function geoFlow() { |
var data = { countries: { features: [] }, cities: { features: [] }, occasions: { features: [] } }; |
var options = { |
id: undefined, |
width: window.innerWidth, |
height: window.innerHeight, |
display: { |
stars: 0, |
cities: true, |
occasions: true, |
flows: false, |
transform: 1.6, |
sizeToFit: false, // parent element externally sized |
}, |
zoom: { |
northup: true, |
lngLmt: 80, |
time: 1500, |
}, |
user: { |
location: true, |
update: false, // updates on load; when true can interrupt transitions |
stroke: "blue", |
fillOpacity: 0.2, |
fill: "white" |
}, |
world: { |
surround: undefined, |
velocity: [.01, -0], |
}, |
map: { |
dragging: true, |
ortho: true |
}, |
cities: { |
"fill": "#1075fe", |
"fillOpacity": 0.5, |
"stroke": "#1075fe", |
"strokeOpacity": 0.2, |
}, |
graticule: { |
outline: { |
fill: '#def', |
stroke: '#000', |
width: '0px', |
}, |
fill: '#def', |
stroke: '#FFF', |
width: '0px' |
}, |
geodesic: { |
fill: 'none', |
stroke: '#FFF', |
width: '0px' |
}, |
oceans: { |
fill: '#def', |
}, |
land: { |
focus: undefined, |
fill: undefined, |
stroke: '#fff' |
}, |
tour: { |
delay: 1500, |
} |
}; |
// consider replacing with an externally definable function |
options.radius = Math.min(options.height * .45, options.width * .45); |
var events = { |
'ready': null, |
'settings': { 'click': null }, |
'update': { 'begin': null, 'end': null }, |
'land': { 'mouseover': null, 'mouseout': null, 'click': null }, |
'city': { 'mouseover': null, 'mouseout': null, 'click': null }, |
}; |
var country_names = {}; |
var country_bbox = {}; |
var spin_rotation; |
var spin_start; |
var projectionGlobe; |
var projectionGraticule; |
var projectionMap; |
var projection; |
var spacePath; |
var background; |
var geoPath; |
var world; |
var surface; |
var poi; |
var dateObj; |
var update; |
var user_position; |
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(pos){ |
user_position = pos; |
if (typeof update == 'function' && options.user.update) update(); |
}); |
function globe(selection) { |
selection.each(function () { |
var dom_parent = d3.select(this); |
var color = d3.scale.category20(); |
world = dom_parent.append("svg") |
background = world.append("g").attr('id', 'space'); |
surface = world.append("g").attr('id', 'surface'); |
poi = world.append("g").attr('id', 'poi'); |
var graticule = d3.geo.graticule(); |
var g_outline = surface.append("g") |
.attr("id", "g_outline") |
.append("path") |
.attr("class", "graticule outline path") |
.datum(graticule.outline) |
var oceans = surface.append("g") |
.attr('id', 'oceans') |
var ocean_defs = oceans.append('defs'); |
var ocean = ocean_defs.append("path") |
.datum({type: "Sphere"}) |
.attr("id", "sphere") |
.attr("class", "sphere ocean path") |
oceans.append("use") |
.attr("class", "sphere") |
.attr("xlink:href", "#sphere"); |
var grid = surface.append("g").attr('id', 'graticule'); |
var landfeatures = surface.append("g").attr('id', 'land'); |
var cityfeatures = poi.append("g").attr('id', 'cities'); |
var occasions = poi.append('g').attr('id', 'occasions'); |
var g_line = grid.append("path") |
.datum(graticule) |
.attr("class", "graticule line path"); |
var gd_line; |
if (d3.geodesic) { |
gd_line = grid.append("path") |
.datum(d3.geodesic.multilinestring(7)) |
.attr("class", "graticule path") |
} |
update = function(opts) { |
// resize to dimensions of containing element |
if (options.display.sizeToFit || (opts && opts.sizeToFit)) { |
var dims = dom_parent.node().getBoundingClientRect(); |
options.width = Math.max(dims.width, 200); |
options.height = Math.max(Math.min(dims.height, window.innerHeight), 200); |
} |
options.radius = Math.min(options.height * .45, options.width * .45); |
