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Created October 12, 2012 09:00
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Sass+Compass Multiple 'inline-image' background
@mixin data-background($image...){
@if ($length > 1) {
@for $i from 1 through $length {
$images:append($images, inline-image(nth($image, $i)), "comma");
$sizes:append($sizes, image-size(nth($image, $i)), "comma");
@include background-size($sizes);
} @else {
$image:nth($image, 1);
@include background-size(image-size($image));
//$s = scale
@function image-size($image, $s:2) {
$width : image-width($image);
$height: image-height($image);
@if $s > 1 {
@return $width $height;
//@include data-background('foo.png', 'bar.png');
//@include data-background('hoge.png');
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