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Created April 20, 2011 16:44
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Save TelegramSam/931865 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
demonstrates calling oAuth protected resources.
ruleset a8x162 {
meta {
name "Instagram oauth without modules"
description <<
Demonstrates calling oAuth protected APIs
author "Sam Curren"
logging on
key instagram {
"client_id": "--redacted--",
dispatch {
global {
thisappid = "a8x162";
instagram_authorized = function(){
ent:instagram_access_token != 0;
instagram_authorize = defaction(){
a = ent:auth_in_progress => noop |
authmessage = <<
You need to auth to Instagram.
<input type="button" value="Start Auth" onclick="KOBJ.get_application('#{thisappid}').raise_event('instagram_auth');"/>
notify("Authorize", authmessage) with sticky = true;
rule reset_all {
select when pageview "clearall"
fired {
clear ent:auth_in_progress;
clear ent:auth_redirect;
clear ent:instagram_access_token;
rule auth_redirect {
select when web instagram_auth
pre {
client_id = keys:instagram("client_id");
caller = event:param("caller");
fired {
set ent:auth_redirect caller;
set ent:auth_in_progress;
rule receive_access_code {
select when pageview "\?code=(.*)" setting (access_code)
pre {
p = {
"client_id": keys:instagram("client_id"),
"client_secret": keys:instagram("client_secret"),
"grant_type": "authorization_code",
"redirect_uri": "",
"code": access_code
http:post("") with params = p and autoraise = "tokenresponse";
rule record_access_token {
select when http post label "tokenresponse"
pre {
r = event:param("content").decode();
access_token = r.pick("access_token");
back_url = ent:auth_redirect;
fired {
set ent:instagram_access_token access_token;
clear ent:auth_in_progress;
clear ent:auth_redirect;
rule check_auth {
select when pageview ".*" setting ()
if not instagram_authorized() then
//need a fired last here, when module doing auth
rule display_auth {
select when pageview ".*"
pre {
at = ent:instagram_access_token;
atmessage = <<
<input type="button" value="clearat" onclick="KOBJ.get_application('#{thisappid}').raise_event('clearat');"/>
if instagram_authorized() then
notify("access_token", "#{atmessage}") with sticky = true;
rule clear_at {
select when web clearat
pre {
notify("access token", "cleared");
fired {
clear ent:instagram_access_token;
rule make_call {
select when pageview ".*"
pre {
selfinfo = function(){
r = http:get("",{
"access_token": ent:instagram_access_token
r = instagram_authorized() => selfinfo().encode() | "not authorized";
if instagram_authorized() then {
notify("results", r);
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