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Created February 10, 2024 01:53
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Azerothcore Gathermate database creation script
import copy
import json
from json import JSONDecodeError
import requests
This script generates a lua table that can be used with the Gathermate addon for WoW 3.3.5.
Gathermate allows you to track the location of found nodes for herbs, mining veins/deposits, fishing schools, treasure
and gas clouds.
This script uses the freely available data on Azerothcore to build a database file that the addon can
use. Because of this, you won't have to create your own.
Use an addon like routes, also available for 3.3.5 to create a route on your map to visit all the possible spawns of
Mining nodes overlap... The types of nodes are ordered roughly based on how frequent they are.
An example, in places where Saronite can spawn, so can titanium AND Rich Saronite.
Therefore, you will only find a few "Titanium" spawns, despite there being many Titanium veins in the world.
The same goes for Ragveil and Flamecap, and some fishing information.
This script was written by SK, sk2655 on discord if you have any questions or problems. The script is not perfect, but
it should give you a good indication of where to look. This script probably contains some horribly optimized disgusting
unpythonic code. But it works™, and that's good enough for me. Keep in mind that your game might not like the size of
the file produced.
If it doesn't work, check if the website is actually up. I never bothered to add in error handling😂. If it works
like intended it should generate a couple thousand lines of output.
1. Run script,
2. Close WoW completely,
3. Place the output file in $WRATHINSTALL\WTF\Account\$ACCOUNTNAME\SavedVariables\
# List of zones with no entries based on the ID's used by the addon.
clean_database = {
0: {}, # Throwaway
1: {}, # Arathi
2: {}, # Orgrimmar
4: {}, # Undercity
5: {}, # Barrens
6: {}, # Darnassus
7: {}, # AzuremystIsle
8: {}, # UngoroCrater
9: {}, # BurningSteppes
10: {}, # Wetlands
11: {}, # Winterspring
12: {}, # Dustwallow
13: {}, # Darkshore
14: {}, # LochModan
15: {}, # BladesEdgeMountains
16: {}, # Durotar
17: {}, # Silithus
18: {}, # ShattrathCity
19: {}, # Ashenvale
21: {}, # Nagrand
22: {}, # TerokkarForest
23: {}, # EversongWoods
24: {}, # SilvermoonCity
25: {}, # Tanaris
26: {}, # Stormwind
27: {}, # SwampOfSorrows
28: {}, # EasternPlaguelands
29: {}, # BlastedLands
30: {}, # Elwynn
31: {}, # DeadwindPass
32: {}, # DunMorogh
33: {}, # TheExodar
34: {}, # Felwood
35: {}, # Silverpine
36: {}, # ThunderBluff
37: {}, # Hinterlands
38: {}, # StonetalonMountains
39: {}, # Mulgore
40: {}, # Hellfire
41: {}, # Ironforge
42: {}, # ThousandNeedles
43: {}, # Stranglethorn
44: {}, # Badlands
45: {}, # Teldrassil
46: {}, # Moonglade
47: {}, # ShadowmoonValley
48: {}, # Tirisfal
49: {}, # Azshara
50: {}, # Redridge
51: {}, # BloodmystIsle
52: {}, # WesternPlaguelands
53: {}, # Alterac
54: {}, # Westfall
55: {}, # Duskwood
