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Created July 19, 2012 15:18
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ERROR:SimpleSeer.Web:Exception on /getFrames/{"skip":0,"limit":20,"query":[],"sortkey":"capturetime","sortorder":1} [GET]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/flask/", line 1504, in wsgi_app
response = self.full_dispatch_request()
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/flask/", line 1264, in full_dispatch_request
rv = self.handle_user_exception(e)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/flask/", line 1262, in full_dispatch_request
rv = self.dispatch_request()
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/flask/", line 1248, in dispatch_request
return self.view_functions[rule.endpoint](**req.view_args)
File "/home/tendrid/git/SimpleSeer/SimpleSeer/", line 59, in decorated_function
obj = f(*args, **kwargs)
File "/home/tendrid/git/SimpleSeer/SimpleSeer/", line 149, in getFrames
total_frames, frames = f.getFrames(query, limit=limit, skip=skip, sortkey=sortkey, sortorder=sortorder)
File "/home/tendrid/git/SimpleSeer/SimpleSeer/", line 88, in getFrames
cmd = db.command('aggregate', 'frame', pipeline = pipeline)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pymongo/", line 355, in command
msg, allowable_errors)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pymongo/", line 129, in _check_command_response
raise OperationFailure(msg % response["errmsg"])
OperationFailure: command SON([('aggregate', 'frame'), ('pipeline', [{'$sort': {u'capturetime': 1}}])]) failed: exception: Invalid BSONObj size: 16885130 (0x8AA50101) first element: 0: { _cls: "Frame", _id: ObjectId('5007677ffb920a456c000006'), _types: [ "Frame" ], camera: "Color Check", capturetime: new Date(1342662527774), features: [ { _types: [ "FrameFeature" ], featuredata: { mLabelColor: {}, mContourAppx: [ [ 100, 100 ], [ 100, 379 ], [ 539, 379 ], [ 539, 100 ] ], mMinRectangle: [ [ 319.5, 239.5 ], [ 279.0, 439.0 ], -90.0 ], mConvexHull: [ [ 100, 100 ], [ 100, 379 ], [ 539, 379 ], [ 539, 100 ] ], mExtents: [ 540, 100, 380, 100 ], m11: 9372276740.25, m10: 39132679.5, mHoleContour: null, mAspectRatio: 0.6355353075170843, mLabel: "UNASSIGNED", mArea: 122481.0, mContour: [ [ 100, 100 ], [ 100, 379 ], [ 539, 379 ], [ 539, 100 ] ], mColor: [ 0, 255, 1 ], m00: 122481.0, m01: 29334199.5, mHu: [ 0.1840843341688371, 0.006109264308606284, 3.040878177418132e-31, 3.378753530464592e-32, -9.589419352486637e-64, -2.11271519979845e-33, -3.28780092085256e-63 ], mPerimeter: 1436.0, mAvgColor: [ 1.0, 255.0, 0.0 ], mBoundingBox: [ 100, 100, 440, 280 ], m20: 14469946167.0, m21: 3465552106996.5, m12: 2498504188036.5, m02: 7820044407.0 }, angle: 0.0, featuretype: "BlobRegion", area: 122481.0, height: 280.0, width: 440.0, points: [ [ 100, 100 ], [ 540, 100 ], [ 540, 380 ], [ 100, 380 ] ], meancolor: [ 0.0, 255.0, 1.0 ], y: 240.0, x: 320.0, inspection: ObjectId('5007676efb920a453b000000'), children: {}, featurepickle_b64: "Y2NvcHlfcmVnCl9yZWNvbnN0cnVjdG9yCnAxCihjU2ltcGxlU2Vlci5wbHVnaW5zLlJlZ2lvbi5yZWdpb24KQmxvYlJlZ2lvbgpwMgpjX19idWlsdGluX18Kb2JqZWN0CnAzCk50UnA0CihkcDUKUy...", _cls: "FrameFeature" } ], height: 480, imgfile: ObjectId('5007688dfb920a457e000024'), layerfile: null, metadata: {}, results: [ { _types: [ "ResultEmbed" ], string: "green", measurement_name: "Gumball Color", measurement_id: ObjectId('5007676efb920a453b000001'), inspection_name: "Region", inspection_id: ObjectId('5007676efb920a453b000000'), result_id: ObjectId('5007677ffb920a456c000000'), _cls: "ResultEmbed" }, { _types: [ "ResultEmbed" ], string: "0.064199", measurement_name: "Delivery Time", measurement_id: ObjectId('5007676efb920a453b000003'), inspection_name: "Region", inspection_id: ObjectId('5007676efb920a453b000000'), result_id: ObjectId('5007677ffb920a456c000002'), numeric: 0.06419900000000001, _cls: "ResultEmbed" }, { _types: [ "ResultEmbed" ], string: "green", measurement_name: "Delivery Color", measurement_id: ObjectId('5007676efb920a453b000002'), inspection_name: "Region", inspection_id: ObjectId('5007676efb920a453b000000'), result_id: ObjectId('5007677ffb920a456c000001'), _cls: "ResultEmbed" }, { _types: [ "ResultEmbed" ], string: "green", measurement_name: "Delivery Count", measurement_id: ObjectId('5007676efb920a453b000004'), inspection_name: "Region", inspection_id: ObjectId('5007676efb920a453b000000'), result_id: ObjectId('5007677ffb920a456c000003'), numeric: 1.0, _cls: "ResultEmbed" } ], thumbnail_file: ObjectId('5007688dfb920a457e000000'), width: 640 } - - [2012-07-19 11:15:33] "GET /getFrames/%7B%22skip%22:0,%22limit%22:20,%22query%22:%5B%5D,%22sortkey%22:%22capturetime%22,%22sortorder%22:1%7D HTTP/1.1" 500 412 0.461185
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