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Last active January 17, 2019 06:20
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測試密碼。(密碼條件 至少應包含數字、大小寫英文一個,排除特殊字元、至少需8個以上的字元)
public class ValidUtils {
// (?=.*\d) # must contains one digit from 0-9
// (?=.*[a-zA-Z]) # must contains one alphabet characters
// (?!.*[\W_]) # must no special characters
// . # match anything with previous condition checking
// {8,} # length at least 8 characters
private final static String STR_PASSWORD_PATTERN = "((?=.*\\d)(?=.*[a-zA-Z])(?!.*[\\W_]).{8,})";
private final static Pattern PASSWORD_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(STR_PASSWORD_PATTERN);
public static boolean isPasswordValid(String password) {
return PASSWORD_PATTERN.matcher(password).matches();
public static boolean isUrlValid(String url) {
return android.util.Patterns.WEB_URL.matcher(url).matches();
public class ValidUtils_isPasswordValidTest {
public void positive_case() {
// input 正確的 password
// 預期結果為true
public void negative_case() {
// input 短於長度條件的 password
// 預期結果為 false
// input 全數字的 password
// 預期結果為 false
// input 參雜特殊字元的 password
// 預期結果為 false
public class ValidUtils_isUrlValidTest {
public void positive_case() {
// input 正確的 Url
// 預期結果為true
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