world |
.attr({ |
'width': options.width, |
'height': options.height, |
}) |
.style({ |
'background': options.world.surround, |
'pointer-events': 'all' |
}); |
// preserve any prior scale |
if (options.map.ortho) { |
var scale = projection ? projection.scale() : options.radius; |
var scale = opts && opts.sizeToFit ? options.radius : scale; |
} else { |
var scale = projection ? projection.scale() : options.radius / options.display.transform; |
var scale = opts && opts.sizeToFit ? options.radius / options.display.transform : scale; |
} |
var space = d3.geo.azimuthalEquidistant() |
.scale(450) |
.rotate([80,-90,0]) |
.center([0, 0]); |
spacePath = d3.geo.path() |
.projection(space) |
.pointRadius(2); |
projectionGlobe = d3.geo.orthographic() |
.scale(scale) |
.center([0, 0]) |
.translate([options.width / 2, options.height / 2]) |
.clipAngle(90); |
projectionMap = d3.geo.equirectangular() |
.scale(scale) |
.center([0, 0]) |
.translate([options.width / 2, options.height / 2]); |
// preserve any prior rotation |
var rotation = projection ? projection.rotate() : [0, 0, 0]; |
projection = options.map.ortho ? projectionGlobe : projectionMap; |
projection.rotate(rotation); |
geoPath = d3.geo.path().projection(projection); |
ocean |
.attr("d", geoPath) |
.style({ |
'fill': options.oceans.fill, |
'stroke': 'none', |
'stroke-width': '1px', |
}); |
g_line |
.attr("d", geoPath) |
.style({ |
'fill': options.graticule.fill, |
'stroke': options.graticule.stroke, |
'stroke-width': options.graticule.width, |
}); |
if (d3.geodesic) { |
gd_line |
.attr("d", geoPath) |
.style({ |
'fill': options.geodesic.fill, |
'stroke': options.geodesic.stroke, |
'stroke-width': options.geodesic.width, |
}); |
} |
if (rotation[0] == 0 && rotation[1] == 0 && rotation[2] == 0) { |
g_outline |
.attr("d", geoPath) |
.style({ |
'fill': options.graticule.outline.fill, |
'stroke': options.graticule.outline.stroke, |
'stroke-width': options.graticule.outline.width |
}); |
} |
var λ = d3.scale.linear() |
.domain([0, options.width]) |
.range([-180, 180]); |
var φ = d3.scale.linear() |
.domain([0, options.width]) |
.range([90, -90]); |
world |
.call(d3.behavior.drag() |
.origin(function() { var r = projection.rotate(); return {x: λ.invert(r[0]), y: φ.invert(r[1]) }; }) |
.on("drag", function() { |
if (options.map.dragging) { |
var lat = λ(d3.event.x); |
var lng = φ(d3.event.y); |
lng = lng > options.zoom.lngLmt ? options.zoom.lngLmt : lng < -options.zoom.lngLmt ? -options.zoom.lngLmt : lng; |
// insure that spinning globe is in sync with this transition |
spin_rotation = [lat, lng]; |
spin_start = Date.now(); |
projection.rotate([lat, lng]); |
space.rotate([-lat, -lng]); |
reDraw(); |
} |
})) |
addLand(); |
addCities(); |
addStars(); |
addOccasions(); |
addFlows(); |
addUserLocation(); |
reDraw(); |
// hack to (partially) work around path.bounds() inconsistencies |
data.countries.features.forEach(function(c) { |
country_bbox[c.properties.name] = geoPath.bounds(c); |
country_names[c.properties.name] = c; |
}); |
function addLand() { |
var land = landfeatures.selectAll("path.countries") |
.data(data.countries.features) |
land.enter() |
.append("path") |
.attr("class", "countries path") |
.on("mouseover", events.land.mouseover) |
.on("mouseout", events.land.mouseout) |
.on("mousemove", events.land.mousemove) |
.on("click", events.land.click); |
land.exit().remove(); |
land |
.attr({ "d": geoPath, }) |
.style({ |
'fill': landColor, // disables CSS functionality |
'stroke': options.land.stroke, |
}); |
function landColor(d, i) { |
if (data.neighbors) { |
return color(d.color = d3.max(data.neighbors[i], function(n) { return data.countries.features[n].color; }) + 1 | 0); |