56: {}, # Netherstorm
57: {}, # Ghostlands
58: {}, # Zangarmarsh
59: {}, # Desolace
61: {}, # SearingGorge
63: {}, # Feralas
64: {}, # Hillsbrad
65: {}, # Sunwell
67: {}, # BoreanTundra
68: {}, # Dragonblight
69: {}, # GrizzlyHills
70: {}, # HowlingFjord
71: {}, # IcecrownGlacier
72: {}, # SholazarBasin
73: {}, # TheStormPeaks
74: {}, # ZulDrak
76: {}, # ScarletEnclave
77: {}, # CrystalsongForest
78: {}, # LakeWintergrasp
80: {}, # Dalaran
143: {}, # Hrothgars landing
# This website reflects stock azerothcore, the revision hash can be found on the main page.
# I cannot guarantee that a private server based on azerothcore has not made changes to their node database.
baseurl = ""
# List of fishing ID's to check
fishing_ids = [
180663, # Sagefish School
180751, # Floating Wreckage
180753, # Patch of Elemental Water
180655, # Floating Debris
180661, # Oil Spill
180683, # Firefin Snapper School
180684, # Greater Sagefish School
180682, # Oily Blackmouth School
180658, # School of Deviate Fish
180712, # Stonescale Eel Swarm
182957, # Highland Mixed School
182951, # Pure Water
182959, # Bluefish School
182954, # Brackish Mixed School
182958, # Mudfish School
182956, # School of Darter
182953, # Sporefish School
182952, # Steam Pump Flotsam
180248, # School of Tastyfish
192051, # Borean Man O' War School
192053, # Deep Sea Monsterbelly School
192048, # Dragonfin Angelfish School
192049, # Fangtooth Herring School
192050, # Glacial Salmon School
192059, # Glassfin Minnow School
192052, # Imperial Manta Ray School
192054, # Moonglow Cuttlefish School
192046, # Musselback Sculpin School
192057, # Nettlefish School
180662, # Schooner Wreckage
180685, # Waterlogged Wreckage
180901, # Bloodsail Wreckage
180656, # Lesser Sagefish School
180582, # Lesser Oily Blackmouth School
180664, # Sparse Oily Blackmouth School
180900, # Abundant Oily Blackmouth School
180750, # Teeming Oily Blackmouth School
180657, # Sparse Firefin Snapper School
180752, # Teeming Firefin Snapper School
180902, # Abundant Firefin Snapper School
# List of mining ID's to check
mining_ids = [
181557, # Khorium Vein
191133, # Titanium Vein
185877, # Nethercite Deposit
165658, # Dark Iron Deposit
1734, # Gold Vein
150080, # Gold Vein
1733, # Silver Vein
2047, # Truesilver Deposit
150081, # Truesilver Deposit
181108, # Truesilver Deposit
123309, # Ooze Covered Truesilver Deposit
73940, # Ooze Covered Silver Vein
189979, # Rich Cobalt Deposit
175404, # Rich Thorium Vein
189981, # Rich Saronite Deposit
181569, # Rich Adamantite Deposit
177388, # Ooze Covered Rich Thorium Vein
1735, # Iron Deposit
123310, # Ooze Covered Mithril Deposit
123848, # Ooze Covered Thorium Vein
324, # Small Thorium Vein
150082, # Small Thorium Vein
176643, # Small Thorium Vein
181555, # Fel Iron Deposit
181556, # Adamantite Deposit
2040, # Mithril Deposit
189980, # Saronite Deposit
189978, # Cobalt Deposit
1731, # Copper Vein
2055, # Copper Vein
3763, # Copper Vein
103713, # Copper Vein
181248, # Copper Vein
1732, # Tin Vein
2054, # Tin Vein
3764, # Tin Vein
