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Created October 12, 2010 23:18
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ruleset a8x60 {
meta {
name "Twilio Demo"
description <<
Demo for our main twilio number
author "Sam Curren"
logging off
dispatch {
global {
datasource weather:XML <- ""
rule callstart is active {
select when twilio callstart
pre {
fired {
raise explicit event givemenu;
rule sampersonal is active {
select when twilio callstart From "\+18014713443" setting (from)
twilio:say("Welcome back Sam Curren.");
rule givemenu is active {
select when explicit givemenu or twilio givemenu
twilio:gather_start("demochoice") with numDigits = "1" and timeout="10";
twilio:say("Press 1 for Weather, 2 to be sent a text message, 3 for a conference with other callers, 4 for counter, or press 0 to end the call.");
fired {
ent:menucounter += 1 from 1;
rule weather is active {
select when twilio demochoice Digits "1"
pre {
w = datasource:weather(event:param("FromZip"));
maxtemp = w.pick("$..temperature[0].value.$t");
mintemp = w.pick("$..temperature[1].value.$t");
weathermessage = <<
The forcast for #{event:param("CallerCity")}, #{event:param("CallerState")} is a high temperature of #{maxtemp} and a low of #{mintemp}.
rule sendtext is active {
select when twilio demochoice Digits "2"
twilio:sms("This is from the Kynetx Demo Number");
twilio:say("Your text message has been sent.") with voice="woman";
rule conf is active {
select when twilio demochoice Digits "3"
twilio:say("You will be placed into a conference with other callers. You will hear music if no other callers are present. Press star to exit the conference");
twilio:dial_conference("confdemo") with hangupOnStar="true";
rule counter is active {
select when twilio demochoice Digits "4"
pre {
num = ent:menucounter;
twilio:say("You have heard the menu #{num} times");
rule endcall is active {
select when twilio demochoice Digits "0"
twilio:say("Thank you for calling. Goodbye!");
rule backtomenu is active {
select when twilio demochoice Digits "[1234]"
fired {
raise explicit event givemenu;
rule invalidchoice is active {
select when twilio demochoice Digits "([56789])" setting (badchoice)
twilio:say("#{badchoice} is not a valid menu choice.");
fired {
raise explicit event givemenu;
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