} else { |
return options.land.fill; |
} |
} |
} |
function addCities() { |
if (!options.display.cities) { |
cityfeatures.selectAll("path.cities").remove(); |
return; |
} |
var population_array = data.cities.features.map(function(f) { return f.properties.population; }); |
var max_population = population_array.sort(d3.descending)[0]; |
if (max_population) { |
var rMin = 0; |
var peoplePerPixel = 20000000 / options.radius; // consider making this configurable |
var rMax = Math.sqrt(max_population / (peoplePerPixel * Math.PI)); |
var rScale = d3.scale.sqrt(); |
rScale.domain([0, max_population]); |
rScale.range([rMin, rMax]); |
data.cities.features.forEach(function(c) { |
c.properties.radius = rScale(c.properties.population); |
}); |
} |
var cities = cityfeatures.selectAll("path.cities") |
.data(data.cities.features) |
cities.enter() |
.append("path") |
.attr("class", "cities") |
cities.exit().remove(); |
cities |
.attr("d", pointPath) |
.style({ |
"fill": options.cities.fill, |
"fill-opacity": options.cities.fillOpacity, |
"stroke": options.cities.stroke, |
"stroke-opacity": options.cities.strokeOpacity, |
}) |
.on("click", function(d, i) { |
globe.zoom2(i, 'city'); |
d3.selectAll('.cities').classed('city-selected', false); |
d3.select(this).classed("city-selected", true); |
}); |
} |
function addOccasions() { |
if (!options.display.occasions || !data.occasions.features.length) { |
occasions.selectAll('g').remove(); |
return; |
} |
var og = occasions.selectAll('g') |
.data(data.occasions.features); |
og.enter().append('g') |
.attr({ |
'class': 'occasion', |
'id': function(d) { return d.id; }, |
}) |
og.exit().remove(); |
var pc = og.selectAll('.pulse-circle') |
.data(function(d) { return [d]; }, get_key); |
pc.enter() |
.append("path") |
.attr({ 'class': 'occ pulse-circle' }); |
pc.exit().remove(); |
pc |
.style({ "fill" : 'white' }) |
.attr("d", pointPath) |
var oc = og.selectAll('.oc-circle') |
.data(function(d) { return [d]; }, get_key); |
oc.enter() |
.append('path') |
.attr({ 'class': 'occ oc-circle' }); |
oc.exit().remove(); |
oc |
.attr("d", pointPath) |
.style({ |
"fill" : 'red', |
'opacity': 0.75, |
}) |
var oct = oc.selectAll('.oct') |
.data(function(d) { return [d]; }, get_key); |
oct.exit().remove(); |
oct.enter().append('title') |
.attr('class', 'oct') |
.text(function(d) { |
return 'Magnitue ' + d.properties.mag + ' ' + d.properties.place; |
}); |
} |
function addFlows() { |
if (!options.display.flows || !data.occasions.features.length) { |
cityfeatures.selectAll(".arcPath").remove(); |
return; |
} |
var points = data.occasions.features.map(m => m.geometry.coordinates) |
for (var n = 1, e = points.length, coords = []; ++n < e;) coords.push([points[n - 1], points[n]]); |
var arcs = cityfeatures.selectAll(".arcPath") |
.data(coords); |
arcs |
.enter() |
.append("path") |
arcs.exit().remove(); |
arcs |
.attr({ |
'class': 'arcPath path', |
'fill': 'none', |
'stroke': 'red', |
'stroke-width': '1px' |
}) |
.datum(function(d) { return { type: "LineString", coordinates: [d[0], d[1]] } }) |
.attr("d", geoPath); |
} |
function addUserLocation() { |
if (!options.user.location || !user_position) { |
cityfeatures.selectAll('.userloc').remove(); |
return; |
} |
var coords = [user_position.coords.longitude, user_position.coords.latitude]; |
var locations = cityfeatures.selectAll('.userloc') |
.data([coords]); |
locations.exit().remove(); |
locations.enter().append("circle"); |
locations |
.attr({ |
'class': 'userloc', |
cx: function(d) { return projection(d)[0] }, |
cy: function(d) { return projection(d)[1] }, |
r: options.radius / 20, // consider making this configurable |
}) |
