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Last active February 10, 2020 00:26
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public class StackedBubbleRoomsCarver extends CaveWorldCarver
public StackedBubbleRoomsCarver(Function<Dynamic<?>, ? extends ProbabilityConfig> deserialize)
super(deserialize, 256); // The 256 is the maximum height that this carver can cave to
* Height of the caves Can be randomized with random parameter
protected int generateCaveStartY(Random random)
return 100;
* This is what calls carveCave and carveTunnel.
* Here, we are doing just carveCave as we don't need any tunnels. Just the cave room.
public boolean carve(IChunk chunk, Function<BlockPos, Biome> biomeFunction, Random random,
int seaLevel, int xChunk1, int zChunk1, int xChunk2, int zChunk2,
BitSet caveMask, ProbabilityConfig chanceConfig)
int numberOfRooms = 4; // 4 sphere will be carved out.
for (int roomCount = 0; roomCount < numberOfRooms; ++roomCount)
double x = (double) (xChunk1 * 16);// + random.nextInt(16)); // Uncomment to randomizes spot of each room
double y = (double) this.generateCaveStartY(random) - roomCount * 20; // Lowers each room/sphere by 20 blocks so they are stacked
double z = (double) (zChunk1 * 16); //+ random.nextInt(16)); // Uncomment to randomizes spot of each room
float caveRadius = 20.0F + random.nextFloat() * 10.0F; // How big the cave sphere is (radius)
// The 0.5D is multiplied to the radius for the y direction. So this sphere will be squished vertically by half of the full radius.
this.carveCave(chunk, biomeFunction, random.nextLong(), seaLevel, xChunk2, zChunk2, x, y, z, caveRadius, 0.5D, caveMask);
return true;
* Does the actual carving. Replacing any valid stone with cave air.
* Though the carver could be customized to place blocks instead which would be interesting.
protected boolean carveAtPoint(IChunk chunk, Function<BlockPos, Biome> biomeFunction, BitSet carvingMask, Random random,
BlockPos.Mutable posHere, BlockPos.Mutable posAbove, BlockPos.Mutable posBelow,
int seaLevel, int xChunk, int zChunk, int globalX, int globalZ, int x, int y, int z,
AtomicBoolean foundSurface)
* Not sure what this specific section is doing.
* I know this mask is used so other features can find caves space.
* Used by SeaGrass to generate at cave openings underwater
int index = x | z << 4 | y << 8;
if (carvingMask.get(index))
return false;
posHere.setPos(globalX, y, globalZ);
BlockState blockState = chunk.getBlockState(posHere);
BlockState blockStateAbove = chunk.getBlockState(posAbove.setPos(posHere).move(Direction.UP));
if (!this.canCarveBlock(blockState, blockStateAbove)) // Makes sure we aren't carving a non terrain or liquid space
return false;
if (y > 10) // carves air when above lava level
chunk.setBlockState(posHere, CAVE_AIR, false);
else // sets lava below lava level
chunk.setBlockState(posHere, LAVA.getBlockState(), false);
return true;
* Used to determine what blocks the carver can carve through.
* Can be highly customized.
protected boolean canCarveBlock(BlockState blockState, BlockState aboveBlockState)
if (blockState.getBlock() == Blocks.BEDROCK)
return false;
Material material = blockState.getMaterial();
Material aboveMaterial = aboveBlockState.getMaterial();
return (material == Material.ROCK || material == Material.EARTH || material == Material.ORGANIC) &&
material != Material.WATER &&
material != Material.LAVA &&
aboveMaterial != Material.WATER &&
aboveMaterial != Material.LAVA;
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