103711, # Tin Vein
181249, # Tin Vein
# List of gas cloud ID's to check
gas_ids = [
24222, # Windy Cloud
17378, # Swamp Gas
17408, # Arcane Vortex
17407, # Felmist
32544, # Steam Cloud
32522, # Cinder Cloud
24879, # Arctic Cloud
# List of herb ID's to check
herb_ids = [
1618, # Peacebloom
3724, # Peacebloom
1617, # Silverleaf
3725, # Silverleaf
1619, # Earthroot
3726, # Earthroot
1620, # Mageroyal
3727, # Mageroyal
1621, # Briarthorn
3729, # Briarthorn
2045, # Stranglekelp
1622, # Bruiseweed
3730, # Bruiseweed
1623, # Wild Steelbloom
1628, # Grave Moss
1624, # Kingsblood
2041, # Liferoot
2042, # Fadeleaf
2046, # Goldthorn
2043, # Khadgars Whisker
2044, # Wintersbite
2866, # Firebloom
142140, # Purple Lotus
176642, # Arthas Tears
142141, # Arthas Tears
142142, # Sungrass
176636, # Sungrass
142143, # Blindweed
183046, # Blindweed
142144, # Ghost Mushroom
142145, # Gromsblood
176637, # Gromsblood
176583, # Golden Sansam
176638, # Golden Sansam
176584, # Dreamfoil
176639, # Dreamfoil
176586, # Mountain Silversage
176640, # Mountain Silversage
176587, # Plaguebloom
176641, # Plaguebloom
176588, # Icecap
176589, # Black Lotus
181270, # Felweed
183044, # Felweed
181271, # Dreaming Glory
183045, # Dreaming Glory
181277, # Terocone
181166, # Bloodthistle
181281, # Mana Thistle
181279, # Netherbloom
181280, # Nightmare Vine
181275, # Ragveil
183043, # Ragveil
181276, # Flame Cap
185881, # Netherdust Bush
191019, # Adders Tongue
189973, # Goldclover
190172, # Icethorn
190171, # Lichbloom
190170, # Talandras Rose
190169, # Tiger Lily
191303, # Firethorn
190173, # Frozen Herb
190175, # Frozen Herb
190176, # Frost Lotus
# List of treasure ID's to check
treasure_ids = [
2744, # Giant Clam
19017, # Giant Clam
19018, # Giant Clam
2843, # Battered Chest
2849, # Battered Chest
106318, # Battered Chest
106319, # Battered Chest
2844, # Tattered Chest
2845, # Tattered Chest
2847, # Tattered Chest
3715, # Tattered Chest
4096, # Tattered Chest
105578, # Tattered Chest
105579, # Tattered Chest
105581, # Tattered Chest
111095, # Tattered Chest
2850, # Solid Chest
2852, # Solid Chest
2855, # Solid Chest
2857, # Solid Chest
4149, # Solid Chest
153451, # Solid Chest
153453, # Solid Chest
153454, # Solid Chest
75293, # Large Battered Chest
153468, # Large Mithril Bound Chest
157936, # Un'Goro Dirt Pile
164958, # Bloodpetal Sprout
179486, # Battered Footlocker
179488, # Battered Footlocker
179490, # Battered Footlocker
179487, # Waterlogged Footlocker
179489, # Waterlogged Footlocker
179491, # Waterlogged Footlocker
179492, # Dented Footlocker
179494, # Dented Footlocker
179496, # Dented Footlocker
184741, # Dented Footlocker
179493, # Mossy Footlocker
179497, # Mossy Footlocker
179498, # Scarlet Footlocker
181798, # Fel Iron Chest
181800, # Heavy Fel Iron Chest
181802, # Adamantite Bound Chest
181804, # Felsteel Chest
184740, # Wicker Chest
185915, # Netherwing Egg
193997, # Everfrost Chip
# Translation key for zone ID's from web -> addon.
translate_zone_key = {
0: 0, # Zones I don't care about, like instances.