.style({ |
"stroke": options.user.stroke, |
"fill-opacity": options.user.fillOpacity, |
"fill": options.user.fill |
}); |
} |
function addStars() { |
if (!options.display.stars) { |
background.selectAll('path').remove(); |
} |
var starList = createStars(300); |
background.selectAll("path") |
.data(starList) |
.enter() |
.append("path") |
.attr({ |
"class": "star", |
"fill": "white" |
}) |
.attr("d", function(d){ |
spacePath.pointRadius(d.properties.radius); |
return spacePath(d); |
}); |
} |
} |
}); |
} |
// -------------------------- FUNCTIONS ---------------------------- |
var get_key = function(d) { return d && d.key; }; |
function animateTransition(interProj) { |
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { |
world.transition() |
.duration(2500) |
.tween("projection", function() { |
return function(_) { |
interProj.alpha(_); |
reDraw(true); |
}; |
}) |
.call(endAll, resolve); |
}); |
} |
var pointPath = function(d, i, r) { |
if (d.properties && d.properties.radius != undefined) { |
r = r || d.properties.radius; |
} |
r = r || 1.5; |
var coords = [d.geometry.coordinates[0], d.geometry.coordinates[1]]; |
var pr = geoPath.pointRadius(globe.scale() / 100 * r); |
return pr({ type: "Point", coordinates: coords }) |
} |
var circlePath = function(d) { |
var circle = d3.geo.circle(); |
var coords = [d.geometry.coordinates[0], d.geometry.coordinates[1]]; |
var cc = circle.origin(coords).angle(.5)(); |
return geoPath(cc); |
} |
function reDraw() { |
background.selectAll("path").attr("d", spacePath); |
surface.selectAll("path").attr("d", geoPath); |
poi.selectAll(".path").attr("d", geoPath); |
poi.selectAll('.cities').attr('d', pointPath) |
poi.selectAll('.occ').attr('d', pointPath) |
poi.selectAll(".userloc") |
.attr({ |
cx: function(d) { return projection(d)[0] }, |
cy: function(d) { return projection(d)[1] }, |
}) |
} |
globe.changeFocus = changeFocus; |
function changeFocus(focusID) { |
surface.selectAll("path") |
.classed("focused", function(d, i) { |
return focusID && d && d.id && d.id == focusID ? options.land.focus = d.id : false; |
}); |
} |
function endAll(transition, callback) { |
if (!callback) callback = function(){}; |
var n = 0; |
transition |
.each(function() { ++n; }) |
.each("end", function() { if (!--n) callback.apply(this, arguments); }); |
} |
// scale_pct is % of parent element (visible space); won't go below 100; |
globe.scale = function(scale_pct) { |
if (!arguments.length) return +((projection.scale() / options.radius) * 100).toFixed(2); |
var scale = scale_pct / 100 * options.radius; |
return globe.coords(undefined, scale, true); |
} |
globe.coords = function(coords, scale) { |
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { |
var current = projection.rotate(); |
coords = coords || projection.rotate(); |
scale = scale || projection.scale(); |
scale = Math.max(options.map.ortho ? options.radius : options.radius / options.display.transform, scale); |
// if already at target coordinates, do nothing; resolve. |
if (current[0] == coords[0] && current[1] == coords[1] && current[2] == coords[2] && scale == projection.scale()) { |
resolve(); |
return; |
} |
// insure that spinning globe is in sync with this transition |
spin_rotation = coords; |
spin_start = Date.now(); |
world.transition() |
.duration(options.zoom.time) |
.tween("rotate", function() { |
var r = d3.interpolate(projection.rotate(), coords); |
var s = d3.interpolate(projection.scale(), scale); |
return function(t) { |
projection.rotate(r(t)).scale(s(t)); |
reDraw(); |
}; |
}) |
.call(endAll, resolve); |
}); |
}; |
globe.g2m = function() { |
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { |
if (!options.map.ortho) { |
