeatTimer = Timer.periodic(
(timer) {
if (_connectionState == ConnectionState.connected) {
if (_connectionState == ConnectionState.disconnected) {
/// When you disconnect, clear timers.
/// If the entire websocket was closed (ie, dispose() was called)
/// we stop.
/// Otherwise, try to reconnect.
void _onDisconnected() {
_heartBeatTimer = null;
_pongAwaiterTimer = null;
if (_streamController.isClosed) return; // we're done here.
/// Disconnects the client-facing stream,
/// the websocket itself, and clear timers.
void dispose() {
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
import 'package:rxdart/rxdart.dart';
import 'package:web_socket_channel/web_socket_channel.dart';
final _wsProvider = FutureProvider((ref) async {
final ws = YourWebsocket(Uri(/** ... */));
await ws.connect();
return ws;
final streamProvider = StreamProvider<String>((ref) async* {
final ws = await;
final streamConnectionStateProvider =
StreamProvider<ConnectionState>((ref) async* {
final ws = await;
yield* ws.connectionStateStream;
enum ConnectionState {
class YourWebsocket {
final Uri _url;
static const _heartBeatDuration = Duration(seconds: 10);
static const _pongCountdownDuration = Duration(minutes: 1);
Stream<String> get stream =>;
final _streamController = StreamController<String>();
ValueStream<ConnectionState> get connectionStateStream =>;
final _connectionStateController = BehaviorSubject<ConnectionState>();
late WebSocketChannel _websocketChannel;
Future<void> connect() async {
if (connectionStateStream.value != ConnectionState.disconnected) return;
// beat immediately to guarantee reconnection if connection fails
_websocketChannel = WebSocketChannel.connect(_url);
await _websocketChannel.ready;
// READY //
// disconnect if we don't get a 'pong' for a while
(event) {
if (event is! String) return;
if (event == 'pong') {
return; // no reason to let listeners know.
cancelOnError: true,
onError: (Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
// maybe handle errors
debugPrint('Lost WebSocket connection because of an error');
onDone: () {
debugPrint('Lost WebSocket connection because it was closed');
/// nukes and reconnects if a 'pong' was not received in a while
Timer? _pongAwaiterTimer;
/// Starts a countdown that will nuke the websocket.
/// Countdown gets pushed back every time this is called
void _pong() {
_pongAwaiterTimer = Timer(
/// sends a ping every while
Timer? _heartBeatTimer;
/// Every little while, send a 'ping'.
/// Every little while, if we are disconnected, cancel timers and reconnect.
/// Running this again will reset the timer
void _heartBeat() {
_heartBeatTimer = Timer.periodic(
(timer) {
if (connectionStateStream.value == ConnectionState.connected) {
if (connectionStateStream.value == ConnectionState.disconnected) {
/// When you disconnect, clear timers.
/// If the entire websocket was closed (ie, dispose() was called)
/// we stop.
/// Otherwise, try to reconnect.
void _onDisconnected() {
_heartBeatTimer = null;
_pongAwaiterTimer = null;
if (_streamController.isClosed) return; // we're done here.
/// Disconnects the client-facing stream,
/// the websocket itself, and clear timers.
void dispose() {
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