45: 1, # Arathi
1637: 2, # Orgrimmar
1497: 4, # Undercity
17: 5, # Barrens
1657: 6, # Darnassus
3524: 7, # AzuremystIsle
490: 8, # UngoroCrater
46: 9, # BurningSteppes
11: 10, # Wetlands
618: 11, # Winterspring
15: 12, # Dustwallow
148: 13, # Darkshore
38: 14, # LochModan
3522: 15, # BladesEdgeMountains
14: 16, # Durotar
1377: 17, # Silithus
3703: 18, # ShattrathCity
331: 19, # Ashenvale
3518: 21, # Nagrand
3519: 22, # TerokkarForest
3430: 23, # EversongWoods
3487: 24, # SilvermoonCity
440: 25, # Tanaris
1519: 26, # Stormwind
8: 27, # SwampOfSorrows
139: 28, # EasternPlaguelands
4: 29, # BlastedLands
12: 30, # Elwynn
41: 31, # DeadwindPass
1: 32, # DunMorogh
3357: 33, # TheExodar
361: 34, # Felwood
130: 35, # Silverpine
1638: 36, # ThunderBluff
47: 37, # Hinterlands
406: 38, # StonetalonMountains
215: 39, # Mulgore
3483: 40, # Hellfire
1537: 41, # Ironforge
400: 42, # ThousandNeedles
33: 43, # Stranglethorn
3: 44, # Badlands
141: 45, # Teldrassil
493: 46, # Moonglade
3520: 47, # ShadowmoonValley
85: 48, # Tirisfal
16: 49, # Azshara
44: 50, # Redridge
3525: 51, # BloodmystIsle
28: 52, # WesternPlaguelands
36: 53, # Alterac
40: 54, # Westfall
10: 55, # Duskwood
3523: 56, # Netherstorm
3433: 57, # Ghostlands
3521: 58, # Zangarmarsh
405: 59, # Desolace
51: 61, # SearingGorge
357: 63, # Feralas
267: 64, # Hillsbrad
4080: 65, # Sunwell
3537: 67, # BoreanTundra
65: 68, # Dragonblight
394: 69, # GrizzlyHills
495: 70, # HowlingFjord
210: 71, # IcecrownGlacier
3711: 72, # SholazarBasin
67: 73, # TheStormPeaks
66: 74, # ZulDrak
4298: 76, # ScarletEnclave
2817: 77, # CrystalsongForest
4197: 78, # LakeWintergrasp
4395: 80, # Dalaran
4742: 143, # Hrothgars landing
# Translation key for fishing ID's from web -> addon.
translate_fishing_key = {
180663: 108, # Sagefish School
180751: 101, # Floating Wreckage
180753: 102, # Patch of Elemental Water
180655: 103, # Floating Debris
180661: 104, # Oil Spill
180683: 105, # Firefin Snapper School
180684: 106, # Greater Sagefish School
180682: 107, # Oily Blackmouth School
180658: 109, # School of Deviate Fish
180712: 110, # Stonescale Eel Swarm
182957: 112, # Highland Mixed School
182951: 113, # Pure Water
182959: 114, # Bluefish School
182954: 115, # Brackish Mixed School
182958: 116, # Mudfish School
182956: 117, # School of Darter
182953: 118, # Sporefish School
182952: 119, # Steam Pump Flotsam
180248: 120, # School of Tastyfish
192051: 121, # Borean Man O' War School
192053: 122, # Deep Sea Monsterbelly School
192048: 123, # Dragonfin Angelfish School
192049: 124, # Fangtooth Herring School
192050: 126, # Glacial Salmon School
192059: 127, # Glassfin Minnow School
192052: 128, # Imperial Manta Ray School
192054: 129, # Moonglow Cuttlefish School
192046: 130, # Musselback Sculpin School
192057: 131, # Nettlefish School
180662: 133, # Schooner Wreckage
180685: 134, # Waterlogged Wreckage
180901: 135, # Bloodsail Wreckage
180656: 136, # Lesser Sagefish School
180582: 137, # Lesser Oily Blackmouth School
180664: 138, # Sparse Oily Blackmouth School
180900: 139, # Abundant Oily Blackmouth School
180750: 140, # Teeming Oily Blackmouth School
180657: 142, # Sparse Firefin Snapper School
180752: 144, # Teeming Firefin Snapper School
180902: 143, # Abundant Firefin Snapper School
# Translation key for mining ID's from web -> addon.
translate_mining_key = {
0: 0, # Overflow
181557: 224, # Khorium Vein
191133: 230, # Titanium Vein
185877: 227, # Nethercite Deposit
165658: 217, # Dark Iron Deposit
1734: 205, # Gold Vein
150080: 205, # Gold Vein
1733: 204, # Silver Vein
2047: 208, # Truesilver Deposit
150081: 208, # Truesilver Deposit
181108: 208, # Truesilver Deposit
123309: 211, # Ooze Covered Truesilver Deposit
73940: 209, # Ooze Covered Silver Vein
189979: 229, # Rich Cobalt Deposit
175404: 215, # Rich Thorium Vein
189981: 232, # Rich Saronite Deposit
181569: 223, # Rich Adamantite Deposit
177388: 212, # Ooze Covered Rich Thorium Vein
1735: 203, # Iron Deposit
123310: 207, # Ooze Covered Mithril Deposit
123848: 213, # Ooze Covered Thorium Vein
324: 214, # Small Thorium Vein
150082: 214, # Small Thorium Vein
176643: 214, # Small Thorium Vein
181555: 221, # Fel Iron Deposit
181556: 222, # Adamantite Deposit
2040: 206, # Mithril Deposit
189980: 231, # Saronite Deposit
189978: 228, # Cobalt Deposit
1731: 201, # Copper Vein
2055: 201, # Copper Vein
3763: 201, # Copper Vein
103713: 201, # Copper Vein
181248: 201, # Copper Vein
1732: 202, # Tin Vein
2054: 202, # Tin Vein
3764: 202, # Tin Vein
103711: 202, # Tin Vein
181249: 202, # Tin Vein
# Translation key for gas cloud ID's from web -> addon.
translate_cloud_key = {
24222: 301, # Windy Cloud
17378: 302, # Swamp Gas
17408: 303, # Arcane Vortex
17407: 304, # Felmist
32544: 305, # Steam Cloud
32522: 306, # Cinder Cloud
24879: 307, # Arctic Cloud
# Translation key for herb ID's from web -> addon.
translate_herb_key = {
0: 0, # Designated ID for everything I want to skip over, like herbs in instances.