globe.rotate2().then(resolve); |
return; |
} |
var current = projection.rotate(); |
if (current[0] == 0 && current[1] == 0 && current[2] == 0) { |
transform(); |
} else { |
globe.rotate2().then(transform); |
} |
function transform() { |
projection = interpolatedProjection(projectionGlobe, projectionMap, false); |
projection.scale(options.radius / options.display.transform); |
geoPath.projection(projection); |
animateTransition(projection) |
.then(resolve, reject); |
surface.selectAll("path").classed("ortho", options.map.ortho = false); |
} |
}); |
} |
globe.m2g = function() { |
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { |
if (options.map.ortho) { |
globe.rotate2().then(resolve); |
return; |
} |
var current = projection.rotate(); |
if (current[0] == 0 && current[1] == 0 && current[2] == 0) { |
transform(); |
} else { |
globe.rotate2().then(transform); |
} |
function transform() { |
projection = interpolatedProjection(projectionMap, projectionGlobe, true); |
projection.scale(options.radius); |
geoPath.projection(projection); |
animateTransition(projection) |
.then(resolve, reject); |
surface.selectAll("path").classed("ortho", options.map.ortho = true); |
} |
}) |
} |
globe.snap2 = function(coords, scale) { |
coords = coords || [0, 0, 0]; |
scale = scale || options.radius; |
projection.rotate(coords).scale(scale); |
reDraw(); |
} |
globe.rotate2 = function(coords) { |
coords = coords || [0, 0, 0]; |
return globe.coords(coords, options.map.ortho ? options.radius : options.radius / options.display.transform); |
} |
globe.reset = function() { |
globe.spin(false); |
globe.tour(false); |
changeFocus(undefined); |
globe.rotate2().then(function() { globe.update({sizeToFit: true}) }); |
} |
globe.pause = function(time) { |
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { |
setTimeout(function() { resolve(); }, time); |
}); |
} |
globe.bounce2 = function(what, which) { |
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { |
globe.rotate2().then(function() { globe.zoom2(what, which).then(resolve, reject); }, reject) |
}); |
} |
var tour_countries; |
// start can specify first country or false to terminate tour |
globe.tour = function(start, bounce) { |
start = start == undefined ? true : start; |
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { |
if (!start) { |
tour_countries = []; |
return resolve(); |
} |
tour_countries = Object.keys(country_names).sort(); |
if (typeof start == 'string') { |
var index = tour_countries.indexOf(start); |
if (index >= 0) { |
tour_countries = tour_countries.slice(index).concat(tour_countries.slice(0, index)).reverse(); |
} else { |
tour_countries.reverse(); |
} |
} |
nextCountry(); |
function nextCountry() { |
if (!tour_countries.length) { return resolve(); } |
country = tour_countries.pop(); |
if (!country) { |
nextCountry(); |
} else { |
console.log(country); |
if (bounce) { |
globe.bounce2(country) |
.then(delayNext, reject); |
} else { |
globe.zoom2(country, undefined, false) |
.then(delayNext, reject); |
} |
} |
} |
function delayNext(result) { |
setTimeout(function() { nextCountry(); }, options.tour.delay); |
} |
}); |
} |
globe.zoom2 = function(what, which, zoom) { |
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { |
which = which || 'country'; |
zoom = zoom == undefined ? true : zoom; |
var coords = [0, 0, 0]; |
var scale = options.radius; |
if (!isNaN(what) && what < data.countries.features.length && which == 'country') { |
coords = d3.geo.centroid(data.countries.features[what]).map(function(m) { return -1 * m; }); |
changeFocus(undefined); |
} else if (!isNaN(what) && what < data.cities.features.length && which == 'city') { |