1618: 401, # Peacebloom
3724: 401, # Peacebloom
1617: 402, # Silverleaf
3725: 402, # Silverleaf
1619: 403, # Earthroot
3726: 403, # Earthroot
1620: 404, # Mageroyal
3727: 404, # Mageroyal
1621: 405, # Briarthorn
3729: 405, # Briarthorn
2045: 407, # Stranglekelp
1622: 408, # Bruiseweed
3730: 408, # Bruiseweed
1623: 409, # Wild Steelbloom
1628: 410, # Grave Moss
1624: 411, # Kingsblood
2041: 412, # Liferoot
2042: 413, # Fadeleaf
2046: 414, # Goldthorn
2043: 415, # Khadgar's Whisker
2044: 416, # Wintersbite
2866: 417, # Firebloom
142140: 418, # Purple Lotus
176642: 420, # Arthas' Tears
142141: 420, # Arthas' Tears
142142: 421, # Sungrass
176636: 421, # Sungrass
142143: 422, # Blindweed
183046: 422, # Blindweed
142144: 423, # Ghost Mushroom
142145: 424, # Gromsblood
176637: 424, # Gromsblood
176583: 425, # Golden Sansam
176638: 425, # Golden Sansam
176584: 426, # Dreamfoil
176639: 426, # Dreamfoil
176586: 427, # Mountain Silversage
176640: 427, # Mountain Silversage
176587: 428, # Plaguebloom
176641: 428, # Plaguebloom
176588: 429, # Icecap
176589: 431, # Black Lotus
181270: 432, # Felweed
183044: 432, # Felweed
181271: 433, # Dreaming Glory
183045: 433, # Dreaming Glory
181277: 434, # Terocone
181166: 436, # Bloodthistle
181281: 437, # Mana Thistle
181279: 438, # Netherbloom
181280: 439, # Nightmare Vine
181275: 440, # Ragveil
183043: 440, # Ragveil
181276: 441, # Flame Cap
185881: 442, # Netherdust Bush
191019: 443, # Adder's Tongue
189973: 446, # Goldclover
190172: 447, # Icethorn
190171: 448, # Lichbloom
190170: 449, # Talandra's Rose
190169: 450, # Tiger Lily
191303: 451, # Firethorn
190173: 452, # Frozen Herb
190175: 453, # Frost Lotus
# Translation key for treasure ID's from web -> addon.
translate_treasure_key = {
0: 0, # Overflow
2744: 501, # Giant Clam
19017: 501, # Giant Clam
19018: 501, # Giant Clam
2843: 502, # Battered Chest
2849: 502, # Battered Chest
106318: 502, # Battered Chest
106319: 502, # Battered Chest
2844: 503, # Tattered Chest
2845: 503, # Tattered Chest
2847: 503, # Tattered Chest
3715: 503, # Tattered Chest
4096: 503, # Tattered Chest
105578: 503, # Tattered Chest
105579: 503, # Tattered Chest
105581: 503, # Tattered Chest
111095: 503, # Tattered Chest
2850: 504, # Solid Chest
2852: 504, # Solid Chest
2855: 504, # Solid Chest
2857: 504, # Solid Chest
4149: 504, # Solid Chest
153451: 504, # Solid Chest
153453: 504, # Solid Chest
153454: 504, # Solid Chest
75293: 507, # Large Battered Chest
153468: 509, # Large Mithril Bound Chest
157936: 511, # Un'Goro Dirt Pile
164958: 512, # Bloodpetal Sprout
179486: 515, # Battered Footlocker
179488: 515, # Battered Footlocker
179490: 515, # Battered Footlocker
179487: 516, # Waterlogged Footlocker
179489: 516, # Waterlogged Footlocker
179491: 516, # Waterlogged Footlocker
179492: 517, # Dented Footlocker
179494: 517, # Dented Footlocker
179496: 517, # Dented Footlocker
184741: 517, # Dented Footlocker
179493: 518, # Mossy Footlocker
179497: 518, # Mossy Footlocker
179498: 519, # Scarlet Footlocker
181798: 521, # Fel Iron Chest
181800: 522, # Heavy Fel Iron Chest
181802: 523, # Adamantite Bound Chest
181804: 524, # Felsteel Chest
184740: 526, # Wicker Chest
185915: 531, # Netherwing Egg
193997: 532, # Everfrost Chip
def main():
database_fishing = copy.deepcopy(clean_database)