coords = d3.geo.centroid(data.cities.features[what]).map(function(m) { return -1 * m; }); |
changeFocus(undefined); |
} else if (Object.keys(country_names).indexOf(what) >= 0) { |
coords = d3.geo.centroid(country_names[what]).map(function(m) { return -1 * m; }); |
var b1 = geoPath.bounds(country_names[what]); |
var b = country_bbox[what]; |
if (b[0][0] == Infinity) b = b1; |
var bbox = Math.max((b[1][0] - b[0][0]) / options.width, (b[1][1] - b[0][1]) / options.width); |
scale = zoom ? options.radius * .3 / bbox : options.radius; |
scale = Math.max(scale, options.radius); |
changeFocus(country_names[what].id); |
} else { |
changeFocus(undefined); |
} |
if (options.zoom.northup && coords.length == 2) coords.push(0); |
globe.coords(coords, scale) |
.then(resolve, reject); |
}); |
} |
function interpolatedProjection(a, b, ortho) { |
var projection = d3.geo.projection(raw).scale(1), |
center = projection.center, |
translate = projection.translate, |
clip = projection.clipAngle, |
α; |
function raw(λ, φ) { |
var pa = a([λ *= 180 / Math.PI, φ *= 180 / Math.PI]), pb = b([λ, φ]); |
return [(1 - α) * pa[0] + α * pb[0], (α - 1) * pa[1] - α * pb[1]]; |
} |
projection.alpha = function(_) { |
if (!arguments.length) return α; |
α = +_; |
var ca = a.center(), cb = b.center(), |
ta = a.translate(), tb = b.translate(); |
center([(1 - α) * ca[0] + α * cb[0], (1 - α) * ca[1] + α * cb[1]]); |
translate([(1 - α) * ta[0] + α * tb[0], (1 - α) * ta[1] + α * tb[1]]); |
if (ortho === true) {clip(180 - α * 90);} |
return projection; |
}; |
projection.alpha(0).scale = b.scale; |
delete projection.translate; |
delete projection.center; |
return projection.alpha(0); |
} |
globe.update = function(opts) { |
if (events.update.begin) events.update.begin(); |
if (typeof update === 'function') update(opts); |
if (events.update.end) events.update.end(); |
} |
// allows updating individual options and suboptions |
// while preserving state of other options |
globe.options = function(values) { |
if (!arguments.length) return options; |
keyWalk(values, options); |
return globe; |
} |
function keyWalk(valuesObject, optionsObject) { |
if (!valuesObject || !optionsObject) return; |
var vKeys = Object.keys(valuesObject); |
var oKeys = Object.keys(optionsObject); |
for (var k=0; k < vKeys.length; k++) { |
if (oKeys.indexOf(vKeys[k]) >= 0) { |
var oo = optionsObject[vKeys[k]]; |
var vo = valuesObject[vKeys[k]]; |
if (typeof oo == 'object' && typeof vo !== 'function' && oo.constructor !== Array) { |
keyWalk(valuesObject[vKeys[k]], optionsObject[vKeys[k]]); |
} else { |
optionsObject[vKeys[k]] = valuesObject[vKeys[k]]; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
globe.events = function(functions) { |
if (!arguments.length) return events; |
keyWalk(functions, events); |
return globe; |
} |
globe.width = function(value) { |
if (!arguments.length) return options.width; |
options.width = value; |
return globe; |
}; |
globe.height = function(value) { |
if (!arguments.length) return options.height; |
options.height = value; |
return globe; |
}; |
globe.neighbors = function(neighbors) { |
if (!arguments.length) return data.neighbors; |
if (!neighbors || typeof neighbors != 'object' || !neighbors.length) return globe; |
data.neighbors = neighbors; |
return globe; |
} |
function geometryTypes(features) { |
types = []; |
for (element in features) { |
var type = features[element].geometry.type; |
if (types.indexOf(type) < 0) types.push(type); |
} |
return types; |
} |
globe.data = function(new_data) { |
if (!arguments.length) return data; |
if (!new_data || typeof new_data != 'object') return globe; |
if (new_data.type == 'Topology') { |
var countries = topojson.feature(new_data, new_data.objects.countries); |