for fish in fishing_ids:
store_object_info(fish, database_fishing, translate_fishing_key)
convert_to_lua_table(database_fishing, "Fish")
database_mining = copy.deepcopy(clean_database)
for mine in mining_ids:
store_object_info(mine, database_mining, translate_mining_key)
convert_to_lua_table(database_mining, "Mine")
database_gas = copy.deepcopy(clean_database)
for gas in gas_ids:
store_object_info(gas, database_gas, translate_cloud_key)
convert_to_lua_table(database_gas, "Gas")
database_herb = copy.deepcopy(clean_database)
for herb in herb_ids:
store_object_info(herb, database_herb, translate_herb_key)
convert_to_lua_table(database_herb, "Herb")
database_treasure = copy.deepcopy(clean_database)
for treasure in treasure_ids:
store_object_info(treasure, database_treasure, translate_treasure_key)
convert_to_lua_table(database_treasure, "Treasure")
def store_object_info(object_id, database, object_key):
"""Adds all nodes retrieved from the web to the database"""
raw_data = get_object_info(object_id)
if raw_data is not None:
for entry in raw_data:
add_entry(object_id, entry[0], entry[1], entry[2], database, object_key)
def add_entry(object_id, zone_id, x, y, database, object_key):
"""Adds a new node to the database"""
coords = transform_coords(x, y)
object_id = transform_id(object_id, object_key)
zone_id = transform_id(zone_id, translate_zone_key)
database[zone_id][coords] = object_id
def transform_coords(x, y):
"""Transforms the web format coordinates into the format used by the addon.
The addon stores the coordinates as an 8-digit number like so: xxxxyyyy. """
x = str(x * 1000)[:4]
y = str(y * 1000)[:4]
return x + y
def transform_id(web_id, translation_key):
"""Transforms the ID, of either an object or a zone to an ID that is recognized by the addon."""
if web_id in translation_key:
return translation_key[web_id]
return translation_key[0]
def get_object_info(node_id):
"""Retrieves the coordinates and the zones in which an object is located based on its id."""
if node_id in gas_ids:
page = requests.get(f"{baseurl}?npc={node_id}") # These fuckers are not objects.
page = requests.get(f"{baseurl}?object={node_id}")
data = page.text
# Extract the actual JSON we need to extract the coordinates from
start = data.find("g_mapperData = ") + len("g_mapperData = ")
end = data.find("var myMapper = new Mapper")
data = data[start:end]
data = data.strip()
data = data.removesuffix(";")
raw_data = json.loads(data)
except JSONDecodeError as _: # Something is wrong with the data we received.
return None
return extract_coords(raw_data)
def extract_coords(raw_data):
"""Extracts the all node coordinates along with their respective zones based on raw scraped data."""
coord_list = []
for zone in raw_data:
for node in raw_data[zone][0]["coords"]:
coord_list.append([int(zone), node[0], node[1]])
# zone, x coord, y coord
except KeyError as _:
return coord_list
def convert_to_lua_table(database_part, category):
"""Converts the database into a lua table."""
with open("GatherMate.lua", 'a') as f:
f.write(f"GatherMate{category}DB = {{\n")
for zone in database_part:
f.write(f"\t[{zone}] = {{\n")
for node in database_part[zone]:
f.write(f"\t\t[{node}] = {database_part[zone][node]},\n")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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