globe.neighbors(topojson.neighbors(new_data.objects.countries.geometries)); |
if (!countries.features) return globe; |
data.countries = countries; |
} else if (new_data.type == 'FeatureCollection') { |
var elements = new_data |
if (!elements.features) return globe; |
var feature_types = geometryTypes(elements.features); |
if (feature_types.indexOf('Polygon') >= 0 || feature_types.indexOf('MultiPolygon') >=0) { |
data.countries = elements; |
} else if (feature_types.length == 1 && feature_types.indexOf('Point') >= 0) { |
data.cities = elements; |
} |
} |
return globe; |
} |
globe.occasions = function(new_occasions) { |
if (!arguments.length) return data.occasions; |
data.occasions = new_occasions; |
return globe; |
} |
globe.duration = function(time) { |
if (!arguments.length) return options.zoom.time; |
options.zoom.time = time; |
return globe; |
} |
// both graticule fill, outline fill, and a sphere are used in an attempt to |
// maintain consistent background color during transitions... |
globe.oceans = function(color) { |
if (!arguments.length) return options.oceans.fill; |
options.oceans.fill = color; |
options.graticule.fill = color; |
options.graticule.outline.fill = color; |
return globe; |
} |
// set color to 'undefined' to re-enable CSS functionality |
globe.land = function(color) { |
if (!arguments.length) return options.land.fill; |
options.land.fill = color; |
return globe; |
} |
globe.boundaries = function(color) { |
if (!arguments.length) return options.land.stroke; |
options.land.stroke = color; |
return globe; |
} |
globe.cities = function(color) { |
if (!arguments.length) return options.cities.fill; |
options.cities.fill = color; |
options.cities.stroke = color; |
return globe; |
} |
globe.surround = function(color) { |
if (!arguments.length) return options.world.surround; |
options.world.surround = color; |
return globe; |
} |
// ---------------------- END FUNCTIONS ---------------------- |
globe.initialize = function(error, world, cities) { |
if (error) { return error; } |
globe.data(world); |
globe.data(cities); |
update(); |
if (typeof events.ready == 'function') events.ready(); |
} |
var spin_timer; |
globe.spin = function(spin){ |
spin = spin == undefined ? true : spin; |
spin_rotation = projection.rotate(); |
spin_start = Date.now(); |
if (spin) { |
spin_timer = d3.timer(function() { |
var dt = Date.now() - spin_start; |
projection.rotate([spin_rotation[0] + options.world.velocity[0] * dt, spin_rotation[1] + options.world.velocity[1] * dt]); |
reDraw(); |
}); |
} else if (spin_timer) { |
spin_timer.stop(); |
spin_timer = undefined; |
} |
} |
globe.pulse = function() { |
poi.selectAll('.pulse-circle') |
.attr({ "d": function(d) { return pointPath(d, 0, 0); }, }) |
.style({ "fill-opacity": 1 }) |
.transition() |
.delay(function(d, i) { |
return i * 200; |
}) |
.duration(3000) |
.style({ "fill-opacity" : 0 }) |
.attrTween("d", function(d) { |
rinterp = d3.interpolate(0, 10); |
var fn = function(t) { |
d.r = rinterp(t); |
return pointPath(d, 0, d.r) || 'M0,0'; |
}; |
return fn; |
}); |
} |
globe.flow = function() { |
d3.selectAll('.arcPath') |
.transition() |
.ease('linear') |
.duration(750) |
.attrTween("stroke-dashoffset", function() { |
return d3.interpolate(16, 0); |
}) |
.each("end", globe.flow); |
} |
function createStars(number){ |
var data = []; |
for(var i = 0; i < number; i++){ |
data.push({ |
geometry: { |
type: 'Point', |
coordinates: randomLonLat() |
}, |
type: 'Feature', |
properties: { |
radius: Math.random() * 1.5 |
} |
}); |
} |
return data; |
} |
function randomLonLat(){ |
return [Math.random() * 360 - 180, Math.random() * 180 - 90]; |
} |
return globe; |
} |